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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. When I was still cycling, I used clipless pedals. Really enjoyed the bloodthirsty turning into squeals when my cleat gouged across one of those dogs faces.
  2. The dog should have been terminated a long time ago. The only sensible thing to do. The owner of the dog should compensate the victim. While it should be tens of millions for the loss of an arm, we know that Thailand is hopeless when it comes to protecting victims.
  3. Yes, reads like a failed hand job.
  4. "Immigration releases statement on crackdowns on foreign offenders" Link to the offending statement ?
  5. Dunno what OP is talking about. God created me to release my my/his seed in vaginas.
  6. Second hand A10 is all that's needed for Thailand, maybe 20 or 30 and a lot of choppers. A10s will be easier to fly in a straight line for Thai pilots. That propeller thingy might cause them problems, unless they modify it to alternate one rev left, one rev right, one rev left...
  7. OP your Mum didn't teach you to mind your own business. BTW what are you doing in LOS?
  8. Macron is scratching his left testicle, while he is in hurry to get rid of Goofy and get on with real business.
  9. Naah ...just strong advocacy for equal treatment between Swiss and Brits,
  10. Except your income tax bill. And the ST rate...
  11. Can't understand why Macron is wasting his time with the UPM [Unelected Prime Minister] of a country that's so irrelevant that we didn't even colonise it.
  12. Obvious organised crime. He is a mule carrying [one] dangerous drug, he'll spend the next 20 years at the Bangkok Hilton. Good they should hand him.
  13. Nope, we are much more sexy than basic human rights.
  14. They have running water, for that price?
  15. Because of a misunderstanding in all likelihood.
  16. I take note that for you woman and horse same same, but I'll remove this case from your list for the purpose of statistics. That leaves us with 4 cases out of approximately 300000 resident westerners plus hundreds of thousand tourists, so lets say a total of one million potential woman beaters. That is 0.0004%; we are race of maniacs indeed. Anyone got the Thai figures?
  17. These two posts, and the reactions to them have restored my seraphic smile.
  18. I thought it was due to an early discovery of anal sex. They don't get enough of it as our ladies, understandably, have a clear preference for vaginal penetration, so they turn on each other. That's what my mum told me. R.I.P Mum. My dad used to say that male homosexuality was a myth as it was anatomically impossible. Maybe he had a guilty conscience. R.I.P Dad.
  19. So why does he say "New car"? While he is looking for a pickup. Should edit.
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