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Everything posted by Foxx

  1. (1) The UK IHT nil rate band is £325,000 - far less than US$3 million. It's a bit over $400,000 USD. (2) If the brokerage is in the USA and you have invested in US instruments, there may be a US death tax liability. (3) You will probably be regarded as UK domiciled, so your worldwide estate will be taxable under UK inheritance tax rules, and your estate will need to go through the UK probate process. (UK domicile is extremely difficult to lose. Note that domicile is not the same as residence for tax purposes.)
  2. If it hasn't already arrived, double check the reference you gave. Wrong reference would mean the money couldn't be allocated to your Wise account.
  3. You don't have to have a debit (or ATM) card for an account. If you've got a little bit saved you don't pay for your card at all with the likes of Krung Sri Exclusive.
  4. I would suggest not investing in Thailand, but investing offshore. And for the less familiar with investment, a simple index tracker such as iShares Core MSCI World UCITS ETF [SWDA], with an expense ratio of 0.2%. Over the last 10 years it's given an annualised return of 8.8% (USD class). It's available on a number of different stock exchanges, and in different currencies. Of course, not being an RMF, you have the flexibility easily to switch to other investments or cash in should circumstances make this desirable.
  5. Don't let the tail wag the dog! With Thai funds, the expenses are high and the performance over the last few years dismal. Only 5 equity RMFs have returned more than 5% annualised over the last 10 years (that's out of 212, so 2/4% of them). Are you feeling that lucky? And with fixed income RMFs, only two have returned more than 2% over the same period (out of 54). With the current government being heavily influenced by the same forces as the previous military mandated governments, don't expect a turn around any time soon. I, for one, will not be adding to my Thai fund holdings until there's a democratically elected government that represents the will of the people.
  6. That is not Hamas' own policy, it's the policy of Islam, as exemplified by the perfect man and role model, Islam's "prophet" Mohammed. At Banu Qurayza (a Jewish village) Mohammed authorised the slaughter of all post-pubescent boys and men. Hundreds were murdered. This was in 627 CE, and it is still the duty of Muslim men to act likewise in the footsteps of their role model and inspiration.
  7. The article's source (not credited) is i24News, a Jewish news agency based in Israel's capital, Tel Aviv. Not sure they're the most impartial people to report on this. It would be nice to see independent (non-Jewish, non-Muslim) review and fact check of the document.
  8. You're confusing Buddhism with Islam (the religion with a magic flying donkey), and Christianity (the religion with a dude who walked on water and turned water into wine).
  9. No passport number on the bank letter (at least with Krung Sri). And no problem getting the letter with a mismatching passport. That said, the bank will be notified at some point to avoid service delays in the future.
  10. However, if the OP does so he'll lose six months' validity on his current passport, which isn't cheap. (The UK no longer renews passports from the date of the previous passport's expiry.)
  11. The GDP per capita of the West Bank is US$5,600, and that of Israel is US$42,100 according to the CIA World Factbook so, on average, Palestinians are much, much poorer than Israelis. That makes them less likely to visit Thailand. That said, there's a number of extremely wealthy Palestinians - primarily from embezzlement. There are at least 600 dollar millionaires. At least one (Munib al-Masri) is worth over US$1 billion. He could probably afford a fortnight in Bangkok.
  12. Was wondering who Walid Abu Ali is. Apparently he's the Palestine ambassador to Malaysia and to the Maldives. In other words, nothing to do with Thailand. According to Wikipedia he's most noted for sharing a platform with Hafiz Muhammad Saeed, a Pakistani terrorist involved in the 2008 Mumbai attacks which killed 166 civilians. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walid_Abu_Ali
  13. For me, Lamb Weston without any doubt. It's almost like magic the way that the oil on the surface disappears once they're taken out of the fryer. Crispy, not greasy, light and fluffy every time.
  14. Drawing conclusions based upon 8 treated female rates seems a bit weak. Also note that the scientists were all Turkish. Not sure that Turkey is particularly famed for the quality of its biomedical research. Finally, with their being Turkish and (presumably) Muslim, I'm reminded of the religious objections that many Muslims have to all forms of vaccine which may have tainted the researchers' objectivity.
  15. Now you know why they call them /phríkˑkhîiˑnǔu/ (literally rat faeces chillies).
  16. Have they worked out which Senator was responsible for stepping in wet cement?
  17. XE is not tax specialists and has no special knowledge of Thailand. The various Thai accountancy sites that I've previously looked at make no mention that money brought to Thailand is automatically liable for income tax. For a start, it may not even be income, but rather capital.
  18. Pretty sure that link is wrong about income tax.
  19. Nothing to worry about. Gift tax is only applicable on gifts above 10 million baht for non-relatives. https://sherrings.com/gift-tax-law-in-thailand.html
  20. Foxx


    On the plus side, he's probably not going to live very long.
  21. Which is absolutely ridiculous. 10,000 baht spent a non-Thai produces just as much economic stimulus as 10,000 baht spent by a Thai adult. More people spending = more economic stimulus. Or is this really just evidence that it's an electoral bribe since non-Thais can't vote?
  22. In the past I've always requested the bank letter the day before I visit Immigration and can then pick it up the next day (i.e. the day I visit Immigration). The letter's typically available around 11:30. Something to do with Head Office having to produce it. I then drive to Chaengwattana, arriving around 2:30 p.m. With the new-ish appointment system the latest I can get an appointment is 2 p.m. which is cutting it very fine, even if I put my foot down. Would they accept a letter from two days before? (Plus, of course, an updated passbook.) Thanks
  23. The contention is very well supported. This is simply the first source I could find.
  24. There times "literally" in that short extract. How else are farmers going to strew rice? Metaphorically? For that matter, they don't "strew" the rice - it's not scattered untidily (which is what the word means), but rather raked into a thin, even layer.
  25. Basic services. Not something I'd personally want to rely on in case of a stroke or heart attack, or even a bone breaking accident.
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