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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Not sure I'd want to share a fox hole with a mentally unstable person. A man, thinking he's a woman, or, vise versa, just ain't playing with a full deck. What other imaginary things might they be thinking when the enemy attacks
  2. Damn ... all them Big Macs going to waste. Hope they invited a tour group to the lunch 😎 Z should have thrown the towel in years ago, and day one. Would have saved lives & territory. NO, the idiot listened to the war mongers' lies. Oh well, you can't fix stupid. JD steppin' up. Can't wait till he's President Vance in 2028 👍
  3. Feels like 38°C / 100°F ... and it's only March 1st
  4. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2015_Bangkok_bombing
  5. Do the crime ... Do the time Oh well ... what goes around, comes around. Hint ... Dzungar genocide
  6. Had good service (ICEV) from both, Toyota (2 Vios) @ Udon Thani, and MG (ZS) @ PKK (Muang & Hua Hin). Can't say the same about Mazda (M2), and dealer dependent. One very good, Hua Hin, one very bad (Pranburi), and daughter had no luck with 2 at Krung Thep. Would never recommend a Mazda to anyone. Service for MG ZS EV, excellent. Not the 10k kms check ups, as nothing for them to really do. Had a major oops, and they did an excellent job putting it back together, body and mechanical (rear axle assembly) @ PKK (Muang), regional body & repair shop for MG 👍 👍
  7. Doubtful as they weren't even in the same room. She, supposedly in the bathroom on floor, and he was elsewhere, on floor with cane nearby, from one news-blip, quoting sheriff's dept. 1 dog dead, in a kennel, inside, and 2 other dogs outside, so a bit strange if suicide.
  8. It's hit & miss, trial & error. Did find quality shorts, days (years) past. I think 'Neo' was one brand, and another, name escapes me. Many items sold here / TH, aren't made with preshrunk material, so yea, may shrink a size or so after first couple washes. They're all cheap enough, 500 baht range. Actually 200 baht back a couple decades 🙄 Wife makes all my clothes now. Good Luck
  9. Just chicken ... and a Cappuccino with pending sunset ...
  10. A few of my more colorful print shirts, below, none from Hawaii 🙄 One color dress shirts, boring, and no, I'm not Amish. Expess one's self. Remember if you wore something 'colorful' back in the day, 70s or 80s, people thought you were gay. I used to love to keep them wondering, and got too many unwanted smiles from dudes. One buddy of mine got all bent out of shape, as I was wearing a pink (coral) colored shirt when we were headed out somewhere, and didn't want people to think we were an item. Too funny Express yourself .... Get Vogue 8ae833c8-6972-479e-967f-fba713397030.mp4
  11. Been more than a few years since personal experience. Simply take a few more $$$ with you. Not exactly rocket science I would take notes in denominations of; $20 (1), $10 (1), $5 (3) & $1 (5) From Gmap review: Date posted for info below is unknown: https://www.hanoivoyage.com/en/guide/laos-visa-formalities.html
  12. Don't ya just hate it, when some people (Musk & Trump) try to make the world a better place to live for all
  13. OMG ... they're everywhere. I can not deny nor confirm, if the dirty one is ours, although we did just come back from an O&A. The thought of MGs in abundance on the road, may be disturbing to many. OK, maybe just one, but, rest easy and try to get some sleep ...
  14. And yet, they do put spoilers on Yaris, go figure. Of course they want it to be aerodynamic, for fuel consumption. Simple marketing, or they wouldn't bother advertising such numbers.
  15. $6k USD = 205k THB = 400 hotel rooms @ 500 THB, or 200 room @ 1000 THB. Once a month outing eguals 16 years worth of 1000 baht hotel rooms. Stay 2 nights, and its 8 years worth, or weekly and 4 yrs worth. Do you really want to go to the same place every week for 4 years, or every month for 8 yrs. BORING
  16. Even low end POS cars try to be aerodynamic, for better fuel consumption 🙄
  17. I wouldn't buy anything from Hawaii, too expensive.
  18. Besides being ugly, they may help with the aerodynamics.
  19. That charger doesn't draw much, so your basic extension cord, something that will handle 2000w should do just fine. Should be listed on the charger what the draw is.
  20. Only an idiot would let their dogs attack a snake. Just a matter of time before they lose. Might explain why 2 didn't join the fight.
  21. Cheaper, and location dependent of course ... ... Drones, and other RC items & accessories for ... BEVs ... cars & MC, even without govt incentives ... Most things imported from China to home country ... Most things made or produced in TH, and sold overseas
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