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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. I get big province fever, so an island wouldn't work with. Get restless too fast. Only one I've been to that could possibly work, would be Phuket. Unfortunately, it has too much of everything I'd need/want ... tourists & congestion. Only been to 1 small island, Ko Phayam, and a week is more than enough. Larger islands, Samui & Chang, and I wouldn't go back to either, for a short visit, even if free I prefer the mainland, has everything, and a lot more beaches than any island. You only know you're on an island, if on the peak of, with a 360° view.
  2. That's what I have, the 450ml, and added plus of no aluminum, metallic taste.
  3. I broke 2 of those, and finally went with a stainless steel one. Moka Pots are a bargain, for coffee making.
  4. Yes, I don't think people realize 10 ever 20 years ago, when cars were going digital electronic, or have GPS, that was already available in memory data. When, where, how fast, already stored, just rarely accessed or needed, unless high profile criminal case. Or an auto maker, trying to get out of an injury/death liability claim
  5. Thai divorce DIY USA (PA) divorce Value for money, most used (years old) ... ... POCO X3 NFC smartphone ... 4 yrs old, still haven't even needed a new battery, and gets the most use of any electronics I have. ... PM2.5 meter ... Xiaomi T D S pen, let's me know when to drive free water at restaurants (had to space 'T D S' ... guess that's considered hate speech to the left ) ... Xiaomi air purifiers, have yet to replace the filters (clean air ... priceless) ... Hard to beat our coffee bean grinder, French press & water kettle for inexpensive cup of decent coffee every morning. As good or better than most shops. At home or O&A ... set of cast iron cookware, non stick & you can't kill 'em ... kefir grains ... just add milk, free kefir milk & yogurt for life ... Our mattress, about 18 yeas old, thought silly priced when purchased, but priceless when you wake up refreshed from a good night's sleep. Does FREE count as cheap ... ... wife ... dog ... kid, though high maintenance for 20+ years Relative (haters will debate) but the MG ZS BEV & Solar System, not cheap, but will pay for themselves eventually, so free in the long game ... hopefully. Solar definitely, and hopefully the BEV battery will be added to it, when necessary, even more longevity. Smile factor is priceless, every time we pass a petrol station, or pay our <฿100 PEA bill
  6. I think most new cars, already have it. Insurance companies will love it, as they can deny your claim now, stating you were operating your vehicle recklessly. Actually, as it should be, and one can only hope. If people actually did the speed limit, I'm pretty sure the accidents would drop 80-90% or more ... IMHO Too fast for conditions is surely the #1 reason for most accidents. IMHO Whether or not that 'black box' can transmit that info, while you are driving would be pretty cool, maybe, and a speeding citation could end up in the mail, or even be deducted from your bank account, before you even returned home, in the future. Which won't be too far off. Let that one sink in ... as they do away with cash. You'll be thankful to live in a 3rd world country/TH, if not already. As I see that as a reality, in 1st world countries, before I crap out. Digital money will be the end of your 'freedoms'. Not enough bandwidth to debate that one.
  7. When a local asks me where I'm from, I usually say 'Prachuap'
  8. Be careful ... it's addicting, me... ... started with drones ... then DIY drones ... more toys; RC cars & boats ... then ebike ... check ... on to E-MC ... then solar system ... check ... finally EV (car) ... constantly tempted to buy more, so far the addiction is under control, but it's one day at a time 2 down for you ... what next
  9. Hard to justify buying the Wuling, when for a wee bit more, you can have the Neta V.
  10. Over to @Bandersnatch for that one, as I can't be bothered, and want nothing to do with PEA/grid. Though I should pay attention, as may actually need someday, if have an oops, and don't want to use the grid. I know he doesn't feed the grid, but does use BEV as a back up to his solar system, Thread explaining that here Any BEV that already has the V2L capability can feed the house. Leaf is nothing special, I don't think.
  11. Guess I should have asked a different way myself ... ... not how many ways ... but ... "how many threads" asking the same thing
  12. How many different ways can the same question be asked; ... why are you here ? ... what are the pros & cons of TH ? ... etc ... etc ... etc
  13. Those prices aren't on the MG TH website, and no current promotions showing. A bargain ... IF you can find it
  14. RE & salary/income (averages) will always be way off the mark. As they state and why they have with & without rent/housing estimates. The other indices, groceries & dining out are fairly accurate, IMO
  15. MG ZS EV back on sale this month ... 12.65% off old MSRP Or possibly the new MSRP Ours still insured for 860k baht, if totaled or stolen, so we'd get a new car 👍
  16. Our MG ZS has gone on sale a few times, since purchasing, but less than 10%. Our insured value is still a tad more than the sale price, the few times it has gone on sale. Be interesting if and when the upgraded model comes out, on a different battery platform. Though TBO, I like the idea of ours, repairable, if ever needed, by module. I have a lot more faith in LFP batteries in MGs, than the EV haters, and really don't expect any issues. If none within the first 10+ years, we'll be quite happy. Knocking on 20 yrs would be even better. A 10 yr old ICEV isn't worth anything to me, and I wouldn't want one. Add the petrol savings of 40-55k baht a year, from our ZS, and their certainly isn't anything to regret if it crapped out 10ish years later. Especially if the battery is still usable for the solar system. Our Mazda 2 didn't even last 200k kms, and daughter was happy to get 70k for the POS. Hope our past Vios s faired better. Would think our MG ZS ICE version would be worth much after 10 years, no matter the condition it's in. Maybe 20+ yrs, as a classic collector's item. Please ... don't need anyone telling me their 'xxx' is still excellent after 20 yrs & 1M kms. Save it, as it's a forum of BS artist. I've had plenty of cars, and none making it much further than 200 kms, if that. Had cars 15-20, even one 25 yrs old, 1950 Buick in 1975.
  17. Good Luck ... as took me forever to find one. Small vendors, helmet & bicycle shops had better choices. Chain stores didn't have anything.
  18. Only think I'd do different, is keep the properties I had, as they'd be generating a lot more income, they did 25 yrs ago. Along with 2-5X the equity, putting me back near or at USD millionaire status Thrifty Cheap Charlie that I am sometimes, really don't know what I'd do with the extra money. More toys I don't need. Upgrade to stay in hotels with more amenities I still wouldn't use. Probably buy a silly priced E-RV, so I wouldn't even need to stay in hotels. That would be pretty cool. In which case, I wouldn't even need a house. Hmm ... sell the house, and but an E-RV ... ... Honey ... we have to talk ... First one only cost ... ฿7,25M I think... though sounds too low ... before shipping, registration & taxes.
  19. Not really, the less expensive ones. Can't speak for the higher ends iPhone & Pixel. My POCO X3 NFC, has 64mp 'pro' lens ... but ... since I can't zoom in on the screen, it really hard to hit the focus of any particular subject, and it's just a guess when I tap the screen. More miss than hit. So the selling point is a bit moot. Great if not trying to focus on a small critter or something, as you can still crop in for lots of detail. POCO uses Sony Exmor IMX682 camera sensor. One of my drones uses Sony IMX179 image sensor, kind of amazing for a cheap drone. Here's one I did hit, using the phone, original & cropped in ... perched up in tree & on ground, so not impossible, but not the best either. Here's a snap using the Sony long lens, of tree & owlet, even further away ... ... all from the veranda
  20. Nice ... Hindsight, should have got two 5kWh instead of the 8kWh inverter. As still not really enough just for the house. As we only run the AC in the bedroom at night, where we are anyway. Dinner done & over with by nightfall. But if we entertained, we'd have to take the ESSs down below 60%, which I don't like doing So even a 3rd 5kwh inverter & panels would be better, along with another 10kwh of ESS. 15kWh of inverters & 30kWh of ESS would be just enough to be properly 'off grid' 24/7. Provide that extra juice at night time, for those that entertain, or need the rest of the house for what ever. If having kids and another AC going all night, then it would be required. Hard for many expats that retired at 65 or older, to justify the cost, especially if not married to a 20 year old younger wife, who will appreciate the savings long after I'm gone.
  21. OK, you have plenty of experience. More than myself before I bought interchangeable lens camera. Always had a point & shoot, or camcorder. I use to work processing negative/film stock, before digitals became a thing. From what I read, they made great headway since the DSLRs, with the mirrorless, and when I bought in, Dec 2018, an older model Sony @6000. The @6000 was a game changer, and Sony excelled in the tracking software. As I stated, the rest have caught up in technology, since that release back in 2014/15. Impressive what they can do now. So upgraded to @6400 when it came out, with better lenses. F4 for knock around, and 200-600mm for wildlife. As stated, now the smartphone have advanced to the level of digital cameras, unless specific use. Though new iPhone & Pixel are damn close, though guessing most just use as point and shoot. They really are self adjusting / automatic to most conditions, especially low light, night time shooting. Require little to no editing. If not for wildlife, or few other special uses, a dedicated camera really isn't necessary, and they certainly aren't inexpensive. Most people will only really need a good smartphone, and the convenience to carry around is a major plus. My long lens gets a lot of use. Middle one, much less, as smartphone is just convenient to carry. Middle one gets used when O&A. (both @6400) Smaller kit (@6000) is the one I gave to niece, with a long and couple fast lenses.
  22. I'm a Sony line fan, and 2 lenses cover just about anything you'd need to take a photo of. Actually just gave my 3rd camera kit, body & 4 lenses w/accessories, to my nice, as rarely used them. Kept only 2 bodies & 2 lenses. Smartphone fills in the gaps, ex; extra wide landscape, as one of the lenses I gave away. Have 18-600mm covered, and since on an APS-C body, that's actually 900mm of reach. If not Sony, I'd consider Canon, lastly Nikon, as the others are having financial problems and may not be around long. They've finally caught up to Sony's tech, after years of using Sony sensors. As stated, can't beat a good smartphone for knockin' around. iPhone or Google Pixel, and the latter would be my choice. My POCO (Xiaomi) is and excellent knock around phone/camera, and why I bought that model. Uses a Sony sensor, same with one of my drones. Yep ... Sony fan
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