Undeniably. And it will also trigger extra business for airlines when all expat families living to in Thailand will fly Europe for holidays.. I still have vivid memories of Dusit Hua Hin, where a Chinese male was having breakfast in his sperm stained boxers.
Looks like the pump doesn't have dry run detection, either by [lack of] design or due to malfunction. Could you indicate Brand/model/year we might be able to find out if has dry run detection.
What do you mean by "recirculation"?
Indeed, you don't manipulate masses through Science. But I love the Bible, for what it teaches, and I ignores all it's underlying childish beliefs. This is where Science helps me.
Why? The OP said he has the funds in Thailand.
"I worked in Thailand some years ago and got some money on a Thai bank so conditions are ok about the bank account amount requested."
He get one of those useless LMG plans, and off he goes. Since he seems rather young it will cost him next to nothing.