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Everything posted by msbkk

  1. This is not correct. The 50 Baht AIS card can connect to the Internet if mobile data is enabled. And to do it cheaper you have to buy a data package from AIS for the existing card.
  2. If you have a smartphone you do not need a new Sim card. All Sim cards can be used to access the Internet. What kind of Sim card are you using?
  3. You seem to live in another Bangkok than me. 😁
  4. You can file it online again without problem. But try to find out if something was missing. It happened to me before and there was a very minor error on my side.
  5. I am also owner and occupier. I did my 90 days report online about 1 month ago without any problem as usual. My last TM30 was years ago.
  6. These better options do not exist on domestic routes to most destinations except maybe major tourist areas. But yes, you get what you pay for, I do not really have any other complaints.
  7. I had a similar problem last year. When booking a flight the app was frozen during payment. The flight was not to be found in my bookings, so I repeated the same process again. The result was that there were 2 booked seats with my name on the same flights. It was not possible to contact Air Asia except via useless chat bot. On my flight date I went to Don Mueang to the Air Asia office. The charming staff members were very helpful and cancelled the double booked flight and explained that I will be refunded within 2 weeks or so. The refund was just a small part of what I paid, my guess is that I was charged an administrative fee for the cancellation. Otherwise I use the airline often and do not have any complaints. To contact a human being is however quite impossible except you drive all the way to an airport.
  8. Absolutely agree with that. I use it often without any problems.
  9. Ok, I will rephrase. You seem to fit very well in a foreign country of your choice where most of the population does not speak proper English and you seem to not be willing to learn their language.
  10. You seem to fit very well in a foreign non-english speaking country of your choice.
  11. But only if you sit beside her 24 hours nonstop. It is much easier to use your ears for that.
  12. Do you really want to sit with Google Translate beside her to check every single word?
  13. As you mentioned girlfriend, I think it is very useful to understand what the girlfriend is talking about you with others in Thai. My girlfriends were all not able to communicate in English, it was a must to really start a good relationship. If you travel outside of tourist areas it is absolutely essential to be able to communicate at least the basics in Thai.
  14. Medications must be produced under strict and sterile conditions. It is about contamination which can kill you in the worst case scenario.
  15. I think it is not so easy anymore: From the website If you are a patient with MedConsult, We kindly request you to contact us so that we may assist you in verifying your prescription or identifying your previous prescription. If you are not currently registered as a patient, we warmly invite you to visit our clinics for a consultation with our doctors. -Controlled Medicine: Advanced refill for 1 month. -General Medicines: Advanced refill for 3 months. Request a refill for your medication with MedConsult via our contact methods or in person at our clinic. The doctor will discuss the best option and provide an advanced repeat prescription. Once your prescription is ready, you have the option to have it conveniently delivered to your home (available for General Medicine prescriptions only) or pick it up at Medconsult Clinic. And that’s it – with Our Refill Service, getting your repeat medication has never been easier! Chat with us for clear your question.
  16. Without latex 50% of these accidents would not have happened. For the other 50% you have to ban rain as well. And 90 % of these accidents could habe been avoided if drivers had common sense.
  17. And the important question here is how hygienic is the production process regarding possible contamination. And also which other possible harmfull ingredients are mixed in those copied versions produced in underground labs.
  18. it is well known among locals that these roads are very slippery, especially during rain. Cautious driving and forward thinking is the key here.
  19. It is correct that Loei roads are always covered with Latex during this season , very sad that the authorities are not able to fix this problem. However the driving skills of Loei drivers (as well as all other provinces in Thailand) are known to be horrible. There is no forward thinking and no cautious driving during rain. Just yesterday during a motorbike ride there were several cars overtaking from the opposite direction on a narrow road where clearly overtaking is not allowed even they saw me coming. These drivers were flashing their lights to signal I should move from the road. Unbelievable dangerous and near misses.
  20. This does not seem to be an original package. The original has a glued hologram sticker with company logo in it, in the photo it looks like the logo is printed on the package. A doctor showed me the difference once to point out counterfeit Cialis. Besisdes that it is impossible to buy the original product for this price.
  21. Results vary from person to person but Cialis works great for me. One tablet can last 36 hours. Be advised however that the original is quite expensive, 4 tablets x 20 mg cost around 2,800 Baht as I remember. The Indian version Apcalis is much cheaper, but does not work in the same effective way in my opinion. I would stay away from the cheap copied products because you cannot be sure what is inside. Others might disgree with that. There is a locally produced, slightly cheaper than the original version from Millimed, but out of stock since some time already.
  22. Nan is nice and peaceful. But I would not consider it a retirement location except if you do have a wife from there. Similar to also nice and peaceful Loei there is not much to offer for foreigners in terms of large foreign community, restaurants with menu in English language and foreign orientated restaurants, pubs or bakeries. Both mentioned provinces have lovely landscapes and scenery. You will at least need a girlfriend or wife from there, otherwise life might be boring after a while.
  23. This is a travel insurance, not a comprehensive health insurance and therefore not suitable for a permanent stay the OP has asked for. Travel insurance is for short term emergencies during a holiday.
  24. If a person dies, normally nobody can legally withdraw funds without a legal will of the deceased person except if it is a joint account. A power of attorney ends with the death of the account owner. At least this is my understanding.
  25. Kanchanaburi is very popular amongst Thai tourists for a weekend, expecially the Erawan waterfalls. There are also 2 large lakes with resorts and floating bungalows. There is always a long traffic jam on Sundays in that direction.. It is not just the riverside town but the province overall. It seems you do not really know the province Kanchanaburi very well.
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