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Everything posted by Bobthegimp

  1. Did you graduate to something stronger? I grew up during the DARE and "gateway drug" era, the 80's version of Reefer Madness. We were all assured that touching marijuana was the first step on the slippery slope to crack cocaine and heroin addiction. We had to watch "Midnight Express" and "Midnight Cowboy" in class. That might have been more of a grooming exercise by our flaming homosexual teacher than a warning about drugs as he slipped off to the washroom as soon as the buggery scenes ended.
  2. I see you use Schwalbe Marathon Mondial tires, did you buy them in Thailand? Very nice pictures.
  3. It's called "entering adulthood".
  4. Conspicuously absent is your pledge to get another booster. I'm not American and this isn't about politics for me; it's about freedom and informed consent. I have no desire to remove the mask from your face, nor to have you blowing gently into my ear. Wash your hands as often as you like. The skin is a selectively permeable membrane and smart people use plenty of hand sanitizer.
  5. Maybe they'll take you up on that wrestling gig you offered a while back. You guys could do Greco-Roman oil wrestling and post it on their channels.
  6. Would you say the same if a man was the accused? Most people on this board would be out for blood if it was a white male being held for questioning. Wait until she's sentenced. I bet a bowl of som tam that she gets 1/3 or less time than a male convicted of the same crime would get.
  7. Gender studies never took off here like they did in the West, but the NGOs are working on it. A skilled workforce is more useful. Whatever it was, the mess in the Red Sea sure isn't going to improve the situation for either country.
  8. It's amazing how a once great nation took such a brutal nosedive. They should have sided with the Ruskies and kept the cheap energy, but nay, the woke won the day and Germany is headed back to the stone age. They're now looking to relocate their industry abroad, in nations with affordable energy and sane policy. Such a waste.
  9. Try to keep up instead of spreading disinformation. Last week Fauci admitted that the distancing order was pulled out of their collective as ses. Why wash your hands when the virus is spread via aerosol? "He testified that the lab leak hypothesis — which was often suppressed — was, in fact, not a conspiracy theory. Further, the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans ‘sort of just appeared’ and were likely not based on scientific data" https://oversight.house.gov/release/wenstrup-releases-statement-following-dr-faucis-two-day-testimony/ It's a joy to play the iconoclast with such a despicable little turd.
  10. Yes, he's dead and his suffering is over. Did you know or care about him when he was alive? Why the sudden concern now, when it's of no use to anyone? Would you prefer 8 pages of idiots writing "RIP", as if the dead guy is reading these comments ?
  11. Don't worry, he will cop out. Vaxed always talk a good talk but the 3 percent uptake of boosters tells the true story.
  12. When was your last booster, and when will you take the next? If you're in Pattaya, hell, anywhere in Thailand, I'll drive you to the clinic and stop for ice cream and lollipops on the way home. Bring your whole family and friends of a similar ilk, sundaes are on me. I haven't taken any shots. If you take all of mine at once I'll take you for a steak dinner.
  13. 218 pages. Any clarification from the government? So far it looks like nothing more than prognostications from the cheap seats.
  14. The dopers (and other groups) have come flying out of the closet and want to infect the rest of the world with their religion. Dope shops on every corner, rainbow crosswalks all over the place, though I suspect the latter has been foisted on an unsuspecting populace, because what normal person would associate something as beautiful as a rainbow with sodomy and sexual deviance? Live and let live is no longer good enough. If you don't recite their catechism and march at the head of the parade you're intolerant, murderous scum. Perhaps the best course is to encourage these people in their vocal fanaticism and let the Thais sort it out. Wait a minute, we're guests here and have no vote anyways.
  15. My father didn't buy me a pony when I was 5; no wonder I'm bald and my face is covered in spider veins. Or it could be the 3 liters of lao khao per day, or maybe my bag of a wife who looks (and is nasty) like Hillary with a suntan. Could be the flushing from drinking hot drinks, eating spicy food, or slamming back the Kamagra shots to satisfy Hillary's insatiable lust.
  16. "He has also denied the night theft charge as he says he never actually stole anything" Overstay? Hell, he's gone full native.
  17. A bowel movement.
  18. The following video is from a doper who is interviewing a big player on the dope smoking scene.
  19. Hmm, seems to be a large increase in cancers in most "advanced" countries. Maybe it's due to better screening. Most young people are sedentary and eat poor diets including plenty of sugar and little fiber. They're also more up for cornholing each other and inserting foreign objects. In Vancouver there are public health nurses whose sole job is to teach sodomites how to bugger each other. It can't be good for one's innards.
  20. Put the doobie out and give a proper rebuttal to my statement. What other country has put melamine into baby formula? Bueller? Bueller?
  21. Look no farther than Bolivia for the answer to your question. The government wanted to control the extraction and use the vast wealth for the benefit of the citizens, much to the chagrin of foreign multinationals. Suddenly there was a coup, the elected government was deposed, and a new government that was open to "foreign investment" was installed..err...elected.
  22. The label says where the milk comes from, but not where it's processed or if it has ever entered China on its way over here. Does anyone remember when the Chinese added melamine - yes, melamine- to baby formula to artificially raise the protein content and ended up killing a large number of kids? Someone was shot for the crime, then the same batch of melamine showed up in yogurt months later, in a different part of the country. It makes their "gutter oil" look wholesome in comparison.
  23. I had a call last week on my Canadian phone from an Indian who claimed there were suspicious charges to my credit card. It came from a Canadian 1-800 number, so I talked to the guy for a few minutes (out of curiosity) because I lock my cards via my account to avoid such fraud. He asked for the first 4 numbers to my credit card and I laughed. Who gives out that information to a stranger that calls them? I told him the cards were locked and wished him well. An old geezer could easily be tricked by the slick approach of the scammer. "The Beekepper" is a silly movie about telephone scammers.
  24. How's that approach working out back home? The progressives have had their turn, now the "law and order" team should get theirs. My vote is for electrodes to the genitals and waterboarding, but I'm on the soft side. You want this duo sobbing on camera as a warning to those who visit Thailand and commit crimes. Just like that entitled Yank teen who spray painted cars in Singapore. Caned and begged for mommy to save him.
  25. I've come around to this way of thinking after having problems with pigeons on my balcony. At home it would be the airgun and a black garbage bag. That's not how things are done in Thailand, and I get it. Pigeons can't help being filthy and annoying and shouldn't be killed for being so. It required a bit of ingenuity, but I've succeeded in making my pigeon problem someone else's pigeon problem. I've gone native!
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