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Everything posted by FriendlyFarang

  1. You can only get one regular 30 day extension per entry.
  2. You can cancel your extension for studying and apply for one for working if the department of employment in your province issues you a work permit approval letter. It might come as a surprise, but in this situation it's not immigration who make problems. So you should contact the department of employment in your province and ask them if it's possible to apply for a work permit while being on an extension for studying.
  3. I didn't put too much research in this because it's not really relevant for me, but you might want to put some research into it or discuss it with your doctor, depending on how soon you plan to have children: Afaik you can supplement HCG later on if you ever decide to have kids. I assume you actually medically need the TRT and coming off is not an option: If you have been on TRT (without HCG) for a while and your testis quit their job, you can start injecting HCG (while staying on TRT) and it takes about 6-12 months until your testis start to produce semen again.
  4. 500mg (per week) is a bodybuilder cycle dosage which most of them might use for 2 or 3 months and then go off again due to the side effects of such a high dose. We are talking about TRT here, so the purpose of the treatment is to restore a natural testosterone level. I was referring to Testosterone Enanthate, which contains about 70% active testosterone and 30% is the ester weight. So by injecting 10mg Test E (I'm of course talking about the average here, so maybe 70mg per week or whatever in reality) you get 7mg of actual Testosterone, which is the amount of testosterone that a healthy body produces on average. You can also just have a look at the information that comes with a box of Test E, they recommend one amp (250mg) every 3 weeks, which is 11.x mg per day. So somewhere around there is "TRT". Some people might of course require a bit more, but calling a dose of more than 20mg per day TRT is quite a farce. I don't have a problem with anybody doing this, it's their personal choice. But I don't like when people who are on this kind of "all year round mini cycle" then tell others "If you are on TRT you need an AI". Somebody who is on actual TRT dosage doesn't need an AI because his E2 levels will be normal (of course there might be a few exceptions, but spoken for 99% of persons on TRT)
  5. TRT stands for testosterone replacement therapy, it's supposed to replace what is supposed to be there naturally That means a dosage of around 10mg per day, significantly more than that is not TRT.
  6. TM28 no longer required TM27 isn't enforced by any immigration office as far as I know TM30 is the only thing you have to care about You stay at the same place, so no TM30 required, doesn't matter that the owner changes
  7. I guess they don't care what you write there, just put something other than "I paid an agent to bribe immigration to get a volunteer visa/extension"
  8. Afaik the only reason to use HCG when on TRT is so that your testicles don't stop working and you stay fertile. If you don't plan to have a baby in the next time there is no reason to use HCG. Unless of course there is another use of which I'm not aware, then please enlighten me.
  9. This clinic has prices on their website, they are in Chiang Mai, but the prices across clinics are similar, so it gives you an idea: https://www.cmflabchiangmai.com/th/products You could look for "N Health" on Google, they also have a branch in Bangkok (Never been there, have only been to their branch in CM), you can just contact them through Facebook, they won't provide a price list overview, but if you ask "how much for E2?" they will tell you their price.
  10. A PCR test to board the plane is required anyway, right? So you could just provide this test to the insurance company, no additional cost.
  11. Ok, I see, never saw this insurance before, seems to be this one: https://partner.fwdgi.co.th/en/fwdgi/corona-virus-inbound-insurance But doesn't this just mean that you need to apply for the insurance at least 14 days before making your trip if you don't want to provide a PCR test?
  12. For the Visa at the embassy no, but if you want to apply for an extension based on marriage at Thai immigration then yes. Yes, retirement extension is easier if you don't mind putting 800k instead of 400k in your Thai bank account.
  13. I think it covers only 100k baht, so you can't use it for the Thai pass.
  14. Electronics is easy, they can be sold, so just put it out and make sure people see it's electronics, somebody will take it away to sell it and make a few baht.
  15. They will give you the regular 30 day extension before they give you a Covid extension.
  16. Not misread, but I interpreted your post so that you said that under 250 watt doesn't have to be registered and could still be ridden. You clarified it now, so yes we agree.
  17. You understood this wrong. It says: "Meanwhile, electric motorcycles must be at least 250 watts and be capable of 45kph." This doesn't mean that vehicles with less than 250 watt aren't classed as motorcycles, but that it's not possible to register them. So two-wheeled vehicles with less than 250 watt aren't legal to drive on public roads at all, and over 250 watt has to be registered, insured etc. to be legal.
  18. Maybe she has an education degree, and is thus (at least on paper) more qualified than you.
  19. If the office is closed on the day your extension expires, and you go on the next day, you won't be fined for overstay.
  20. Official documents that state that the money was seasoned in the bank for the necessary time frame?
  21. Considering that the company consists of my friend (Thai) as the majority share holder, his sister, and me, there won't be anything like this on the "AGM". So to sum it up, the shares that are in my name have no real value, correct?
  22. Isn't the point of having a limited company is that the shareholders are not liable for debts? My question goes more in the direction of: If the company is making for example 100k per month in profit, and the owner is transferring this to his personal bank account (would this then be booked as dividends?), am I then theoretically entitled to also receive a share of this, relative to the shares we each hold in the company?
  23. Thai driving license also does the job, for Thais as well as foreigners.
  24. I understand now that I should have given a bit more info, sorry for that. The company is actually a one man company (private limited) of a friend, he transferred me some percent of the company (I didn't pay anything). It's basically a one person company (with two other share holders on paper), the company is buying stuff, selling stuff, and the owner (majority share holder) transfers the profits to his bank account.
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