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Everything posted by msbkk

  1. Did you try to register at the top right and sign in?
  2. You may try this:
  3. The card will give a huge discount, I think about 50%, not sure if it is the same price as the other senior card but it should be so. You can see every transaction within the app. The card can also be used to do money transfers to bank accounts with the app.
  4. The important thing is the prompt. It can do amazing things if you know how to formulate your question. The more detailed your question the better the answers. You can read about prompts in many articles on the internet.
  5. 5mg is available in larger pharmacies, for example Fascino. Just use a pill cutter if you need 2.5mg.
  6. The prepaid Visa card can also be used to pay in shops. MRT staff will sell you the card for a small fee but it is a bit complicated to register it by MRT phone app. It it is a real debit card and you are required to give lot's of personal details including a scan of your passport. And the card can be loaded only via the app, not by MRT staff.
  7. I was told at 2 different MRT stations that the elder card is now only available for Thai nationals, not foreigners. I managed however to get the new prepaid Visa MRT card for elders.
  8. There are plenty of good English speaking doctors in the large hospitals who studied abroad. I doubt that an email message will lead to anything meaningful. Just go there. How long have you been in Thailand? No need to worry.
  9. Peanuts at the same time have too much fat and calories to be a good protein source. At least you have to watch the quantity consumed. For a weight loss diet peanuts are a no.
  10. I have to agree with that. Just buy a soup maker (Tefal or others). So easy to cut some fresh vegetables, add spices and a bit of broth, press start and after 20 minutes your soup is ready. Of course you can do it manually by yourself but for me the soupmaker was a perfect investment.
  11. It can be also useful in case you want to watch a DVD or listen to a CD even if nowadays this is not so common anymore.
  12. While it is not common here it is recommended. It is not just about concrete walls. Just think about all furniture, appliances and other belongings. I have seen a lot of news especially in rural areas where people lost everything they had because of a fire or flood. And in Isaan there are still many houses with wooden parts.
  13. You will get this service when you pay for EMS so it can be tracked all the time. I agree however that 40 days is too long.
  14. To be fair Thai Post does not transport your letter to Melbourne. Once an airmail letter arrives at the airport of the destination country it is the resposibility of the local post over there. I was waiting for a UPS letter some time ago only to see online that it travelled to different countries on other continents. In this case it was probably loaded on the wrong plane during transit somewhere. It is difficult to say where delays are caused.
  15. I trust pharma products from India if they are real and officially sold. Apcalis in Thailand is only sold under the table at certain pharmacies. If it works for you that is fine, the price is very cheap compared to the original and also compared to the "official and real" Thai generic mentioned which costs several times more. I tried Apcalis and stopped to use it, if others are happy with this product that's fine.
  16. Not really. The real Thai version is Talafil made by Millimed company. Apcalis is an Indian product and not registered in Thailand. I can confirm that Talafil works very well, for me Apcalis does not have the same effect.
  17. OK, it might depend on the card. Travel Sims might last longer.
  18. You wrote "So if you've been doing that for 4 or 5 years then you could have more than six cards registered in your name." My point was that after 4 or 5 years your registration will not be longer in the system if the cards are not used anymore.
  19. Well, you mentioned 4-5 years and this is not the real time frame. I had some experience myself that one of my phone numbers was given to another person by AIS because I did not top it up for several months. Let's agree to 1 year maximum, but not longer. I was at AIS recently and was surprised to find out that 3 Sim cards (used in a tablet computer and a pocket wifi) were not registered in my name but in the Sim card sellers name. AIS changed the registration for me. There is a system in place but it might not be perfect.
  20. Not really. The card expires after you do not top it up anymore and the number will be sold to another user and registered in another name. As soon as it expires your registration is not valid anymore.
  21. There are several ways to at least reduce the numbers of lizards in your home. There are sprays available (Homepro and others) to apply to the areas where lizards like to sit. The sprays do not kill but the smell or scent keeps them away from that area for couple of weeks. They will find a way to leave that particular room. A similar effect has WD40 spray which you can apply at the gaps where lizards enter your house (especially at sliding windows and doors). It really works great. And Lazada has several items to keep lizards away as well, just use the search function at Lazada.
  22. Talk about what? To split Ukraine and hand it over to Russia?
  23. I did not say that there is a direct connection, but.... Did you ever suffer from migraene attacks? The symptoms can be very, very similar to a hangover. And a migraine attack can be caused by an allergic reaction. That being said if after a glass of red wine you develop a migraine attack in the early morning caused by an allergic reactions against the chemicals in wine you will not know if it is migraine or an allergic reaction or a real hangover. That being said people who say that they had a hangover after wine could in fact had a migraine caused by an allergic reaction as the symptoms are very similar. Or to say it different, allergic sensitivities can make you feel hungover even if the alcohol quantity itself does not justify you to suffer from one.
  24. Did I say that?
  25. Red wine is one of the most common causes for allergic reactions of sensitive people according to my allergy doctor.
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