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Everything posted by Startmeup

  1. I am fully relaxed. These proposals won't go through imo.
  2. How can any individual in this tax year be liable to any new rules when there is so much ambiguity? They can’t seems like the only possible answer.
  3. There is at least half a dozen interviews with Thai tax specialists on YouTube and not one have said they know exactly what these rules mean.
  4. I don't need to bring in any money, my wife pays for everything.
  5. Im shocked to see Phuket so far down that list, it's the worst driving I've seen anywhere in Thailand. Not a week goes by where I dont come across at least one accident on the road, often more. When you consider the population of Chiang Mai compared to Bangkok and Phuket I really have to question the figures.
  6. It's not up to the banks to charge income Taxes anyway that's the tax office/governments job. The only taxes I know of that banks charge is withholding taxes for non residents who have interest bearing accounts.
  7. I've read nothing but bad things from MG owners based on after care and parts being an abolsute disaster in Thailand. Hard to go **wrong** with any of the Japanese makers. Toyota Honda Mazda Nissan Mitsubishi Have owned them all in the past (cars not SUVs) , bought all second hand and if you buy one that has been looked after it will never let you down. Never had any issues with any BMW I've owned either despite reports to the contrary. If you buy a car that has been looked after, it will look after you.
  8. It won't go ahead. If it continues to be pushed it will be dragged through the courts for years by rich folk. Im treating it as a nothing burger because qualified Thai tax advisors don't even know whats happening.
  9. No
  10. I mean legit pasta that made you go Holy <deleted> this is a different level. The only time that's happened to me in Thailand was in Bangkok in a place called Peppe Italian.
  11. In Phuket, maybe all over thailand they have this dessert place called Crepe-a-day. The kitkat/Nutella ice cream one is quality for a sugar hit. About 150 baht.
  12. The easiest lowest hanging fruit thing that can be done to at least give the perception that they are taking steps to reduce pollution is to roll out electric passenger buses in Bangkok and then to other cities. Get rid of all those old crazy polluting buses that everybody see with huge plumes of smoke coming out. They are horrendous. This was one of the first thing China done in its drive to EVs and showed they were making an effort and while they are not necessarily reducing pollution they are getting it away from the densely populated areas which has direct impacts on peoples health.
  13. Your 40 years old so you have circa 40 years left to live all going well. You have a decision to make. You can retire early now with 100k baht per month to spend. You can work another 5-10 years after which time you have 200k per month. It could be as high as another ten years but if you are lucky it might only be 5 years, This isn't predictable. Do you take the 100k per month now or put your head down and double your income in the coming years for a much more comfortable life? Pros/Cons
  14. Exactly this is one of the main reasons, alot of people trying but alot harder nowadays due to the reasons you state along with costs in many countries making it prohibitive. There's a reason why IVF companies are killing it.
  15. Australia similar but worse I think.
  16. What makes you say that having kids is over rated? I don't have kids, am considering it but need to get a move on. I've yet to meet a couple who wanted to have kids that have regretted it. In fact they almost unequivocally say it's the best thing that ever happened to them. Is it easy, absolutely not in many ways but good things often don't come easy.
  17. By all means anybody who hasn't done any research and still thinks these mRNA vaccines are "safe and effective". Get boosted and double and triple and quadruple boosted if it takes you that long to figure out that these are damaging to many peoples health. This is what you call survival of the fittest. Those stupid enough to believe these vaccines aren't causing harm, Your on the wrong side of history A statement from the former CEO of one of Singapore largest health Insurance company and presidential candidate the latest in a long long long line of people speaking out against these jabs that never gets airtime. This comes not long after the Texas attorney general Paxton has initiated proceeding to sue Pfizer over its false and misleading covid policies. Next few years should be "fun" (at least for the "anti-vaxxers") when all this corruption and health issues comes to a head.
  18. Doesn't look to be any good This funds, the best performers are mostly US focused.
  19. Yet to meet an "anti-vaxxer" that has "long covid", I wonder why?
  20. What do long term returns look like for the best performing Thai mutual funds? Any of the ten funds or so I checked on the Bangkok Bank website the return are hideous.
  21. You invested in Thailand based REIT?
  22. I wonder how long and how big a team of investigators would need to figure it out lol. Clown world with a brainwashed population
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