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save the frogs

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Everything posted by save the frogs

  1. Most people are narrow-minded and taking in way too much fake news and basing their perceptions on this fake or limited news. This just came into my Youtube feed. Elon / Trump are initiating a massive tech project in the Philippines. If you read the comments section of the youtube video, the Filipinos don't seem to be complaining about Trump.
  2. Sorry, I haven't read the thousands of posts on here, so I don't know what you Dems are expecting him to do. Someone should start a thread making predictions about everything that Trump will do. And then we can check back in 4 years to see how accurate everyone was. Since he's in bed with Elon, I will make 2 predictions: 1) Self-driving cars will explode in the next 4 years and 2) Maybe crypto/blockchain will explode? I'm guessing a few tech things will really take off and become mainstream. As far as geopolitics, I don't know.
  3. nobody knows what 95 per cent of his policies are yet. you need to wait.
  4. Hooker will generally never accuse you of rape because it's her livelihood. Unless you get violent and do sth similar to this. Yes, you are correct. So always respect the woman's wishes and don't force anything on them. But I don't need to tell you that, Jim. You already know.
  5. another argument in favor of sleeping with hookers rather than one night stands with "normal" girls. she probably has a husband and children back in china too.
  6. Going for daily walks will help. Hot liquids. I have ginger tea an hour before bed. I think this helps the bowels for a morning poop. And then I have coffee first thing in the morning. Adding lemon juice to water might help. Maybe first thing in the morning. And Magnesium Citrate capsules. Specifically Citrate, not the other forms of Magnesium. https://www.healthline.com/health/digestive-health/magnesium-for-citrate-constipation#magnesium-citrate It’s a type of osmotic laxative, which means it relaxes your bowels and pulls water into your intestines. The water helps soften and bulk up your stool, which makes it easier to pass.
  7. I think diamonds are also a stupid thing to buy/own. It's a scam created by some genius evil capitalist for people to spend so much money on a tiny object that can be easily stolen. And the value of diamonds is totally artifically created.
  8. There are 1000 reasons why a marriage might not work out that have nothing to do with a girl being a former bargirl.
  9. This is BAD news and a RED FLAG !! Trump and JFK jr, who allegedly wants to make America Healthy Again, eating McDonald's!
  10. this debate pops up every few months. some people have made their minds up that vegetable oils are safe to consume. and the fear of saturated fats from butter is also etched in some people's minds. good luck trying to change someone's mind on something.
  11. are the threads getting more explicit on here or is it just my imagination?
  12. I also believe in ghosts and superstition, so there is commonality there.
  13. Of course if you are near family upbringing, you won't be able to get away with it. I don't think anyone brings their bar girl back to their home country and tells everyone what she did for a living. People are away from their families back home in Thailand, which gives more freedom. "Polite society" tries to keep everyone in line to conform, and also polite society is hypocritical. Because many Chinese and Indians will sleep with these girls while their wives are back home, but hide it from them. So is it worse to marry one or come here by the busload and lead a double life with one while being married to a normal girl? Trick question.
  14. everyone who works in an office dresses with the same blue suit. we are all conformists. unless you're some type of artist or weirdo.
  15. People who bash the sex trade have maybe never been exploited in a "real" job? OP, the answer to your question is Bruce Springsteen. In this here town, you git whatch u can git.
  16. many of these girls do not have the DNA for marriage with anyone, period. and they are better off staying in the bar scene.
  17. So anything above 2 hours is not considered short time?
  18. and they take her for breakfast the next morning to stretch it out into a quasi-real-girlfriend experience
  19. You come to the right place. There's a lot of experts on both sides of the spectrum on here. They'll sort you out.
  20. he probably tipped them off and was in on it too.
  21. The infamous Rolex watch rears its head again. One of the stupidest things ever to spend your money on. Attracts thieves, is tiny and light and the easiest and highest value per kg thing and therefore best thing to steal. Apart from a bar of gold maybe. But people who own gold are smart enough not to keep it in their condos.
  22. he's beyond the grief stage. he's in the rage stage.
  23. Pat yourselves on the back for supporting people getting rich on a mediocre fake boxing match. I'm glad I boycotted it.
  24. OP is on a crusade, man. Keep an eye on those oligarchs man. Don't let them get away with anything. Let's make Russia great again.
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