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Everything posted by SingAPorn

  1. Now now please. Who want's all those falangs living in huge magnificient mansions, flashy cars, with gorgeous thai ladies and flaunting their ca$h all over. Really...🤣
  2. These lovely fellas must never be fed. They must be allowed to feed on all the worms and natural prey that linger around. Far to many people feed them with grains and bread, leading to an environmental unbalance.
  3. It's just a racket to force foreigners to purchase hefty health insurance premiums with Thai companies. That's why they push in all kind of absurd requisites for foreigners and their health insurance, despite the fact that all those insured say in Europe and by law, have health compulsory social security health insurance that covers them worldwide and not less then the required 50'000$ should their condition be necessary. Except that most health insurance firms abroad do not mention specific amounts in their insurance statements and that is used to challenge foreigners health care. However more and more foreigners and wealthy global pensionners are wondering if the ultimate goal is mainly to force you to purchase extra health insurance in Thailand, despite you having very good health insurance abroad. One may understand this stance for people living full time in Thailand, but it is totally absurd to have such requirements for people who come in, only for the winter months. No problem, as these wealthy retirees or professionnals will chose other countries for the winter months and spend their money elsewhere.
  4. 1 euro given at the exchange booth at the airport., should give no less then 45 Bhat. That's the first rule. Second magic mantra, stop harassing the quality retirees and pensionners who make LTR P visa submissions with absurd requests asking for multiple tax forms or detailes healt insurance documents. Such absurdity will only motivate the rich to go to another country to spend and live Thailand in the hands of the unwanted.
  5. Russian and Chinese quality visitors Thailand loves. Just as the Thai authorities love to harass the real quality retirees from western europe on visa issues and excessive red tape requirements.
  6. East europeans are all over but Thailand loves these tourists and visitors who make trouble but makes a fuss for the wealthy retirees from western Europe who all have full health insurance and good money to spend.
  7. Oh man, this time it is not one of those awful foreigners...
  8. who are you to ask for threds to be closed ? just leave instead you...
  9. They tend to forget a small detail in Thailand. No foreigner,. no money and most of the major cities and towns will plainly collapse. Please respect the foreigner and the retirees.
  10. Not very clear on how immigration will start making their annual checks for LTR visa holders to see if they still qualify and to "maintain" the LTR. With the risk of having the visa unfairly cancelled. Not to mention the postings read on the annual reporting and some immigration refusing to consider the report and asking the ltr holder to come back in 60 days. What if one has planned to leave when the ask to come back ?
  11. Most who put on the Thai-cut suit and black tie in Thailand, are definately not the big shots. The genuine black ties are in Monaco, St-Tropez or Geneva and not boastin around if I may !!
  12. One of the conditions of the LTR P visa says it has to be "maintained" annually. This leaves a back door for those fine lads at immigration to step in and shower the limits of bureaucracy. The conclusion of the "has to be maintained annually" could also mean one would have to annually show the gods at immigration all the documents required during the submission. to ensure those fine gentlemen that the holder of LTR Pensionner visa, still qualifies. With the risk of having the visa arbitrarily and unfairly just cancelled and your money gone. Not worth if you just want a hassle free visa valid in time, as each year you will be just running all over to give those immigration fellows what they may whinge for. LTR has sense for somebody living and working full time. Absolutely useless for the winter birds from abroad. Could just end up in a huge waste of money.
  13. If you can ...go solar. If you can,..
  14. E visa for Vietnam with same requirements for any nationality in the world as per their website... $ 50 for 90 day multiple entry. Just one passport size photo and scan of front passport page. That's it. No more hassle like for Thailand. Far nicer beaches, lower cost of living and all the same great things we used to have in Thailand, but at half the price. Why go to Thailand and get humiliated by the immigration or other government visa handling agencies ? if they don't want our money, we will spend it elsewhere.
  15. Choose Vietnam instead. Far more friendly to foreigners and the immigration there do not make such a fuss as in Thailand.
  16. Always 2 sides to a story. Guess both met their match ultimately.
  17. far cleaner beaches in Vietnam compared to Thailand and the Vietnamese are far more friendly with foreigners then Thailand. Just look at how they fuss on the LTR visa for instance and how the bureaucracy will make you run all over to get the right wordings on documents like the health insurance for exemple. All this is just a scam to force people to purchase insurance plans in Thailand. Not worth it for sure. Spend your retirement money in Vietnam instead.
  18. Had a garmin watch and a hand held gps back before google maps was on iphone. Garmin quality is very bad and the batteries did not last. To replace them costs a fortune and it's definately not worth the money. Use google maps on your phone - it is a far better option.
  19. I think with AI soon they will be out of jobs in the west and later, in Asia. Many any how.
  20. Find a 21 year old and problems solved. No lack of girls in Thailand looking for the big and the small thing.
  21. Sorry to barge in, but with all the boozing, fish-n chipping, bad food aroung, you guys should check out your cholesterol LDL mainly, now and then at the hospital. Just a friendly suggestion.
  22. What the OP says is typical. But considering all the foolish tourists who leave say 100 THB tips say to the taxi or for even getting served at a shop, mostly tourists, no wonder it turns local staff into a bunch of spoilt employées, with a sense of entitlement on dealing with foreigners. Sure 100 THB is nothing back home, but here leaving irresponsable amounts in tips just to feel good or look good, creates an unbalance in society and does not help anybody. Of course the 10% tip rule can or can not be applied in a restaurant but that is left to the discrection of the customer and only if the service is worth the trip. But now in places like Hua Hin even in a pharmacy one see's a big box written "Tips"....it is quite obvious that many are just taking foreigners for a bunch of suckers....
  23. Did his helmet not protect the poor biker ? (rip of course and full respect no matter)
  24. Won't stay clean for long, now that western media has spread the news all over...But only 3 out of the hundreds of beaches in Thailand clearly states that if you are a beach lover, far better off in south of France or Italy and of course Mallorca, Ibiza, Tenerife etc...Never understood people comming to Thailand for the beaches. Come for the girls, food, what ever ok but the beaches ?
  25. When will foreigners understand ? No marriage. No buy house with Thai lady for god's sake and least of all think of the poor kid, no kid. Who stupid can foreigners get really ? Of course there are plently of great outcomes in these unions but far to many cases of such legal engagements with thai-westerners, rarely end up well. Wake up guys. Have your fun and play around but that's it. Forget those Walt Disney fairy tales you saw as a kid. Reality is ruthless and harsh all over the world and no exception in Thailand. Play, enjoy, have fun, stay healthy,...but no sign any paper together.
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