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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. Isolate the portion of GDP confiscated by the richest 1% and recalculate. Sorry to disappoint.. And give Vietnam another ten to twenty years, they are only at the beginning of their journey.
  2. Yeah, aren't we all a bit trigger happy occasionally, especially when we get close to menstruating.
  3. But any money earned before Jan 1, 2024 and remitted this year won't be taxed anyhow, LTR or not. But IMHO transferring anything earned since Jan 1 would be totally unwise.
  4. Is this such a big issue? I reckon that most of us had their money transfers organised to remain tax exempt before they got their LTR visa, so they just have to do nothing. This is what I do anyhow, and I won't even bother to file a tax return in 2025, just as before.
  5. Within one or two decades Vietnam is going to overtake Thailand in about every field, with Prostitution remaining a Thai area of expertise.
  6. If you are in your thirties of forties it maybe worth it. At 65 five with 10 to 15 years of life expectancy dealing with immigration will cost you less time and effort. Then LTR came ..
  7. I'll keep doing one yearly transfer, on the first business day of January.
  8. Indeed, I am 72 soon live in Isarn and spend 6 weeks a year in Bangkok. I have no issue going up and down the stairs of Nana Plaza, and rarely go back to my hotel alone. OP if you don't want to spend too much you could look at this hotel.
  9. Any government need revenue but IMHO the step taken should be as follows: a) Ruthlessly stamp out corruption (bring in consultants from Singapore), b) Reduce the underground economy from 50% GDP to 20% (this is what this thread is about), c) Introduce a flat Income Tax, adjust the VAT rate, Tax wealth and assets, d) Redistribute some of the revenue to the poorest (not a 10K handout). Meanwhile, someone would have to find means to revitalise the economy. Anyhow if I could see this happen (a Sigaporean/Korean future for my girls) I'd be glad to pay IT, otherwise I'll avoid the punishment within legal limits and let the kids chose between the 30 countries where the can have a life.
  10. The obvious, especially in Thailand, would be to ban anything that titrates more than 15% of alcohol. Which would leave wine and beer.
  11. It isn't. It is the largest country in the World, with the GDP of Italy. Russia is spending disproportionate amount in military ventures that make you believe it is a superpower.
  12. There must be some interesting Paragliding. Are these slopes facing dominant sea breezes?
  13. Yep especially when it is IGNITE THAILAND, as in the OP headline. You write that on social media and get the Gestapo knocking on your door next day.
  14. So her first name was "Eat", he family name must be "Mypushy".
  15. Well, when you perform you won't be treated as plodder, simple. But let's get back to need to have a robust health cover for those who want to retire to Thailand. I was saying it must be part of the very early planning.
  16. Yes, very similar to my UN plan. I paid another 150 for my daughter.
  17. "May", dunno about you, but I kept my last job for over 23 years, and the pension qualified me for LTR/WP. There is a time to to move around, a time to settle down, and a time to retire. For my generation at least.
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