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Everything posted by Photoguy21

  1. That Benz must have been travelling really fast to make a mess of the car in the photo.
  2. They certainly dont seem to have a fear of heights that is for sure.
  3. Every day I spend time in the gym going from strengthening to cardio exercises plus I walk on average 3 to 4 miles a day so I get a mix of everything. The big thing is don't live on fast food and lots of alcoholic lubrication. May make you feel good but does nothing for you of any benefit in the long term. I have over the last 2 years lost 15kg just for the record.
  4. Keep off the fast food. Occasionally is ok but not as your daily intake.
  5. As I said eat right not a lot of fast food
  6. The equation is simple. "C' calories in and "C+" calories out will reduce weight and fat. For example, 3000 calories intake and 4000 calories used by exercise, walking etc will make you healthier. All the so called plans to lose weight very really do what they say. If you want to lose weight eat better and less and exercise. Not a difficult combination but hard for some to try and stick with it.
  7. I did say walk a lot as well. Just checking will achieve nothing on its own.
  8. Where is the money for that going to come from? It is a major outlay of cash.
  9. Fasting I dont believe is recommended by doctors. More like eat reasonably and good quality food, fruit etc, rather than just dont eat.
  10. If you dont exercise you will never get rid of the excess weight. Exercise can be a gym or walking. Try 6km a day walk, every day and you will see the difference it makes
  11. They all think they will make it big when in reality they will probably lose everything.
  12. It isnt about what you eat but more about how many calories you burn. Eat what you like but get into a regular exercise routine. Sign up to a gym and go regularly to work out.
  13. Belief, if money can be made from it, does become corrupted.
  14. Honda CRV. Reliable, cost around 1.6 million and lots of room inside
  15. In which case it does not qualify as a religion
  16. Could well be but strictly speaking it isn't a religion
  17. Take it how you like but Buddhism is not a religion
  18. You may well be polite but not everyone is. See what I mean?
  19. That does not mean you can be disrespectful to them.
  20. Exercise and eat less. Not hard really.
  21. You will be treated according to the way you act and respect others.
  22. Buddhism is NOT a religion it is philosophy.
  23. Maybe a wild occupant of Soi 6 in Pattaya. Could have got loose.
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