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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. Insurance came with the car, and I rounded up, knowing she'll be paying about 1k a month after the 1st year. It's a BEV, so no maintenance worth mentioning, and it also may be included in the price of the car.
  2. I do believe I read somewhere, if you take the scooter deaths off the death count here / TH, then the deaths per 100k is about the same as the USA. Riding a MC in USA, for 20 years, and even more years in TH, I definitely feel safer here / TH, as everyone knows about, and many give way to MC. Unlike the USA, where nobody seems to give way, look for or respect MC. I've been cut off way more times in the USA than TH.
  3. In my world, 'most', means more than half, and I'm pretty sure, not ever close to half the bus drivers are crashing. And I'm the delusional one The hate of TH & Thais is so blinding ... 😎
  4. It's headed toward stopping the killing & deaths. A step forward from the past, when IMHO, killings & deaths were encouraged for the defense departments of the west, for them good ol' profits. Let's stop the killings first, then fine tune the details. Only common sense, and glad some countries actually still have some.
  5. Don't need stats, as 'most' don't crash. I'm out and about quite a bit, and people, trucks, buses & cars drive just fine. Not much difference from the USA, and actually I feel safer when on my scooter in TH, than I did in the USA.
  6. Be nice if there was some stats to back up that assumption.
  7. I think the bus is innocent, as the driver probably was at fault And yet, most bus drivers don't crash
  8. Facebook used the same photo 30 Jan 2023 https://web.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=559420956215384&id=100064424542593&set=a.559428426214637&_rdc=1&_rdr# This one a bit older ???
  9. Aside from dropping the wee one off a bit too early Driver illegally changing lanes at an intersection 🙄 Wonder how far down the road driver got before realizing door was open a 1 student missing.
  10. Wonder how many millions they'll waste studying that proposal that will never happen.
  11. Popped up to Hua Hin today, for the dog's check up and teeth cleaning 🙄 More savings as no CS needed. Thank You China, MG, Solar But if you had to pay ... For the curious, that 12.6 kWh per 100 kms = 367 kms range (full charge) 46.3 Usable battery ÷ 12.6 = 3.67 X 100 = 367 kms WLTP rating for MG ZS = 320 kms @ average 47 kph, test speed Of course we drove at highway speed (90 kph) when possible, and the drive is mostly open highway.
  12. Good, diplomacy, end that mess once and for all 👍
  13. Don't get out much huh, that's a famous tourist attraction.
  14. I wouldn't buy anything that didn't have a lithium batteries.
  15. 10 baht, that's more than the charging stations charge Still cheaper than petrol though.
  16. Try to keep up, he admitted intentionally hitting him, that's attempted murder in my book,
  17. Agree with Fam Time, as dined at the branch south of T21. Will have to give Aka a try.
  18. Mine will easily do 45 kph, and get some strange looks on the rare occasions I do pass people. Although I do tend to keep it around 25 or 30 kph, if not slower through town. Avoiding as much attention as possible, since illegal as all hell. 1000w motor easily puts it in the (unregistered, uninsured) motorcycle classification.🙄
  19. Also model dependent, for performance and or long range models. Along with cold weather locations. Was informed earlier, the BYD does use LFP's in all versions of their models, whether standard, performance or LR models. Simple research of products one is interested in keep people safe. That uncommon common sense, especially when splashing out more than a few 100 thousand baht.
  20. Mines way more than he needs. He could probably get by with one of the 1000w motor models, but I'd go for one the the 2000w motor models. @steve2112
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