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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. just did a quick google search. https://www.yogabear.org/why-is-kundalini-yoga-dangerous/ In the worst situation of Kundalini awakening dangers, there have been reports of psychotic episodes resembling anxiety attacks and LSD trips.
  2. there's no restrictions as in proposed 15 minute cities. but 15 minute cities would greatly reduce traffic jams.
  3. FYI: A girl once give me a book called "The Five Tibetans". It's yoga from Tibet designed to 'raise the Kundalini.' Never did the exercises. But later I read that there are some 'dangers' with 'raising the kundalini'. But I really never looked into it much. Watch out with that stuff. Make sure you know what you're doing. Sounds like it could turn into a "bad acid trip".
  4. actually, not just walking street. why do a lot of folks like living in places like Pattaya? because it is a sort of 15 minute city.
  5. as far as i can tell, most cats around the world seem content living inside, even in small apts. if they're used to living outside, well then it's not option i guess.
  6. "somebody" is definitely going to stalk you if you keep making smart-ass remarks like that.
  7. why do people like Walking Street in Pattaya? it's not just because of gogo bars. it's because it's car free. there will be more streets like that in the future as reliance on cars lessens in these 15 minute cities.
  8. what if we wreck the planet? how will you rationalize that to your grandchildren who won't have a planet to live on?
  9. No, I think it's the exact opposite. The way cities were designed in the past was for profit. Why build cities that are monstrocities when all you need can be contained in a small area? There never was any need for these massive cities. Or maybe there was ... until Amazon came along. Now you can get everything delivered. No need to drive to go shopping. In the past, they wanted to fuel the economy by getting everyone in their cars driving around all over. Now, they've crunched the numbers and realize it's no longer sustainable for the planet. Climate thing is not a hoax.
  10. it's very simple. had a few bad experiences in these spiritual circles and decided to stop focusing on it. i might check in once a week or so. the God peeps are a funny bunch.
  11. saw one once where they steal an item from someone, ie their sunglasses and only return it if you give them food but it wasn't aggressive
  12. If you read my post more carefully, I explained everything. But I'll stop interfering. Probably me posting here too much is preventing other people from posting. Yes, channeling exists. Chakras are real, too man! I know because I had a Reiki practitioner mess with my solar plexus chakra. Most painful experience ever!.
  13. sad to see them get aggressive , but or would it kill people to part with a few bananas?
  14. can't really remember. it's been way too long. decades.
  15. Yes, I knew it. That's why you must be stopped. This thread needs to be locked.
  16. you're being stalked, still kicking.
  17. spirituality has no place in science because they can't prove anything esoteric. and/or many scientists happen to be atheists. however, there seems to be an unhealthy obsession by the regular posters on this thread to hate on science. and to turn this into a spirituality vs science boxing match. in fact, that's what this thread seems to be mostly about. i'd like to suggest that your view on "spirituality" is narrow-minded. as most of "spirituality" has to do with how we conduct ourselves. the "woo-woo" part of spirituality is only a small part. channeling absolutely exists. i've been to meditation groups where people channeled. but the problem is the people running these meditation groups were mostly horrible human beings. it was being operated like a cult and they were using the channeling to manipulate vulnerable people (mostly recovering alcoholics). after that experience, i'm not impressed with "woo-woo" stuff. and I don't bother too much with it. I'm impressed with people acting like decent human beings. who do you want scientists to prove? that there are other dimensions? what are you planning to do with all these dimensions?
  18. don't let them brainwash you Amy!
  19. he has some cool drawings
  20. I can't wait for self-driving cars. bunch of idiots behind wheels on the roads.
  21. I think at least one of the regular posters on here has been very critical of scientists as it pertains to anything spiritual. But knock yourself out!
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