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Everything posted by KhunLA

  1. In a word ... insignificant Only in the farang's imagination, as they actually think they have value or contribute
  2. Don't know how this one got past me, being a Grover fan from way back when.
  3. Reads healthy enough, as pointed out, Hb1Ac seems good, and I wouldn't worry to much about cholesterol. How's your HDL / Trig ratio ? BMI normal ... as you say, little more exercise won't never hurt. How's that BP, in the 120 / 80 range, and preferable both a bit lower.
  4. Almost everyone has the same opportunities in all countries, almost. There are millionaires in most countries. Unless dealt a really bad hand at birth, there is no reason not to be financially successful, or at least, no need to live in poverty. You want, then you earn ... IT IS NO ROCKET SCIENCE So many from very poor roots, lacking higher education paperwork (inclusive) have a bit, or way more money than they will ever spend. Nothing is stopping anyone except themselves.
  5. Also keep on hand. Picked up 2 bags yesterday, peeled, deveined & no tails. I live minutes from surfside & fresh markets ... will still always buy frozen, as actually 'fresher' ... IMHO We get from Makro ...
  6. Filet Mignon w/ side of Roast Beef. Oh yea, a few Tater Tots 🍽️
  7. Recent O&A ... total 1145 kms PKK to Krung Thep Krung Thep to Samut Songkhram Samut Songkhram to Kanchanaburi Kanchanaburi to Kaeng Krachen Kaeng Krachen to Hua Hin to PKK Topped up @ PEA, EV Station Pluz (3X) & MG Left house (PKK) @ 100% returned @ 17% Cost ... BEV vs ICEV
  8. I tried for same reason, TH, but didn't make it through Eps 1. Just a silly soap opera for the brain dead ... IMHO Also tried watching Zero Day, continued through eps 1, though I hate DeNiro, and dozed off during eps 2. Might give a another go, since already downloaded them. DeNiro one of the most overrated character actors out there. Watched 'The Firm' 2012 TV series, and enjoyed it, till the end, as the 2nd big 'case', ends with a slight cliff hanger, and there is no season 2 ... WTF
  9. Oats are way too much fiber for me, and seem to suck up all the moisture in the intestines, making it a bit uncomfortable when purging the excess, non dietary fiber. Another reason why I cut the starchy carbs, beside the sugar, as really don't want the extra fiber. All good now, with the higher fat, protein, and fibrous carbs (greens; broccoli, asparagus, kale & cabbage mostly). Never was a rice fan, especially boring white rice. Bread is my Achilles heel, as made a loaf of rye yesterday, and 3 slices in already. 1 slice still out, the rest in freezer. Use to do half loaf a day, which is quite a bit, since my loafs are 800+gr. Got it down to a few slices a week, instead of 2 loafs Might consider making your own yoghurt, as easy enough and will be sugar free. If you eat a lot.
  10. That was another plus to a good night's sleep, I stopped waking up midway to P. Plus I think my prostate may have shrunk back a bit, since I cut my intake of most sugar & starchy carbs.
  11. China's alliance with TH is a good thing, and benefits both countries. Hopefully CN will keep TH on it's toes, especially with chems in foods, as they continue to reject food from TH, as having over use of chems 👍
  12. I take it at 5pm before or with dinner, also COQ10. Just for that reason. Multi vit @ pre 0800 hrs, and Creatine with afternoon chocolate kefir smoothie.
  13. I stick with Kirkland & NOW brand, as 3rd party testing states they actually contain what's on the label, or close enough when made. Only take a multi vitamin, COQ10, Magnesium (citrate) & Creatine.
  14. I see you have Magnesium on your OP list, and that should help with sleeping. I did for me, noticeably.
  15. TH has no enemies to defend against. Laos, Cambodia, Myanmar, Malaysia ... all ASEAN friendly neighbors. Never needed 2nd Amendment in USA, and surely don't need it here, though 'wife' does have 12 gauge. Keeps me in line ...
  16. Think we had a bit of rain overnight, as grass was a bit more wet than to be expected from morning dew. Although PM2.5 @ 0 to 3 isn't rare at all. Reported @ 16 µg/m³outside now. House is airtight, and didn't even need to ACs to assist. Xiaomi air purifiers, original, and V2. Think they have a V4 now, with info display. 2 handle 105+m² with ease, and way more than rated for.
  17. I'm not, and I don't even live there. Picked a different country to live in, that can also feed and defend itself. I chose to energize myself, and possibly feed myself, if I live that long.
  18. That's just it, the USA doesn't need allies Not that the USA has any. Just a bunch of money suckin' parasites. Can feed, energize & defend itself.
  19. A small roast & some hockey pucks, Q'd up for latter on ... Along with roasin' my nuts ...
  20. There's a jealous emoji ? That's a confuse emoji. As I just added one to your post.
  21. Exactly .. redirect from wasteful corruption, to beneficial programs, like SS & MC. Gov't gets plenty of tax income, just need to stop wasting it. 20% goes to defense budget ... defense from who ? China's not invading, Russia can't, and the other 200+ countries are allies or don't have a military. USA doesn't need a defense budget, and needs to stop supplying corporate security worldwide for free.
  22. Yea, muscle atrophy is a bitch as we age. Also loss a lot of upper body muscle mass. Balance would be just toning weight lifting, or just a wee bit more, to try to build back what lost already. Nothing heavy to avoid injury to tendon & ligaments. Or just do resistance exercising, after toning reps, till exhausted. Will avoid tearing anything, while hopefully building a wee bit back. Might consider adding some creatine to your diet.
  23. As below, I was (still am) hansum man, when meeting Thai wives 🙄 #1 was 22, me 45 #2 was 29, me 50 Against my religion to start dating women over 30. May be ready to trade in for #3, or not, as knocking on 50, and me, already 70. Statistically (majority not alkys & fat) or we going with implied (khee nok attire, since jon mak mak, alky, fat & smelly) .... love the new vocabulary, derogatory label. Another step up on the pedestal
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