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Everything posted by novacova

  1. Absolutely & the US government is no place for social engineering, especially in the military except for warfare.
  2. The left is in a total state of toxic denial, one of the stages they developed during their current state of grief and loss. Suppose soon we can expect further stages to develop such as abject anger temper tantrums rioting and possibly violence. Such a pathetic bunch they have become.
  3. Which ever airline that can get you there in the shortest amount time on a 787-9. 787 has a cabin altitude of 6000ft. This means higher partial pressures of oxygen (and also moisture levels) in the 787, which decreases many of the symptoms often attribute to jet lag, better sleep as well. Slightly more roomier and comfortable.
  4. As far as coffee chians go in the north inthanon is probably the best, smooth and kickass. Forget starbucks.
  5. What they really meant was Obama B’n Biden.
  6. Unsure why it’s not rendering, try again… RPReplay_Final1673581721.mp4
  7. Let us know how things are going when slide back into your old ways, especially when you’re off your meds is when we really want to hear from you.
  8. Sterilizing oneself because of another person’s ideology is a bit extreme. Totally agree, the fewer of these loonies procreating the better.
  9. Good grief, it really boggles the mind why anyone would even consider bringing contraband drugs into a sea nation. Stupid, no other explanation needed.
  10. Of course not given from their perspective that “any of their problems” stem from their blood thirsty war mongering hate towards Israel and the West of which doesn’t represent most of Iran's population. If Iran's leaders would set aside their hatred and release their death grip on their citizens then the country could be a very prosperous welcoming nation, rationally seems like a much better option, religious zealots.
  11. Accept it or not, the fact remains that the US is the world leader. A good example is when the woketarded ideology infected the White House the rest of the West followed and now that it’s been booted out the rest of the world is following. Aside from that the US leads in most everything else including world dominance and influence.
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