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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. that's an interesting observation. too bad we don't have psychologists on this forum to explore that further. so is sex just a "physical" act? or what does it do to you if you have multitudes of sex partners?
  2. i thought it was the bar girls who use that line.
  3. there is no euthanasia in thailand, is there? also, this case is about financial problems. the health issue is treatable.
  4. sounds to me like people are advocating euthanasia to solve the problem of inability to pay medical bills. despite the fact that the illness is treatable. it can be debated whether it's ethical or not i suppose. i wouldnt want to be in any position to make that sort of decision.
  5. no the argument is that there is a lack in poor parts of the world. so it's not fair to be using fresh water for poop when some people dont have fresh drinking water. the other issue is tears for fears. everybody wants to rule the world. no matter what the folks in charge do, people will complain. this is another thread that can go on forever and ever, so i'm bowing out. i do appreciate your comments.
  6. sorry, just to play devil's advocate. just because the suspect admitted it was due to road rage doesn't mean there wasn't another motive.
  7. no one mentioned 'you very handsum' yet?
  8. arent many of them divorced and raising children on their own? ie single motherhood leads them to this work in some cases, no?
  9. they may actually get rid of flush toilets at some point. do you think it's because they want to control how you poop? or maybe it's because there's a genuine lack of freshwater?
  10. When I was young, it seemed that life was so wonderfulA miracle, oh, it was beautiful, magicalAnd all the birds in the trees, well they'd be singing so happilyOh, joyfully, oh, playfully watching meBut then they sent me away to teach me how to be sensibleLogical, oh, responsible, practicalThen they showed me a world where I could be so dependableOh, clinical, oh, intellectual, cynical
  11. haha, just noticed that someone uploaded the video clip "the planet is dying" from The Day The Earth Stood Still in the film thread. should upload it here too.
  12. Also, just another comment. People who think climate change is a hoax and restrictive measures are just meant to control people. Restrictive measures hurt the pocketbooks of the very rich. Less travel means less money for CEOs of hotel chains and airlines, etc... They wouldn't impose these restrictive measures unless they had no choice.
  13. As I have tried to argue, the biggest problem is that the mainstream media ONLY mentions climate change. This video by Gregg Braden discusses the work of a Swedish scientist named Johan Rockstrom. Is he a paid shill? Is he a quack? Is he a fraud? Maybe. But anyway, here goes. According to Rockstrom, there are 10 parameters that can be used to measure the state of the planet. Climate change is only one of them. Others include Biodiversity, Chemical Pollution, Acidification of the Oceans, Global Fresh Water Use, etc .. And his conclusions were that 3 out of the 10 parameters have been breached and are unsafe. Now, Gregg Braden also has a lot of weird stuff on his channel. But here is quoting the research of a Swedish scientist. If you think it's all bs, that's fine too. I don't. I think we're causing too much pollution and the population may reach 10 billion at some point. So restrictive measures are justified.
  14. so what = there's a thread going about a guy in ICU who may have been doing just that. apart from physical suffering, there is the financial burden on family / friends.
  15. so wherever central bank digital currency is rolled out, bitcoin will be banned?
  16. sorry hummin, appreciate your input but i don't know. way too many complex issues i cant grasp.
  17. good for you. you're ahead of your time, young man!
  18. I accidentally bumped into a guy who co-authored a book on the topic of DE-GROWTH. I never even heard that word before I met him. But basically there are a group of academics behind the scenes who want to get people to scale down their lives in the future in order to cut down on consumerism. De-growth refers to shrinking the economy. For instance, the fashion industry may dwindle considerably. It may no longer be fashionable to update your wardrobe every year etc ... or upgrade your iphone every year. It has already started to some degree. If you work from home, you don't need to buy as many clothes.
  19. for what purpose would they make up this sort of thing? do you realize how complex is it for govts to completely transition from fossil fuels to alternative technologies? it's precisely because it's so complex and has so many ramifications on the economy and on power structures that they have been putting it off for decades.
  20. I dunno. I'm not an engineer. What's wrong with windmills exactly? Harnessing the energy of the wind seems like a good idea.
  21. I don't think it's a good idea to talk about conspiracies and climate in the same thread. I don't think the climate issue is a conspiracy.
  22. I was referring to Boardwalk Empire, the TV series. https://www.rottentomatoes.com/tv/boardwalk-empire The TV series actually mixes fictional characters with real characters. There is a character based on Al Capone, but then there are characters that are entirely fictional. A character who plays JFK's father makes an appearance in the show as it is alleged (and denied by many reports) that he was involved in Bootlegging. Also, my comment is based on various mobsters claiming JFK was killed by the mafia. But it's an unproven conspiracy.
  23. Six Degrees of Separation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Six_degrees_of_separation
  24. Seems like there are hordes of people with the same sentiment. And one conspiracy spills over into another. I surrender.
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