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Everything posted by jaywalker2

  1. I did listen. This is a guy who is constantly changing his story, denying what he said previoiusly, whining that the media has misquoted him, and lying constantly. Inn other words, the typical behavior of an addict, and he was a heroin addict for more than 15 years.
  2. Trump took a fradulent deferment and called people who joint the army suckers.
  3. So he's no better than Harris. Great
  4. Just finished Toppo Season 2, which I thought was even better than Season 1. The ending was a little too pat and unconvincing but I like those two main characters.
  5. First couple of season are great -- then it really goes off the rails.
  6. Well, he's actually done it. He's removing his name from state ballots and throwing his support behind Trump, proving that he really doesn't have any integrity. This is what he had to say about Trump just 3 months ago: https://x.co m/RobertKennedyJr/status/1794913465594962285 Now all of this is true and the reason why he decided to run against Trump in the first place. So what changed? The only question now is what's the quid pro quo because you know there has to be one.
  7. My point wasn't that she was a good choice. Only that there have been others far worse. And don’t forget Dick Cheney
  8. That's nothing. I won $2 million in an email lottery! I just need to come up with the $20,000 deposit. Anyone want to help out?
  9. Did you forget about Sarah Palin? Don Quayle? The Republicans have a history of bad VP picks
  10. Sounds like Nicole Shanahan, who's one major accomplishment was marrying Sergey Brin and winning a huge divorce settlement, is calling the shots here. Too bad she's as dumb as a post.
  11. No, it will synch everything unless you tell it not to . On my girlfriend's computer, it backed up all her photos and documents without asking and when it exceeded the storage limit began nagging her to buy more storage or risk having her files deleted. If the files are deleted in the cloud, they'll be deleted on your computer too. Google "complaints about OneDrive" to see the various problems people are having. (Don't use Bing because none of those complaints will show up)
  12. I turned OneDrive off on my computer. It kept trying to synch everything to the cloud and badgering ne with ads to buy more storage. I don't trust Microsoft a bit. Plus, with OneDrive you only get 2GB of free storage. With Google Drive you get 15 -- and you can open multiple accounts.
  13. You could use a flash drive, a portable SSD drive or hard drive, you could upload them to Google Photos if you have a Google account, you can use a file tansfer service such as WeTransfer, set up a file transfer over your wireless network (enable file sharing on both computers, connect them both to the network, select the files you want to share), or you can use a transfer service like PCMover to transfer everything. This costs money though
  14. What's the room rate if you don't mind my asking
  15. IMHO 16gb of ram is a must as WIndows 11 and many browsers tend to be memory hogs. 1 tb ssd is probably excessive unless you store a lot of high resolution movies on your computer. Even then you're probably better off with a portable ssd drive for storage and backup. Finally, I'd recommend an OlED 15.6 display. Cost all in for an Asus vivobook maybe around 20,000 baht
  16. Looked like the reporter was having a good time. She kept taunting him with questions even after he threw a few slaps her way. This will be good for her career probably.
  17. No experience, none. No foreign relations experience, no economic experience, no parliamentary experience...Well qualified obviously to be Thailand's PM!
  18. Are they really going to start auditing foreign retirees bringing a few hundred thousand baht into the country each year? Considering the fact that only about 25 percent of Thais file income tax.
  19. "Ethics" of lack thereof is a term that applies only to people the Constitutional Court wants to get rid of
  20. I'm on volume 2 of the Slow Horses series. The TV series follows the books quite closely (which is why it' so good) but in my opinion the book are still worth reading if you enjoy spending time with these people. I also just finished Rachel Cusk's Aftermath in which she discusses the repercussions of her divorce. I'm a big ambivalent about her because her books really aren't novels or memoirs but more like a series of short essays but this is the third book of hers I've read, so I guess I'd have to say I like her.
  21. He wasn't running the country anyway. The question now is whether we'll get another Thaksin puppet or a military puppet.
  22. How much the country was going to change over the next 15 to 20 years
  23. Get a halogen oven. I used to cook pizza all the time in mine (from scratch). Top temp is 250C but that was enough for me
  24. You people enjoy arguing semantics. Citibank Thailand was not a "branch" of Citibank New York except in the most narrow sense -- in the way that the BOT defines a branch, i.e., a foreign entity allowed only one office in Thailand. Otherwise, it was an independent from Citibank NA under the juridisction of the Bank of Thailand and did not offer joint services with Citibank NA. It was for the purposes of regulation considered an internationla bank, not a Thai bank. Mega banks are essentially holding companies so the results of their various international branches (whether called branches or subsidiaries or anything else) are consolidated into their financial statements but the kind of relationship a foreign banking branch or subsidiary has with its parent bank is complex and subject to the rules and definitions of the host country. Simply saying a name, branch, subsidiary, affiliate, correspondent, whatever will not give a clear idea of how the bank is actually allowed to operate. To sum up, Citibank NA was designated a branch by the BOT, it was allowed only one office in Thailand, and it operated independently from Citibank NA in terms of its banking operations but was included in its consolidated financial results and was subject to supervision from the head office. If Citibank Thailand had gone bankrupt, depositers would only have been entitled to the compensation stipulated for Thai domestic banks unless the parent bank decided otherwise.
  25. Accident. My mother was still breastfeeding my brother and thought she couldn't get pregnant. Boy, did she resent me, like it was my fault
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