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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. It's in the link that you posted if you had bothered to read and comprehend what you were linking other than linking only for the headline...
  2. Proud to be on your ignore list... any other persons that advocate that rape is ok because they feel that underage girls "should" know what they are doing therefore it "should" be ok to exploit them for sex please feel free to put me on their ignore list as well
  3. You are right... I was loosely using the term pedophile to mean anyone having sexual relations with underage children... let's, for the sake of clarity, call the what they really are... RAPISTS.
  4. Good parse... but way over the typical democrats head... 555
  5. Typical underperformance reported as a good thing by democrats... hiring is still trending at all time lows so comparably is NOT SO GOOD.
  6. And when and where does it stop? Underage is underage... what ever the justification... it is just plain morally and legally wrong to target young adults or children for sex...
  7. Neanderthals didn't use the wheel either they figured that they could walk and it was just fine... you sound exactly like one of them when it come to modern medicine... while I am not a big proponent of western medicine and big pharma I would never rule out something that has the potential to help me live a healthier and more comfortable life... I lived a healthy life and didn't feel the need for health insurance either, but I paid my way because if something did happen unexpectantly I wouldn't be a burden on anyone else... well, something did happen and thank goodness that I had insurance and thank goodness that someone made it their passion in life to work on and discover the particular medicine that helped save my life...
  8. It's a pity that you cannot tell the difference in what danderman said and the actual report that you just cited... there is a difference.
  9. Yeah... AVOID the british and canadian renters... they don't pay up over here either.
  10. That's the law... if you don't agree change the law don't break it. And no... I do not think that 17 year old girls can make a healthy choice when coerced by drugs and money or even just wanting to be grown up. That's an excuse that pedophiles use in order to try and justify breaking the law and abusing these young women.
  11. Typical response from the left... they demand an link for an opinion... yet they state their opinions as fact... go figure
  12. Maybe it's because the democratic voter rolls have been overinflated for so long... just saying.
  13. I find this funny coming from one of the "Trump is guilty... hang him" crowd... are you setting up the "excuse table" in advance?
  14. You got tired of the smoke from Canada's forest fires... so you won't be coming to Chiang Mai
  15. Shouldn't having true and updated voting records be something good... why do blue states fight it...???
  16. Don't fret... that's just what fools do when shown viable evidence that contradicts what they have decided is best for everyone... they attact the source
  17. Hahaha... she can't even define what a woman is... yes... very interesting... NOT
  18. 555... Booze is the same price in the duty free shops... you missed the reports of Thai duty free shops being a ripoff
  19. I'm no longer surprised to see so many posters that have no idea what a business transaction means as far as responsibility by the parties involved... they really believe that they have no commitment to their promise... sad for them to live in their world.
  20. "Highlights" ARE... or " highlight" IS... he does have a point
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