Finally ONE item Trump is expert!
He and his father Fred were well know "slum lords" of New York.
They make millions by buying run down buildings and the renting to poor. City of New York was the sucker...
"Fred Trump was still the biggest builder in Brooklyn, but the past three years had taken a toll. During the summer of 1954 one newspaper article after another had broadcast to the world a Senate committee’s claims that Trump had profiteered on postwar housing. The headlines were devastating. According to a classmate of Maryanne Trump, the accusations seemed to hang like a dark cloud over the family. Worse yet, the scandal also cast a long shadow over Trump’s business interests. Beach Haven tenants were suing for rent rollbacks, the FHA was threatening to take over Shore Haven, and the agency put Trump on its blacklist for future work. As a result, he could not obtain federal financing for his next major project, an apartment complex on the site of Luna Park, a celebrated Coney Island amusement center that had burned down ten years earlier."