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Everything posted by Pattaya57

  1. You do know your phone changes your spelling right? Asean now seems to constantly change to bad spelling. Changes to how most people spell it. So many people say Looser instead of Loser and Boarder instead of Border....stuffs up the spell checker
  2. Deleted: I wrote nice post but immediately got confused/sad emoji so I'm out
  3. Retiring early for me meant I lost a huge network of friends and routine. I think now only retire if you hate your job, doesn't matter how much $ you have
  4. I have fat fingers and a stupid spell checker?
  5. I lived at a place we called "Club 42" in my twenty's. We followed the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy as the meaning of life was 42. Well done to retire at the right age 😀
  6. This proves my point, being attacked for making a very tame post where I questioned address being on a passport. Look below at my tame post and then when the OP actually thanked me for my post as my comments seemed to help him answer his thread title question
  7. I had a mate who was a senior manager at Chevron. Met his executive secretary and married her. She lived at Sri Racha, so bought a condo in Pattaya
  8. Don't even know how to. My Engineering degree in Computronics is from the 90's. Knowledge far surpassed by any 5 year old on a phone today
  9. Quite the opposite. Was saying how I went from so smart to how dumb?
  10. Pretty much sums me up. I was always known as someone who "doesn't suffer fools". Could never understand why they don't get it
  11. I came from a trade background doing the work first so actually understood it better doing the engineering degree. Many other engineer peers found it hard to understand the actual work required and many PHD's never did
  12. Just to prove my OP was correct...
  13. I was pretty average at school probably because my "poor uneducated" parents never made me do homework. I also cruised through my air force apprenticeship just doing what I had to because I didn't know better. Then went to uni on engineering degree and recieved best student of the year, then got Golden Key Honours Society for supposedly best 15% of academic performance on the planet. Then got Masters degree and retired rich at 52 Now I'm posting on a forum that other posters continue to say my comments suck. I give up as to why so many people are supposedly now smarter than me? Could be achohol related...
  14. Why would any passport have a residential address of friends in Thailand like you say? I thought Passport normally has city of birth and city issued only? As I understand it you can only apply for an e-visa in the country you are currently staying in, so it would be that address where you currently stay
  15. Google "the tv app" Has about 100 american channels so many movies, tv shows and sports (same channels as Aussie Foxtel but free)
  16. Thread here says dual Thai citizens can now stay as long as they like regardless of what passport they enter on
  17. Thai Consulate in Australia also just announced new e-visa system will come into effect March 19. No increase of fees though (not yet anyway)
  18. So what's the point of the post as already on New Zealand Embassy website in New Zealand dollars that they actually have to pay (not some converted US$ rate)
  19. This source doesn't match what Thai Consulate in New Zealand says. Seems to be converting NZ$ to $US
  20. Sydney has the e-visa from 19 March. Last date for old visa is 9th March
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