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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Not so sure, I live about 30 km from the Cambodian border but if I had to do a border run I'd fly from Buriram to Saigon or Penang, with only a short stop at DMK. This I can do on my own. By land I'd have to do it under the protection of my better half, to deal with all these non English speaking local mafias.
  2. Yeah we all know you're moving to Russia.
  3. Don't understand this fascination with land border runs. Isn't easier to fly to Saigon or Penang, spend a couple of nights there and come back?
  4. His face looks very dark to me. Maybe Norway?
  5. Young creep, probably killed his main source of income. R.I.P Frenchman.
  6. The Thai people just love being insulted. They always look so happy being thrown excrement at. Must say I am fascinated.
  7. Carl Orff sets the standard, as far as I am concerned.
  8. Boom boom face still there, and at the ministry of interior. Difficult times ahead for whiteys..
  9. Yep, they'l have to raise the price of gas to 12 Bucks a Gallon.
  10. Try again... Ok, my bad.. the increase is indeed of 150%. Slap
  11. Undeniably. And it will also trigger extra business for airlines when all expat families living to in Thailand will fly Europe for holidays.. I still have vivid memories of Dusit Hua Hin, where a Chinese male was having breakfast in his sperm stained boxers.
  12. Where is the meat?
  13. Yep, about time we nuke them. Ronald.
  14. Looks like the pump doesn't have dry run detection, either by [lack of] design or due to malfunction. Could you indicate Brand/model/year we might be able to find out if has dry run detection. What do you mean by "recirculation"?
  15. Lawyer up. But T.I.T.
  16. I play that one every night before my wife comes upstairs. I love you, me neither. Totally uplifting. Sorry Pfizer.
  17. So, good news for the plebs: new PM has a dinner with himself. Bunch of winkers.
  18. Indeed, you don't manipulate masses through Science. But I love the Bible, for what it teaches, and I ignores all it's underlying childish beliefs. This is where Science helps me.
  19. Don't be an idiot, don't shoot, poison. When in Rome....
  20. Definitely not. Build work camps in the wilderness for dealers. And keep hammering tobacco and alcohol.
  21. Couldn't let that guy near my children...
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