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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. I never speculate on it. If it exists it is what it is and if it doesn't exist then no speculation will apply.
  2. In certain applications yes it is but for the general public no it isn't. It just makes them ever lazier than they already are.
  3. I go to the gym because I enjoy the exercise. The one I use is The Fitness which has great facilities in the one near me and is cheap. I do get additional exercise by walking to and from the gym. I don't live far from it, just over 1 mile (1.9km actually).
  4. I agree it s the best. If you look at the coverage map for AIS they are ahead of the others. If you only want a SIM for a short time, say 1 month, why sign up for a package? As I said in my post just buy a SIM from 7-11 it will, unless you have some reason, provide everything you want.
  5. And Starmer is making sure it doesnt get that reputation back
  6. Top photo looks like a termination box and the lower one a small transfer housing.
  7. You obviously mix in the wrong circles.
  8. True but a SIM card does not depend on the provider if you just want internet access. Why is an AIS SIM required? Is there something on AIS you want to access?
  9. All SIM cards are on all the time. Probably best to buy one from 7-11 and use that.
  10. It will destroy the nation
  11. A regular SIM is all you need unless you intend to be engrossed in your phone screen all day long. I assume you would use your phone only when there was a need so any SIM will do. If you feel you need a SIM that is unlimited can you explain what use you would be putting it to?
  12. If you are from the USA then probably yes as Americans tend to be paranoid about everything.
  13. You need unlimited if you are one of the zombies you see every day. Face intently looing at the screen for the entire time they are awake. Normal people dont need it though.
  14. Considering they cannot tell us with any accuracy what the weather will be tomorrow, I am at the very least dubious regarding their ability to predict the weather next year.
  15. Avoid conflict as far as you can. If it becomes obvious you cant calm the situation then strike first, strike fast and strike hard. But to answer the question probably yes. You can always get an unlucky punch but in general yes I can look after myself.
  16. Has the government stopped the illegal immigrants? No the have not Do the illegal immigrants get free accommodation, free health care etc? Yes they do all paid for by the British people Will the immigrants assimilate into society? Some yes but most wont
  17. No, the people want the illegal immigrants to be stopped just like any one in any country would want.
  18. Yes there was some undesirable people there but most of the protests arer because the Government ignorer what the people want
  19. It has very little to do with race hatred, it is all about the Government allowing undocumented people into the country, many of which are associated with banned organizations.
  20. Get the 9000 BTU is will cool the room down a bit quicker
  21. Murder is murder and in my opinion deserves the death penalty. Murder is a deliberate act hence why I believe the only sentence is the death sentence.
  22. Burma occupied Thailand from the North to Ayutthaya. It wasn't in recent history but still remains relevant.
  23. Buy a proper printer not a thermal one. Thermal printers have a life span of print in days. If you want good quality get a LaserJet. A bit pricy but worth the money.
  24. The father may have disappeared and she may have been alone?
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