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Ben Zioner

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Everything posted by Ben Zioner

  1. I paid taxes in Israel, Germany, France, Australia and not yet in Thailand. In the former four countries there was, everywhere, intangible evidence of the return on my tax investment. Australia paid me employment benefits even before I paid my first cent of Tax. Here for 25% of my hard earned income I'll benefit from the "friendly" services of Thai immigration and perpetual potholes. So I think there is some sense in minimising the tax we'll pay here.
  2. Yes, but it is pretty stupid to keep your foreign currency in the same place as your THB. Especially 500 Euro bills.
  3. I've always thought that Thai politics were low, but borrowing 500 Billion THB to bribe the people is way beyond anything I could imagine. And if he gets thrown out, the next government will pay.
  4. Yep, it would make the whole thing a lot more acceptable. I can understand to move to tax foreign income but I would have been gutted if they had changed their rules/practices retroactively. But it seems that my (32) years of not paying income tax (legally) are coming to an end. But high season tourists will suffer this year, THB will be going through the roof.
  5. If I voted Misty, Sherryl and Yinn, would I be taken seriously? I am Yinn BTW.
  6. Seems they put a lot of thought into these LTR visas... Two very different kinds of people on that floor in Chamchuri square.
  7. The fact that someone can ask such a question leaves me speechless. And I am no saint, by all means but I do envy, sometimes, those who can enjoy a bit of adventure with their partner of a lifetime. Pattaya is a great place to enjoy seafood and golf, to invite the kids, for a couple of retirees.
  8. No need for that, it is simple math. If I paid my income tax in Thailand I would, will be liable for about 800k a year, about 2100 Euros. That's barely the rent I would have to pay for very basic accomodation and I'd still be liable for about 12000 Euros a year of income tax. And then there is the uncertainty of such resettlement.
  9. Stupid comment, there is no way one could resettle a Thai family to Israel or Europe, with a few savings and 120k a year. Believe me, I would if I could. And to come back to my early statement: today I would not make the decision to settle here, and anyone faced to such decision should reconsider and or wait a few years.
  10. First, I wrote "up to" as far as I am aware. Second, there are many expats from EU and US who have pensions in that range, I am over 4 Million this year, while I retired only from a "normal" IT mid management job (I wasnt CIO). Third, The "allowances" are peanuts.
  11. Sure, if someone is prepared to pay up to 35% of his pension into Thai corruption he is welcome to move to this Tax heaven.
  12. I agree that most of it has been repeated ad nauseam here. But his intro point is right to the point: cancel or postpone your plans to move to Thailand, at least until things get clearer.
  13. Many thanks, this paper summarises the current situation, and its conclusion ("During the period of unclarity, we recommend that Thai resident taxpayers review their income from a foreign source that has been kept in an offshore bank account and consider bringing such income into Thailand within December 2023.") confirm a course of action I have already taken. And I did this even though I have an LTR/WP visa and only transfer savings from pensions. Hence I give myself breathing space to assess the situation as it develops in the forthcoming year"s. Hopefully.
  14. You'd have to place the threshold very high so that it becomes punitive only for the ultra rich who don't contribute their fair share this gives the situation in the USA, but is way more obscene in Thailand. I'd happily pay my tax here if I was certain it doesn't feed corruption and the rich stopped sucking the blood of the masses.
  15. This isn't a sinkhole, it is a collapsed cover over a man made cavity. Just more Thai engineering.
  16. Don't buy any khrap that is heavily subsidised with the income tax we are going to pay next year. Buy only qualityIn Indian Basmati.
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