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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. I disagree, but I'm not going to play endless ping pong with nutrition debates. There's a lot of misinformation in the nutrition field.
  2. FYI: https://www.drlizcarter.com/please-stop-eating-brown-rice/ Please Stop Eating Brown Rice Brown rice is high in harsh, irritating insoluble fiber. White rice is not.
  3. I agree. maybe frugality will start to become more fashionable in coming years.
  4. most govts are doing a lot of positive things. streets are mostly safe. society is reasonably functional. 'poverty' is a relative thing. a lot of people are trying to live like the freakin' Kardashians.
  5. I find this hard to believe as it's ONLY carbs which cause blood sugar issues. Sorry, you mean you just changed to low carb? Ok, sorry I misunderstood. Then thats good,.
  6. I have bad news for you. The Germans refer to beer as 'liquid bread'. So you're blaming beer for big guts? And "expat food" as though bread has nothing to do with it? https://www.grapefrute.com/renowned-around-the-world-german-beer/#:~:text=In Germany%2C beer is both,beer is produced in Bavaria. In Germany, beer is both a beverage and a food: they call it “liquid bread” or Flüssiges Brot.
  7. white flour releases dopamine in the brain, so it's a kind of drug. that's why most people are addicted and will never give it up. good luck if you live to 162 and never get fat eating bread every day.
  8. music IS a drug. music is THE drug. why people need a drug on top of another drug is beyond me. contrary to popular belief, most musicians are not stoned when performing. only the fans are.
  9. could be a nickname given to him from a bar girl and have nothing to do with the fruit
  10. it's possibly envy. you should be flattered.
  11. to what extent should we allow cultures to get diluted? in the extreme case, every corner of the globe will become identical and there would be no reason to travel.
  12. should all culture be watered down? travel would become virtually pointless.
  13. the problem is this stuff is probably going to resurface
  14. I visited someone in a nursing home. Many of the residents looked like zombies. They were staring at the walls all day. sad stuff. better to keep the mind active.
  15. he installed a cup holder for his beer bottle
  16. MIT predicts by 2100
  17. my 2 cents. politicians and policy makers don't make decisions based on people or incidents like this. they make decisions based on scientific advisors. these incidents are designed for shock value for the masses, to bring attention to the masses, to get people thinking and talking about these issues.
  18. tallest midget in the circus!
  19. did you have an accountant keeping track of all your transactions? if people are shallow (both men and women), then it's all about money for sex. fact is, if you're a little bit deeper, there's more to relationships. and not everyone is counting every transaction.
  20. Well I got down on my knees and said heyI just cant go on livin' this wayGuess I have to learn to live my life one day at a time
  21. Well you know,I was always the first to arrive at the partyAnd the last to leave the scene of the crimeWell it started with a couple of beers,And it went I don't know how many years,Like a runaway train headed for the end of the line
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