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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Most retirees, their life expectancy is more based on their lifestyle of 65ish years in the home country before they retired. For others, like myself, actually being in Thailand 1/3 of my life, almost half of my adult life, then Thailand is going to effect my life expectancy, maybe. And in a good way, so far, as I do seem to eat, drink and exercise more healthy here, though that is more down to age, maturity, and more time for home / healthier cooking, less (20 yrs) processed foods. If all in USA, when born in 1954, life exp. was 66.5 for white male If make to 65, then good chance to live 12.8 more yrs, so with luck 78. No chart if making it to 75 ... seems all bets are off. If reading this CDC chart correctly: https://www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/hus/2010/022.pdf hmm ... 66.5, guess they didn't expect me to collect much of my pension or SS. Which actually agrees with my work / IAM union #s, as they issue on average 18 monthly checks past 65 yr old, and only 11 checks in my job classification. Scary stuff. Glad I took everything early. As I should be dead already, or, if lucky, squeeze out another decade.
  2. 3 people 'masked' ... what do you expect the police to do, besides checking out any available CCTV ? And 'ways to make them' ... ????
  3. Since people can't be trusted to follow current restriction rules, then they'll surely abuse any relaxation of the present rules. In the news constantly of violating alcohol & closing times now. Som naa na When wanting, I drink alcohol with my meals, self serve (BYO) in restaurants, I bring my Yeti, with my 'ice cold' bevy, whether my favorite beer (they wouldn't stock anyway) or my Mochita. Better & cheaper ... win win for me. AND ... don't have to put up with any drunken gatherings at the nearby tables. May the restrictions last forever.
  4. An op-ed, nothing but click bait for their adverts. US news ... healthcare highlighted where in the USA, the insurance premium per month is more than I pay to stay health with a full check up every year or so. The co-payment for meds in the USA is more then the meds cost here in Thailand. Other aspect, healthy food, lifestyle, that's everywhere, except you actually have to eat it, and or get off the couch and go out & enjoy your life.
  5. Not really, as many times above healthy; AQI 50-75-100 during smog season.
  6. Thoughts on my e-bike (DIY), would I do it again from scratch ... probably not. But I had the bicycle, Schwinn Streamliner ... 11k something, if memory serves 1000w motor ... 7250 48v30Ah battery ... 2890 Knocking on 22k total, with no extras. Had to swap out power leads for compatibility. Actually quite easy to convert, but comfort, speed, distance, if using everyday, then would simply get the entry level DECO scooter (motorcycle) at 37k baht. Well worth the extra 15k baht. https://decogreenenergy.com/index.php/th/product-deco/electric-motorcycles/sally Moving inland a few kms, knew I wouldn't be riding to the surf much more, if at all on the bicycle, beside, have another bike if wanting. Plus wanted to, just for the hell of it, as enjoy tinkering with such things. More than a few pre-built e-bikes on the market in the 20k baht range, if not wanting to spend a bit more, and just using locally to market / 7-11 and back.
  7. Thread title ... 1/2 & 1/3 seems about right. Didn't bother reading article as surveys are useless IMHO.
  8. Depends where the 'market' is, and if old town Bkk, price wouldn't vary much, I wouldn't think, or expect it to. Also depends on the building location, riverside or chinatown ish. In a touristy area, expat area, then it migh make difference. Though I personally wouldn't pay extra for either. As stated, it's a buyer's market.
  9. Use to be a regular back in the homeland. Won't allow me over here @ 60+ yrs old. Mind boggling.
  10. OK, if say so. I was told 50k @ 2x25s, and more than enough for me a day. We are talking about ATM, and will only spit out 25 at a time. I'm not waiting to do 20 ATM transactions. That would really be rude also.
  11. My e-bike done. 1000w / 48v30Ah, on a Schwinn Streamliner. Others stated getting 50+ kph, with same kit, but without a real shock suspension, 40 kph is just fine, and more than fast enough.
  12. I grew up very UN-mainline Philly. Way on the other side of the tracks, even far side of Sharon Hill, as Penn Central / Amtrak divided that part of town. And we even had blacks ... shh ... as neighbors, actually 2 out my 3 neighbors, and best folks around. Could even use the N word back then when playing us against them in football. Until we realized, let's choose out sides, you're kicking our A$$ every game ... ???? Wouldn't change anything. My neighbor, another, and myself (honky), shunned, as they were the only 2 blacks at our HS, and I the only one that hung with them. Town border was behind my house, so all others went to a different school. Didn't get Hi-So till I moved to GermanTown, (Memphis) TN. Randy Newman...listening to him way before 'Short people' became a hit, and others had hits with his material. A few more name drops; Phil Oches, and early Rory Gallagher (open for 10cc) at Tower Theater. Faces (Rod & Beck) at the Spectrum, when you could see 4 good bands at 1 show for $5 bucks. Start at 8pm, and end after midnight. Now lucky if you see 1 band do a 2 hr set for $100. Good Times
  13. Not sure about the rest, but Thanachart was 20k a day, I think. And BkkBank is 50k a day, (2X25), which I do, back to back, every month when SS is deposited. I know some machines spit out 30k at a time, or so I read. My bank book reads like morris code, in-out-out, in-out-out-out, in-out-out ... ????
  14. Depends to who and why they are buying. Along with what rent is presently being charged, and if way too low, then that tenant may no be wanted. As a past RE investor, tenant or not wouldn't affect my decision, or price to be paid. If out of state/province/country investor, with long lease tenant, then yes, would help if selling.
  15. Have to add David Bromberg (can get a bit depressing) to the mix, seen at small venues & Academy of Music. Wasn't a sports fan, and concerts were my thing. TLA another good venue, and saw Dave Mason, Crosby & Nash there. Brandywine Club, another, and saw Alvin Lee there ... been blessed with so many amazing shows. NYC ... ain't got sh!t on Philly when it comes to small music venues. And millions less trying to get tickets for ... ???? Feel sorry for the kids today, some of the c r a p they get exposed to as talent, and some of the biggest acts, nothing but a pretty face and decent voice. Don't write or play an instrument. SAD.
  16. No ... at 45, risk of dying from is < 0.0655%. Half of those are in higher age brackets, no worries. That % from 'worldmeter' deaths vs world population of 7.9 billion. We're liking our odds.
  17. The latter, and told the wife to tell nobody, and bury my butt in the yard ... those SS deposits will keep coming forever. The ultimate visa overstayer ... ????
  18. After 15 yrs, you'd think he would have had a map ready, as required for at least the last 5+ yrs. 20 yrs here, and I even put my paperwork in the order I notice they want (rearranged previously). Pay attention to the details. Only thing they have to do is pick which photos to glue to the paper. All papers are already signed. No passing back & forth. Sign the photo pages & done. He/she gets the 'stack', pages through, no re-shuffle ... smiles all around.
  19. Whoa ... Might have been at the same show, that's scary. Saw Buddy Guy & Grover there also. Tower theater was good for shows also, saw Bowie, Meat Loaf, Jeff Beck there. For others, the hall only seats couple thousand people. Another great venue was Valley Forge, w/revolving stage. Do miss concerts, though they started getting silly priced. That and some way off Broadway plays. Opera ... no thanks.
  20. Delaware County, lived in more than a few spots; Sharon Hill, Collingdale, Prospect Park, Aston, Concordville and even Chester, though more investor there (Sec8), slum lord, rehabbing properties I owned till rented, there and SW Philly. Saw Billy Joel one year after HS, so 1974 at Academy of Music / Philly, 2nd row seats. Rather nice.
  21. NYC ... hell no, visited a couple times, no thanks. Sure there's some lovely neighborhoods, but a bit too much for me. Ex-Philly lad myself, and that was perfect size city. Strangely, I really enjoy Krung Thep / Bangkok, the Island & riverside especially. Now that I know it well, as hating it the first couple visits.
  22. "Immigration Officer asked me to draw a map from the Immigration Office to my home. Just to make sure they were certain that I knew exactly where I lived I named every village and suburb between the Office and my home and showed every 7/11, market and Supermarket on the map." Anyone sensing a wee bit of negative attitude, and if any of that conveyed in body language at the Imm office, then maybe a bit of ... som naa na. Anyone can have an off day, but try to avoid sharing that with gov't officials you want something from. For many, customer service isn't their forte', and they have to deal with unhappy people all day, no need to be the next one.
  23. Few thoughts myself, wife fine ???? and nothing loss that can't be replaced. Hard lesson learned, do your banking during banking hours and never use outside or unattached ATMs, if not for safety, then to avoid skimmers. Why didn't husband accompany wife to ATM, as I would never let wife go alone after hours, and be very vigilant of my surrounding if so doing. 3 folks laying in way, a bit suspect and should be noticeable ... does sound a bit off, and leans toward the comment about 'buffalo scam' run dry and a new strategy. Hope not for OP's sake.
  24. "how long before they realise how much we contribute to the Thai Economy" All the expats could leave tomorrow, and they wouldn't notice or care. I'm always amazed at how important expats think they are to the economy of Thailand. The simple fact that it isn't easier (though easy enough) to live here shows, our lack of importance, or desire to have us.
  25. No, and doubtful in the immediate or distant future considering the situation in Myanmar. May open for incoming immigrant workers, but that's about it.
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