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Everything posted by Pattaya57

  1. It's ok, we can't all be perfect 😉
  2. I know when you buy the bike the dealer will do the rego. I forgot to ask will they also do the insurance? If so, is dealer insurance any good or better to go to a broker? Thanks
  3. Am I being mean, I can't help it but to flash my 7/11 wealth 😉
  4. I was happy with my chrome wheels on the Harley 😀
  5. No it's not normal for someone to have that feeling when they've spent only 5 months in Thailand in last 2 years. Being out of Thailand last 11 months he'll have zero problems on visa exempt.
  6. How could anyone stuff up a service on a scooter? I used to do my own service on my Yamahe FJ1100 so would only send for service to keep the warranty.
  7. I still have hope as they haven't updated rates yet
  8. Well you can get the "Click" for 64k
  9. You're claiming poor and yet giving baht away 😀 They are same as coins. The bottom right hand red circle has a 1 or 3 in Thai and that's what it's worth (3 in Thai is like a sideways 3, while 1 is the circle thingy)
  10. Since the OP is obviously very poor only making $5 an hour mopping floors for the Australian Public Service and needs a zimmer to walk around and can't afford a baht bus, I think we should all pitch in to help him have a better holiday. I have some 7-eleven stamps he can have to help get by. Stamps are worth 1 and 3 baht at any 7-Eleven 😉
  11. Good reason for me to buy from the Honda place opposite Tukcom in Pattaya. It's about 300 metres from my condo so easy to drop for service (price is 99,900 for ADV same as RRP)
  12. Thanks, I heard it was coming but didn't know it had already happened today. I'll head into Krungsri on Friday after the holiday and hope it hasn't changed yet.
  13. Correct math is 0.00493% interest per day in post above which I can no longer edit. In that case I could have just made it 0.005% per day for simplicity 😆
  14. My Time Deposit pays 1.8% annual interest and I accrue pro-rata 0.493% interest per day (as I can renew after 7 months, I will recieve 0.493% x 365 days = 1.8% after 12 months). This concept is no different to a 24 month time deposit paying 1.8% interest, you will accrue 0.493% per day for 2 years. On my actual 805k deposit, I receive 1231 baht per month interest on 31 day months and 1191 baht on 30 day months. This is paid into my regular savings account on the 20th of each month. This means my 805k time deposit balance never changes.
  15. I never said that, I said only Thai were allowed to open the 2.9% account
  16. My account is a "Special Time Deposit - 7 months". It is not a grow savings account. Interest is 1.8% paid monthly into my savings account. Normal time deposit rules apply for early withdrawal
  17. Yeah I had another look at the March rates when I opened my account and realised it was the 2.9% tax free savings account I wasn't allowed to open. Well done on the 2.5%. So my choices are 2.2% for 36 months, 2.1% for 24 months or a special time deposit at 1.9% for 10 months. Now just have to decide.
  18. I'm sure people have heard Westpac has a problem whereby customers haven't been able to log in online or in the app over last 3 days now. Mine was okay until this morning but now I haven't been able to log into Westpac all day. Luckily I could log in when I used my vpn. How weird that I'm blocked using overseas IP address but okay if logging in from Australian IP via vpn. Pretty freaky thinking Westpac may have been hacked but you can't access your accounts to see if your money is okay 😞
  19. That's from 2 years ago and there's been huge change's to currency exchange since then. Unlike that chart, I've just shown Thailand is now 25% more expensive than Australia for a Whopper cheese meal (318 baht in Aus vs 399 in Pattaya)
  20. 13 countries including UK can get 45 days visa exempt. All other countries can apply for 90 day e-visa
  21. Whopper cheese medium meal cost $14.45 in Australia so around 318 baht compared to 399 baht in Thailand. Fast food being more expensive in Thailand is crazy to me as food and beer are supposed to be cheap
  22. It's hardly rained at all this wet season. Maybe 1-2 days a week for a few hours and that's it.
  23. Can we get that one? That was there when I did the 7 month 1.8% but bank officer told me that 2.2% was only for Thais?
  24. Speaking of too expensive, is anyone willing to pay for a Whopper cheese meal at Burger King? It's a whopping 399 baht which is A$18. It's not even a double Whopper so hate to think how much that costs 😀 Edit: I just checked, double Whopper cheese meal is 469 baht or A$21. Ridiculous price for supposedly cheap "fast food"
  25. You must be pretty wet by now as it's pissing down. Bet you wish you paid the 10 baht for baht bus now 😆 Btw how can you need a Zimmer frame when for the last year you've been bragging how fit you are and how much you go to the gym. Just another lie I guess
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