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Everything posted by Adumbration

  1. The older I get the more I look at life as a simple energy in or energy out equation. I actively seek things that bring me joy. Surfing, diving, fishing, playing with my dogs, all of these things give me a postive energy flow. There is energy out also....feeding and caring for the dogs, mainting my boat, dive gear, surfboards etc. Many years back I just started assessing all of my relationships and recreational pursuits using the engery in- energy out equation. Anything that resulted in a net energy out situation I cut immediately from my life. Having a good sexual relationship with a woman is great, and no doubt healthy for your body and thus mind as well. But if the energy outflow before and after sex is greater than the energy inflow then what is the point of the relationship? That is why prostitutes are so popular in Thailand. A guy knows exactly how much energy he has to expend to earn 2500 baht. If he thinks sex with a Thai hooker will give him a net positive inflow of energy then off he will trot with his girl for the night. I had a mate that was married to a hard 10 back in the West. He divorced her. Not because she cheated but because, in his words: "I was just so tired of putting up with her sh*t". A working example of net energy outflow.
  2. Especially when you are stoned off your nut on weed. And what was a 29 year old girl doing hiking alone in Thailand. Obivously unaware of the significant risk of rape or murder.
  3. OP has not been in Thailand very long by the sounds of things. Start distancing yourself from the Sister in Law right now. She is done for. And so are the other two guarantors. I have a Thai friend. She is a lawyer. She went guarantor for a motorbike for her father on finance. Father lent the bike to someone in the village. And that was the last that was seen of it. Finance company came after my friend for the balance of the full repayment amount. Cost her 55K baht.
  4. All your above mentioned Thais are mostly where they are due to connections and corruption, and not because of intellect. Nonetheless they are smart enough to not get ripped off in the Phuket property market.
  5. Not joking at all. Check my post history. At best our visas will all be cancelled...at worst rounded up into camps. Anyone who thinks the Thai government will not side with China once the conflict starts is delusional.
  6. I hope that they are printing thousands of these new red and yellow cards in preparation for Songkran.
  7. Just wait till the war kicks off between China and America. All Western foreigners here will get a red card.
  8. What an absolutely ridiculous article. Those west coast villas are priced north of 20 million baht. How many Thai "locals" have that sort of cash.
  9. Yes why is no one talking about how fat Thai girls are on the dating websites and apps nowadays. It is frankly horrifying. Thai government is approaching this problem from the wrong angle. They just need to declare staring at, and occassionally swiping, your phone screen as exercise. Problem solved.
  10. Sorry for your loss.
  11. Amazing Thailand. Unnecessary autopsy are insisted on if there is money to be made...but never if the cause of death might be malfeasance on the part of a Thai.
  12. My first visit to Maya bay was nearly forty years ago. Reef was entirely destroyed from anchor and fin damage even back then. So it cannot be any better than coral rubble nowadays. I am absolutely astounded why people still visit Thailand for these "natural attractions". They are all just destroyed and overpriced tourist traps at best. Go and have a look at how repugnent Koh Tapoo is (James Bond Island) now days. It is silted up and the surrounding sea is polluted and muddy at best. Thai greed rode that destination into total collapse. Absolutely no reason whatsoever to think that Maya bay will not suffer the same fate.
  13. Thai gold "jewellery" is a waste of money. Just research the spread on the buy and sell prices of rings at the Thai gold shops. Just buy her a nice but cheap ring to wear every day. And then spend your hard earned on gold ingots. The Thais refer to these as TONG TENG. You can buy 1 baht ingot. And if you decide to sell it you will not be gouged at the gold shop. Discuss this with your Teerak and I am sure she will be much happier with a cheap ring and gold ingot(s).
  14. You can buy a tape measure on Shopee for 25 baht.
  15. Pattaya. World Class Family Resort.
  16. Dek sideline is the correct term. The difference from a regular hooker is that (mostly) the dek sideline is studying to improve her future. She needs the sideline income to pay for her studies and living expenses while studying. A hooker, in contrast, needs money to pay for her kid(s) living with the parents. She has no strategy for self improvement. Genuine and attactive dek sidelines are usually pretty thin on the ground, because as one member has already suggested, they get snapped up as giks or sugar babies very quickly.
  17. The Chihuahua is the gold standard for home security.
  18. The head of the Department of Inactive Posts allocates inactive roles to incoming staff. The DIPHEAD is a much sought after postion. It comes with a very expensive Elephant Ticket because all of the incoming subordinates are well cashed up due to previous illegal activity.
  19. Monkeys not always present, they live in the jungle. And then come to the beach if they know people are there. I have experienced the same problem. Parked myself up on a nice part of the beach. The paddled out for a surf. While floating on my board noticed a pack of monkeys arrive on the beach out of the jungle and grabbing my stuff (but I had roped my backpack to a big log on the beach).
  20. Damn. If only there had been some phirana in the lake.
  21. I was offered 40K starting salary to teach in Phuket 15 years ago....
  22. Where will she be living during the placement? Rents vary a great deal depending upon location.
  23. Why is no one talking about how fat the girls are on Thaifriendly nowadays.
  24. This tough on corruption facade will come to an abrupt end as soon May's election results are in.
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