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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Been retired for 23 yrs ... my smile is doing great You can't take 'em with you ...
  2. In case you didn't notice, the RevoE is 'eletric'
  3. Can this govt do anything right ? Developed country First world World leading ... I think not. Corrupt, abusing & inhumane, the more accurate descriptions. So happy I haven't supported it with tax dollars for over 20 yrs.
  4. Small town itis ... with the added hassle of leaving, if involving a ferry. Folks on Phuket can simply drive off, though large enough and has everything. At least Samui has an airport for quick escape. Why I like living surfside-ish on the mainland. Alll the advantages of 'island life', but not that one disadvantage. Simply can't get up a go whenever you want. Escaping revolves around Q'ing up for the ferry. Hopefully making the fist one, and hope it's not cancelled for rough seas.
  5. Don't have a routine after that noon-ish meal, return from my walk. Could be anything, shop, baking, cooking, prepping dinner. Or a drive, short or long, for coffee & sweets or dinner. Maybe just to snap photos. Usually some torrent downloading going on. After nightfall, usually in house, snacking & torrents. Don't go out much, if at all, after nightfall. Always seem to be thinking about and researching next O&A.
  6. Stop reading after pointed out, a gay guy killed a gay guy. Maybe 1 or both were bi, though irrelevant. Not sure how you want to call that a hate crime. R I P ... way too young. More a heads up for parents and teens, anyone really. Meeting folks from online in private places have their own set of risks. A bit more common sense needs to be exercised, though can't say at 14, that I would have exercised any more. 29 yr old chickie, wanted to meet me when I was 14 ... yea, probably would have been thinking with the wrong head .... where at Sadly NJ doesn't executed anyone.
  7. Agree, as more likely than not, you won't be around till they're 18 or 20. I 'adopted', sort of, at 46 yrs old, she's 25 now.
  8. Myself, not much would change. When I worked, I only worked 2 days a week, and stayed busy, or swapped my work schedule for 1 or 2 weeks straight, and took 1 or 2 weeks off and traveled out of the local area, if not just a quick visit back to birth/hometown (PA), from where I lived (MI, TN, WV, FL). Advantage being worked for an airlines, so difference would be self driving, instead of flying to destinations. I'd also be away from the home, more than in the home, if still in USA, as too large for longer trips. Here, 2 weeks, and can buzz around 1 whole section of TH (N, S, NE, E or Central). Return & chill for 2 to 4 weeks at home, that out again. USA, that wouldn't get you far, after the 1st year of exploring, driving. Following years, you'd be on the road quite a bit to get to anywhere & back home. Would be almost better & easier, just to stay nomadic. If not for the house & greenhouse/garden here, I'd be nomadic here. But the country is so small, 2 days and we're back home, if in a hurry.
  9. No Bolt No Grab
  10. Doesn't have 18650s, and uses 21700s Size not a problem, since DIY, and no need to fit in a case
  11. Same for me actually, as my daily, also unnecessary driving, is only about 5k kms a year, since necessities (Makro) are only 5 minutes away. Daily is actually unnecessary, (to the park and or surf) as could actually do the necessary shopping once every week or 2. But we like exploring, locally and points beyond, so put on about 22.5k kms a year.
  12. Sheeple here, and I admit, I do drive to 7-11 quite a bit ... but this is where they have been located this year alone ...
  13. Relative to where ??? Here's a comparison, if driving (BEV) locally 20k kms a year... ... PTT 91 - ฿54K a year ... Solar - we have, so 'free' ... if using PEA at home, ฿12k a year Comparing MG ZS ICEV vs EV, and I owned / own both.
  14. You certainly don't drive much. Petrol cost us about ฿3-4k a month. ฿1000 a month, in our last ICEV would get us 400 kms, maybe. The amount driving you do, I would think so.
  15. As BM2 states, good one starts around 6k. Spot on, I bought a crap one, good spec in the advert, but it died. Bought a real one, specs 66% of the crap one, but 2X the size & weight ... nuff said. 48v/30Ah ... 2900 baht, see now it's advertised or 1800 48v/20Ah ... 5700 baht 👍 March 2022, and gong strong
  16. About the same ... ... 2 scrambled eggs for first meal, w/natto & kefir ... then dog takes for my morning exercise ... gets my vit D also First meal is near noon, (after intermittent fast from 2100 hrs) so already had my morning coffee while having a chuckle with world news & AN.,
  17. I get major sticker when seeing & reading the cost of things back in the ol' USA. I arrived here/TH, in 2000/2001. A visit back to USA in 2003 wasn't too bad. 2006 visit was eye opening. Now, it's just silly pricing across the board. 20 ish years, you'd expect 50-75-100% increase, due to inflation But 100% increase, seems to be bargain price The work hours (true cost) needed to buy necessities, is simply out of whack. This meme is funny, but sadly true for USA ...
  18. I think he meant quality EVs, and value for money. Nissan hasn't done that yet with BEVs, and now are falling way behind the competition. Leaf is a fine example how not to make & sell BEVs. 2024 Ariya doesn't look to be any better.
  19. That would definitely be my choice, if ready to upgrade my pick up. It should be just around the corner. Late 2025 I think, if not sooner, and 1 or 2 may be on offer.
  20. Yea ... I'm a bit suspect myself. I was thinking, more cowering to the propaganda and powers to be. 2 party system (actually just one), doesn't work. Seems every cycle, you just think you're voting for a different party, always the lesser of 2 evils, as tired of getting screwed by the present party. Till you realize, they suck also, let's go back to the other idiots. After a while, reality should sink in, you're screwed no matter what. By then, hopefully, you planned well, and can retire elsewhere ...
  21. A few is more like 10 years, and at that point, I would have gotten my money's worth out of our EV. No different than JP badged car. But get to drive a more comfy and better performing car during that time, at a fraction of the operating & maintenance cost. So much more enjoyable, that I actually use more and get O&A more. That alone is priceless. And if battery can be adapted to the solar system, then that's worth it alone. At 50% capacity, that's a ฿200k baht value itself. I do expect our BEV to last much longer than 10 years. I was glad to get rid of all our JP badged cars at the 7 yr / 125-150k kms mark. Except for the less expensive buy in, since not truly knowing I was going to stay in TH, that is the only advantage of those POSs. The extra ฿200k for the E version of our ICE version of the ZS was well worth it. And <฿200k more than the the top end JP badged crap made here, isn't even a thought. Money well spent.
  22. Moral of the stats ... stay off motorcycles, or know how to drive defensively. Oh yea, where a proper helmet & slow the hell down. ... not rocket science And stay out of the way of MalcolmB on his journey be home.
  23. Yes & no... ... Yes, I accept it is a 3rd world country, and all that comes with that. ...No, accessibility & affordability for regular check up to identify and manage things before they get out of hand is as important as the availability of high tech solution when needed, for better results. A Yank, so high insurance, high deductibles, and silly high cost of meds & services keep most from knowing and managing their small issues, they might not even know about. In that aspect, I consider TH much better than what's available in the USA. And from some reading, postings, what's available in the other 'universal healthcare' countries, not any better. As it seems unless life threatening, theirs a long Q for services, and then it becomes life threatening due to the delay. USA ... can't afford proper check ups ... not a pulse / BP / say 'ahh' check up. Others ... wait to long for proper check ups TH ... walk in and get anything I request immediately. Full yearly check ups, for less than cost of insurance premiums & deductibles (USA). Just the Medicare Plan B for meds, which doesn't cover much w/deductibles, is ฿75k a year, just for the premiums. I can't get that sick here, and have full yearly check ups for much less. I've been here 23+ years, in today's $$$, that's ฿1.7M. I've had procedures, surgery done here, that would have bankrupted me if back in the USA, or had to wait for the gov't programs to authorize & Q up for, which can be life threatening in itself, as my mother found out. OK, not me now, as niece has privileges at 3 hospitals at Philly, USA, so have an in, if needing life saving treatment, if it can wait a few days Living semi rural, I accept the fact, that if an emergency, and care required within the hour or I die ... then I'm dead. Not much difference no matter where I live, as I won't be near a metro area anyway. Does require you to 'know your body' and due diligence on research, and trust yourself. Eat healthy, and avoid unhealthy lifestyle & vices.
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