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Everything posted by Pattaya57

  1. Yes some are nasty (or just straight out weird) I was in a popular bar last week where strangers often share the same table as no room. I was on my phone checking emails and messages and this guy who just sat down opposite me had a very loud go at me for being on my phone! It was a sarcastic swipe about phones but I swear it was like my best friend was just offended by how rude I was for being on my phone instead of talking to him! I just stared at him in amazement then shook my head and went back to my phone without saying a word. Pissed him off even more 😆 (Note I was not on youtube or FaceTime or a call, this was silent reading of my phone)
  2. I'm just wondering why so many people have issues and yet I've never had a single one since my first visit in 2008. Flying here on one-way flights, onwards tickets 30 days after visa exempt days, 270 day stays a year on visa exempt, easy 90 day reports, TM30 and stay extensions....I must be just lucky 😀
  3. 90 day report in Jomtien is free, as is TM30
  4. How can you be doing your first ever TM30?
  5. How is central Pattaya polluted? I live here and don't see or feel any pollution?
  6. Well the difference is you seem to think you can't enter debit card details when asked for a credit card Anyway back on topic, I was going to say I'd use onwardticket as they offer a ticket in 60 seconds, so you can have it ready to pay and only confirm ticket if asked to show it at airline, but if onwardflight is only $7 I might just do the night before as easier and cheap
  7. My breakfast every day this week has been 3 eggs, 2 sausages and 3 stringy bacon + coffee. I've been doing the 'carnivore diet' where you only eat meat or animal products. Zero carbohydrates allowed and they say to eat as much as you feel like (so not a calorie diet) After a week on this I actually lost weight and best I've felt in a long time (heaps of energy). I also found my new favourite lunch is now a simple burger patty with egg & cheese (no bread roll or salads to corupt it)
  8. If you've been hitting the booze so hard that you're not waking up when you need a piss, then you are basically passed out drunk. Simple solution, stop drinking so much booze that you pass out
  9. Great, "I'm not Bob Smith" is back 😀
  10. That said, you have no idea if Onward flight accept debit cards or not, but you are stating it as fact that they do not. By the way, Onward ticket also says "credit cards" on their site
  11. Yep, that's the way I understand it. The whole point of debit card was to replicate a credit card
  12. How do they know it's a debit card or credit card? Whenever I use my debit cards it's as a Visa or Mastercard which is exactly the same as a credit card? Edit: I just had a look as I don't have a credit card. In overview Onward flight states: You have the option to pay using Paypal or card payment. It does then say credit card below but I would just put my debit card details in there, same as I buy all my real tickets?
  13. The way I read the rules for OAP, once you're on the pension you can elect to do a final tax submission and never have to file a tax return again (as pension + rebates is < threshold). I'd then assume tax residence is irrelevant as you never have to file a tax return again and therefore never have to declare residency status (Resident or non-resident tax status is only determined during a tax return, never any other time) Have I missed something?
  14. Yep, if everyone blocks him and never replies to him then this decades old thread may actually be useful again to newbies to the OAP and old timers as well. Just remember he posted this: "I'm not on a pension, I'll never be on a pension and I think all pensioners are freeloaders living off my taxes" Why would anyone engage with someone in the pensioner thread who obviously has an agenda of hating pensioners? Meanwhile he's made nearly 1000 posts in this thread
  15. Haha, 500 baht price he's declining is $15 and he wants to pay $12. If saying go with the flow with what bisinesses have set up makes me a big spender paying $3 more as the market rate then ok 😀
  16. Drinking 19 crimes Cab Sav for 599 baht a bottle from Central. If only they made that in 5 litre casks as yummy 😀
  17. So you've already got it sorted and know how it works for 500 baht per hour in your condo. But you want it for 400 baht per hour. Are you just negotiating for the sake of it or is that 100 baht really going to kill your budget? I'm thinking being that tight over 100 baht you probably leave a very small tip (if any), so girls wouldn't want to come back for repeat business anyway?
  18. Recent exchange thread in Pattaya has answers
  19. It's a shame the soi 7 Beer Garden has closed as it was unique being a huge freelancer bar. While I didn't chat up the ladies, it did give a good vibe having them all there and the food was good as well. The owner of Pattaya Beer Garden tried to replicate this concept but it never really took off that way and is only about good food now (and of course the view over the water)
  20. I'm still wondering why the OP hasn't come forward with exactly what happened to tip the driver over the edge so he wanted to kill him?
  21. Why would a tourist on 2 week holiday care about a first time Motorbike noise outside their holiday rented condo at 7-8pm? I can understand if someone lived here and the bike noise was continuous most days of the week, or at midnight or early morning hours. I just can't picture this anywhere in the World that a 2 week Tourist would want to call the police (and start a forum thread) over some Motorbike noise at 7-8pm when it's only happened the one time they've been here?
  22. You're welcome, happy to help! That is about as much truth as your posts. I actually called the police to report an old falang is harassing motorcycle riders. I said to look for someone like Grandpa Simpson shouting at clouds 😆
  23. My local brit place in Pattaya used to serve bangers 'n mash in a yorkshire pudding. Is that actually called a "Toad in the hole"? She seems to have swapped it for something called a "Lincolnshire Swirl"
  24. You've really lost it. Get back on your meds, or if you're still on them, get off them as they're not working
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