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Everything posted by Cameroni

  1. Do me a favour. Look at the size of the Russian economy. It's barely larger than Spain's. Russia could no more invade and occupy large parts of Europe than Boris Johnson could speak the truth.
  2. Putin used the nuclear strike option as a deterrant, to stop Western support for Ukraine, as you well know. It's very easy to say "ah nobody invaded Russia since 1945", but in reality NATO's continous expansion eastwards into the great European plains put Russia in an almost impossible strategic position. The great plain is almost impossible to defend, or at least very difficult. It makes a lot of sense for Russia to control Ukraine, it is in fact a vital defence for Russia. As for energy, Russia made more money during the Ukraine war with energy than ever before and the Russian economy was doing better than ever. In fact it was the Europeans who crapped in their own nest, making their own energy vastly more expensive and we can all see the economic consequences for Germany today. You are spouting NATO propaganda.
  3. Russia has been one of the most reliable treaty signatories of all time. The SALT treaties are a prime example. The Budapest Memorandum was signed on the clear understanding that NATO would not expand eastwards and would not incorporate Ukraine into NATO. Once it became clear that NATO had lied and openly stated that Ukraine would join NATO the Budapest Memorandum had lost any basis or meaning. It was the West that broke the Budapest Memorandum by expanding eastwards and thus making Russia HAVE to focus on securing the great European plain, ie Ukraine, so it can defend itself. Crimea was GIFTED to Ukraine by Russia. It was Russian to start with, and once Ukraine made clear it would switch allegiance to the West and join NATO clearly Russia HAD to annex Crimea for security reasons. Any fool can see the strategic military signficance of the Crimea. You are in fact rewriting history, though you're probably not aware that you're spouting Western propaganda.
  4. I would not say the performance of his companies does not concern him, clearly it would. However, I suppose your number of fkks given is limited, when your net worth is 347 billion US Dollars. I mean no matter what happens Musk is not going to worry about paying bills and nor will his children and grand children, and their children. In that constellation I suppose it makes sense to look at other challenges like politics.
  5. I doubt it. Real countries, ie countries with history and populations over 40 million people are a different organism to little tiny city states. Tiny states, Netherlands, Denmark, Luxembourg, Singapore etc always have it much easier to railroad policies. To accomplish them in a real country is much more difficult and a different ball game entirely.
  6. That's a fair point, the authorities here barely do anything, witness traffic enforcement. Eventually the potholes are repaired in Thailand, but when they do so poorly that it has to be repeated within a few months. Then again the heat here is extreme which has specific challenges.
  7. You know it could just be they ran out of plates and had to use the styrofoam containers. Not everything is anti-semitic persecution.
  8. That is pretty normal everywhere though, in rural areas generally the roads will always be poorer in every country. That's not a Thailand specific issue.
  9. Yes, indeed, when it comes to underhand, hidden, stab-in-the-back, operations Ukraine excels above any other nation, they managed to blow up Nord Stream 2 and blame the Russians, routinely murder Russians in Russia they don't like then run away, it's remarkable. However, that's nothing compared to what the likes of Russia or the CIA are capable of, and Zelensky knows this. He of course already lives looking over his shoulder thanks to his poking Putin in the eye constantly.
  10. The problem is Europe has no arms to give. Even Germany and the UK have a threadbare armaments and ammunitions cupboard. Only the US can supply what Ukraine neeeds. That's why Zelensky is kissing Trump's feet now, despite being beatch-slapped in the oval office like a naught boy.
  11. Yes that will make the world safe again and have massive impact clearly. I would also like to give some life advice to Elon Musk, even though obviously I'm not a business tycoon like Torquayman. As such my advice centres on another area where I can offer more expertise: dating. Looking at the dating history of Mr Musk, Amber Heard, Grimes, I can't help but think something is amiss. Clearly Elon has understood that his sexual market value is through the roof. Not because of his fetching face, his muscular body or his dance moves, we all know women don't care about looks, no, women care about one thing only, the cold hard cash. And given that Elon can rightfully claim to be a billionaire, and give away Teslas like confetti, he knows very well that his sexual market value is throught he roof. And yet, and yet....Amber Heard and Grimes. Now, whilst sleeping with another man's wife, even if that man is a film star, I would not consider an accomplishment, but far worse than that, to not vet your women properly is a recipe for disaster. And here Amber Heard and Grimes can rightfully be placed in the cockooo like cocopops category. Yes, Amber was stunningly attractive before she gained 60 pounds and went to the other side of sapphic love. However, just because a woman is pretty, we should not assume she could make a good life partner. Elon, could it be some of your time would be wisely spent on vetting your women more carefully? Then again your own actions, dating Natasha Basset and then fathering a child with Shivon Zilis WHILST dating Ms Basset appear to indicate that you are perhaps reinventing monogamy the way you have reinvented the car and house building? I await to see the results with great anticipation.
  12. It's a good point, I always found the wigs ridiculous beyond belief. The truth is in some things the UK is more advanced of course, arms manufacturing, chemical and drug manufacturing, financial services, maybe a few others. In other areas Thailand is more advanced, massage, motorways, electric vehicle adoption, payment methods, shopping malls, internet speeds across the country. Personally I see little different in technological advancements in Europe and Thailand. If anything I prefer to pay with QR codes, enjoy the great motorways (apart from the driving, in driving skills the UK is vastly more advanced obviously), the brilliant malls, the faster internet. In another key area Thailand is also more advanced, culinary arts. The cooking in Thailand is worlds beyond UK development, just vastly better. Even if the UK has some wonderful products like crumpets, Cumberland sausage and a few other delights. There is nothing like Massaman curry or coconout smoothie.
  13. So you would prefer to continue to see women and children and soldiers dying in Ukraine? Why is that? You love death?
  14. It's very kind of you to give life and business advice to Elon Musk, I am sure he will carefully consider your proposals. However, just playing devil's advocate, could it be that a man with the accomplishments of Elon Musk in life, in business, possibly feels bored with business where he has nothing left to prove, and now with more money than he, his children and grandchildren, will ever need and could never spend in several generations, possibly, just possibly, Mr Musk is now concerned about matters wholly different to business?
  15. You mean getting food in a styrofoam container is antisemitism? I had no idea! I get victimised like this every day in the food court, I will talk to this antisemitic woman today!
  16. Oh my God Russia wants to invade London! Quick, give Boris Johnson a plane!
  17. Lol, typical Italian thinking, trying to circumvent the rules. Such a guarantee would be tantamount to giving Ukraine NATO membership and therefore would prevent any deal to end the war. Every idiot can see this. More Euro drivel to lick the boots of Ukraine that is about as irrelevant as anything else that comes out of Europe. It will never happen. Anyone who thinks this is a viable option needs to seek medical help.
  18. "We are ready to work fast to end the war" https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cge1qq4jdxdo There you go Volodymyr. Took a few slaps in the face by Trump, but finally you're singing like you should. Take a cue, Europeans, on how you deal with dictators. You stand up to them like Trump did. You don't kiss their boots, it just makes you ineffectual. Trump understands how to get things done. What a masterclass in negotiation.
  19. The Art of massage is vastly more developed in Thailand than in the US or the UK. Thailand is a world leader in that regard.
  20. Every single person on this thread has severely misunderstood the meaning of the term "Third World". It was NEVER meant to relate to economic conditions, infrastructure, social development or anything of the kind. It was originally used to describe non-aligned countries, ie countries not affiliated with NATO or the Warsaw Pact. As such this term has now completely lost its relevance and is superflous. You are all hopelessly out of date. Get with the times people. At most you could ask is Thailand "underdeveloped", in which case you'd have to admit that motorways are way better in Thailand than in the UK, the internet is fantastically better, and you can pay with a QR code everywhere. Try that in England and let me know how it goes. Actually Thailand is ahead of the UK in many respects. Think of the shopping malls, vastly better than anything in the UK.
  21. Lol, Germany is buying Russian gas NOW. As is all of Western Europe almost. The revived Nord Stream 2 pipeline will just make it easier. American companies get a cut and German compan ies get cheap energy. Everyone wins. Don't think there are not a huge number of friends of Russia in Germany, there are. Gerhard Schroeder, even Sarah Wagenknecht and Oskar Lafontaine. Don't think Olaf Scholz will be in power forever. In due course, when this war is over Germany will again buy Russian gas openly, rather than clandestinely. It just make sense.
  22. You are just driven by resentment, it's sad to see. Trump was voted in by the overwhelming majority of Americans. He won the popular vote. Not Bernie Sanders. Not Kamalalala. Not Obama. Not Michelle. Donald Trump was chosen by the people of America. The only people who are destroying America are your leftist democrats who want to destroy the American voting system if it gives them a better chance, and to give the vote to 16 year old children. In fact the leftists want to destroy everything, even the innocence of childhood which they pollute with their LGBTQ books and propaganda telling children they are in the wrong body. Indeed they want to blow up the whole world by formenting a war between Ukraine and Russia, you can even seee the mentally ill calling for boots on the ground from NATO as if that would not lead to a war with Russia. Thank God the calm and peaceful hands of Donald Trump are at the wheel now. To describe Donald Trump as a "dictator" is the pinnacle of mendacious falsehood. He was voted in by an overwhelming majority of Americans. Of course you are wrong to call me "Russian" as you are wrong on everything you post, but if I had to choose between Putin and Zelensky, it's Putin every single time. What Putin is giving to the West and Ukraine is richly deserved, and he will win this war. Just as Trump won the election. We are all winners. You, you leftists. You are always ......losers.
  23. Talk about sour grapes. Trump is an absolute blessing for the United States taxpayer, but also for all citizens of the world as he is doing all he can to bring peace to Ukraine. The right man at the right time. We should thank all Americans who voted in this great man who is such a blessing to the world at large.
  24. Oh I don't read Russian news, I posted the Financial Times about this, but I also read it in the London Times: "US in secret talks with Putin’s friend to revive Nord Stream 2 pipeline" https://www.thetimes.com/world/europe/article/us-secret-talks-putin-friend-nord-stream-2-pipeline-6n63nq23z Do you seriously think Russia will negotiate on ending the Ukraine war without making sanctions an issue? Don't be naive. Sanctions will come to an end, US companies will be involved in the massive gas deals when Russia once again supplies Western Europe openly (as they are now doing clandestinely). To cling to a statement like that, as if any word Trump says is gospel, is, well, naive. It is well documented Americans are negotiating with the Russians to re-open Nord Stream 2.
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