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Everything posted by Skipalongcassidy

  1. Isn't it sad that the best and the brightest of the democrat party is trailing Trump in the polls... doesn't speak well does it.
  2. One of your more stupid posts... let's go fight in the schoolyard approach.
  3. Not universally true... at least not true in Chiang Mai IO
  4. Well... unlike you I am not in the USA so I am not bound by their definition as the gospel truth... There are various different definitions of terrorism, with no universal agreement about it.[3][4] Terrorism is a charged term. It is often used with the connotation of something that is "morally wrong". Governments and non-state groups use the term to abuse or denounce opposing groups.[4][5][6][7][8] Varied political organizations have been accused of using terrorism to achieve their objectives. These include left-wing and right-wing political organizations, nationalist groups, religious groups, revolutionaries, and ruling governments.[9] Legislation declaring terrorism a crime has been adopted in many states.[10] State terrorism is that perpetrated by nation states, but is not considered such by the state conducting it, making legality a grey area.[11] There is no consensus as to whether terrorism should be regarded as a war crime.[10][12] Separating activism and terrorism can be difficult and has been described as a 'fine line'.[13]
  5. Talk about cutting one's nose off to spite one's face... OP doesn't want to use the ready made go around that is commonly known for this particular situation... one has to ask, "is it the $10", if so... so sad. The $10 is a travel expense and is so easy and simple... why complicate the situation?
  6. So now that it's defined as you asked for it to be... you have withdrawn into the relax chum mode... so adult of you
  7. Aholes are aholes regardless of nationality... wait until he kills someone then deal with it... seems to be the theme
  8. Terrorism, in its broadest sense, is the use of intentional violence and fear to achieve political or ideological aims. The NYT article fits the definition... it was written as it was to incite fear
  9. There's one thing for certain... keep doing the same thing over and over hoping for different results is the definition of insanity... refer democrap voters in USA.
  10. I knew that... not relevant to the subject at hand of $100,000,000.00 to the Palestinians, but true nonetheless...
  11. Why is it relevant... and it is not an honest question... it comes from one of my named Hateful 8 and is asked by him hoping to disparage me in some way... I'm sorry that my answer would disappoint him in that regard.
  12. Again... does it matter so much to you where I fall in the spectrum as to negate what I said... I think that you are the one with a problem... stock up
  13. On Monday, the New York Times admitted that "editors should have taken more care with the initial presentation" of the explosion that occurred at a Gaza hospital last week after the paper "relied too heavily on claims by Hamas." The terrorist organization that rules the Palestinian territory blamed an Israeli airstrike in a story that quickly spread. The lengthy Times editor's note said the initial report "left readers with an incorrect impression" of the events that transpired and said it should have "taken more care" with the presentation of the information and identifying what could be verified. Intentionally lying and embellishing is terrorism when done by a prominent news source... you should be enraged... but then again you are who you are... sad
  14. Does it matter... it doesn't change any part of my observation.
  15. That's my point... thanks... they are reported as fact and are not vetted... it's MSN terrorism... that's the problem... the recent example is The New York Times inciting antisemitism... https://www.nytimes.com › 2023 › 10 › 17 › world › middleeast › gaza-hospital-explosion-israel.html
  16. Oh no... half the posters on here will not be affected because they don't live in Thailand... half of the remaining half hopefully can plan ahead so they don't get the dt's.
  17. I guess you have been left out of the loop... search it yourself... it's there.
  18. So what... wait for the facts or terrorize with false statements... you are happy to be fed the wrong information quickly rather than the truth a few hours later... no wonder the world is in the state that it's in.
  19. Now it is a 3 step process to delete notifications... hit "delete notifications"... "are you sure"... "confirm"... do we really need all this redundancy to clear out notifications?
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