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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. What I meant to add was that TAT should count only the international visitors that arrive direct though Swampy airport (and the others like Phuket and Don Mueang). Swampy gets the majority of Thailand's international visitors, and that is why they are talking about a billion baht project to 'fix' Swampy.
  2. Mate - you are missing something. After they get rid of 80s and below, the average score (100) means that in the next cull, all the 81s-85s now will be under 80 - and gone. Aim higher - 90+ 🙂
  3. Yes indeed - TAT counts anyone walking/driving over the border with Malaysia as a tourist. I guess technically they are a visitor, but they are not a tourist. IMO TAT does not count all the people doing border hops, versus international visitors, because they can pad the numbers out and get all that bonus money 🙂
  4. Bowell Cancer is one of the cancers where death can be prevented if caught early enough - it is a slow growing cancer - unlike skin or breast cancers. Having the bowell checked via colonosopy is a good idea IMO every 10 years after turning 50 if there is a hsiroty of bowell cancer in the family. There is also the option of having your poo tested for blood every few years - in Australia there is a free test service done every 2-3 years for all over 60. Blood in the poo (very small amounts) is a sign of possible cancer - test positive and then they recommend a colonoscopy - often just a bleeding polyp/s, but good to find out if it is cancer. Testing poo for blood can be done here - and there are several very good hospitals here for a colonoscopy too - and surgery if it is needed (but check their blood supply of your type first - those operations bleed a lot).
  5. Yes indeed mate - me thinks a lot of single Expats are enjoying too much of the wacky tobaccy and have no idea the brain damage they are causing themselves. Getting back to the topic - IMO in the USA it would be foolish not to live with a gun in the house, or not have one when you go out into the 'sticks'. The reason is because there are so many guns in the hands of criminals in USA - who will never give them up voluntarily. IMO in other civilised countries (not Mexico etc.) there is no need to have or carry a gun for personal safety, but if you like to shoot for sport (I used to) then by all means go right ahead. As far as I am aware not one member of the NRA or an official shooting club in USA has ever committed a gun massacre in USA. IMO all legal owners of a gun in USA should be a member of a shooters club (safety re-certified every 12 months minimum) and that means undertaking the NRA safety course and training (and voluntary memberhsip).
  6. 100% winner - right there - unrefutable. Only a person with incurable cognitive bias would claim otherwise. No matter what they think about the protest on Jan6 - it is clear the left have gotten away with far more than the right when it comes to violent protests - jkust look at what they did to the home of Supreme Court Judges (none of them charged with sedition). To deny that factual outcomes is a classic sympton of cognitive bias - a person who is unable to mentally process something that would tear down their thinking processes. Like when a stupid young female liberal is asked, in response to her demands for equality and equity of outcomes, 'so you are OK with being drafted to fight in Ukraine?'. Now that is a funny thing to witness - many similar examples are freely available on youtube.
  7. Obviously the brain dead would think that Biden is a viable POTUS. Me thinks you have quoted Marx - but I understand that is how the left tend to operate.
  8. He/she/it believes everything that comes from CNN, NPR, The Guardian, etc - any left wing TDS media organisation. Quoting those rags as a reliable honest source is like quoting the cat about the dog. libertard - Wiktionary, the free dictionary libertard, English, Etymology - libertarian +‎ -tard, Noun, libertard (plural libertards) (US, slang, derogatory) Synonym of libtard (“a stupid libertarian”).
  9. I am stating what has happened organically - sure there are always one or a few people that first change a word/s meaning, but whether or not they became mainstream is organic. The term Fake News is now mainstream - the majority use it and/or are aware of its meaning. The term 'woke' is now seen as a negative by the majority of people - especially in USA. Unless you can provide a credible source from a bi-partisan statistical research organisation undertaken with methods approved by the American Statistical Association, then I stand by my claim that woke is now a negative term - as in Go Woke Go Broke. Yes it is used more by right wingers - but the majority know what it now means and are aare of that meaning. And in my experience words never 'go back' to their original meaning - the either stay as the new meaning/s, or they are replaced by another word with the original meaning. It is like fashion mate - even for blokes - hats were in, then out, now back in. Same for beards. Same for words.
  10. Another HUB - then another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another and another
  11. The woke progressive mindset is too strong in you - impossible to get through - even with impartial logic and reasoning. You are now quoting left wing media organisations as if they are some form of Oracle of Truth. Not aware of who first used the term (unlike Fake News) by 'Go Woke Go Broke' is reality - look around you - look outside that self-appeasing bubble. Best wishes in the future - I can see no value in us debating further - we can agree to disagree, if you agree.
  12. Keep dreaming and drinking that kool-aid mate - clearly you are very invested.
  13. So say the woke with cognitive bias. Yes he made the term 'fake news' - and it has become common vernacular - not many politicians have done that. They are all con men and liars - you juyst cannot see that in the Dems - Biden is one of the most hypocritically corrupt of them all.
  14. Here we go - the pedantic woke 'Professor' type demanding exact definitions of what a word means - with at least 3 accreditations and 4 documented references no doubt. But attention to detail is a charateristic of right wingers - call it pedantry if you will - and I am happy to retort in a manner I hope most people will see as rhetorical regarding you choice of the subject - 'words'. The meaning of words change - it is an automatic condition of the human nature to reassociated the meanings of words - and to create new words. This is pure right wing mentality at its core - the people decide what a word means and if they want to change it and if they want to use a new word - it happens organically. Your left wing mentality demands everything to be defined centrally and controlled, such that what is 'approved' is accepted and is used, and what is not approved is not allowed to be used. Classic example is the N word - while decades ago that was freely used and not a negative, it became an insult towards black people because of its derogatory use. Another is 'retarded' which also many decades ago was freely used and not a negative, it became an insult towards disabled people because of its derogatory use. The best example I can give you is Obama when the owner of an NBA team made some very negative and racist comments towards some of his players, including liberal use of the N word. The outrage was everywhere (left and right), but the left demanded legislative action and the implementation of laws banning certain words being used in public. Obama responded that he would not undertake such an action because who decides what words are in and which are out. He stated that the people have clearly stated their opinions and the court of public opinion's verdict was guilty and that they will deal with it themslves. The NBA banned him as a member of their association - he therefore could not own an NBA team and he had to sell the team - he disappeared publicly and was never heard from again - problem solved. What woke progressive people do is try to impose their values and views on others - as in the NBA case above - such as currently the use of pronouns. Plus they immediately accept the use of whatever words that a minority demand they use to 'appease' their feelings - expecting others to also comply. That is a part of what the woke demand in the way of social and legal changes needed to encourage 'diversity and inclusiveness'. And that is part of the reason why woke is now an insult - they have gone too far and the people are rejecting it. Ricky Gervais was an outsider many years ago - now he is mainstream. And it is not just the woke demands on our use of words (as opposed to natural changes) it is how they try to justify their actions and behaviours under their woke banners - a good one being exactly as you said - Social Injustice. Under the term and/or in the name of 'social injustice' the woke demand we all agree whatever they think will fix a problem that they think matters more than anything else in the world (usually a social and/or feeling issue). Woke people sit on the roads blocking traffic and justify that because they are saving the planet - the truth is they are being selkfish narcissitic virtue signallers and we (the majority) have had a gutful of their khrapp and we want the Governmewnt to crack down on them. But they are woke, so they vote left wing, so left wing Govts turn a blind eye, and they encourage them because that causes a divide, which they can exploit to gains more votes. That is just a small part of why people are rejecting the woke progressive left wing BS. Your time has come (in 90s) and it is now going away - it is time for us to take over (for a while) and when our lot goes too far we will be thrown out too. Politics mate - both sides suck in the long run - best to nebver leave any side ion power too long. When one side takes power they make changes - but they dont stop making changes - when they go too far they get thrown out. The alternative is Kings or Dictators - OK if benevolent awful if not. Me thinks the constant re-balancing achieves the best outome in the long run.
  15. That is the time to take your medications - ideally with a glass of warm milk. IMO dDont take any medications after 2/3pm - at breakfast is best. My advice to all is to only have a small breakfast, big lunch, small dinner - and no snacks or alcohol after 6pm. Only eat when you are hungry - if you aint hungry, dont eat and drink water - and a desire for food is not hunger. Your body aint 40 anymore - it struggles to 'manage' things when you overload it with food and/or alcohol - especially during sleep. Yes alcohol will shut you down so to speak, but you will not sleep well.
  16. Both Trump and Biden are idiots. But Trump is a very seasoned businessman who has the ability to cut through to the chase and solve issues - what he lacked before was political nous - he now has that and will be making big changes. Yes you are right -= 4 years is not enough. But it will not be Trump that changes things - it will (hopefully) be the Democrat Party that changes following what happens to them at the election. Trump will hopefully win in a landslide and Democrats will be voted out of Office in many States (hopefully). The outcome of that would be a complete restructuring within the Democrat Party to become a majority and leadership that is more central and not far left. While they are winning they will not change, and therefore the people that follow their narrative will not change either.
  17. Thanks - but falling mainly on deaf woke ears I am afraid - but I dont care - what is right is right - right?
  18. So the far left say - and the woke believe it as a means of denying the truth. Take a look around (outside your bubble) the woke world is falling apart - the People are rejecting it more and more.
  19. There is that cognitive bias again - if you read the article 'openly' Trump denies saying that. But you publicly state it as a fact because of that bias and compare Trump to Hitler. Very Woke and Very TDS. Mate - that is political insults and BS being thrown around by both sides - the operative word being BOTH. Trump stated publicly in response the words below- and as you know he has said a lot of things very negative about political adversaries and opponents - most of that was BS too. “The Fake News is actually trying to convince the American People that I said I wanted to ‘terminate’ the Constitution. This is simply more DISINFORMATION & LIES, just like RUSSIA, RUSSIA, RUSSIA, and all of their other HOAXES & SCAMS”
  20. And the same to the bast**** that taught them 'soft power'.
  21. You are, like the other guy, failing to see my point - it is not about woke progressives being right or wrong in mine or your opinions - it is about what the majority of voters of USA believe. My mentioning of those matters (documents, clinton emails, etc) was meant to show issues that the US people see as duplicitous and one rule for the left and one rule for the right - here is another one - Biden's mental health. Trump is/was attacked mercilessly abouyt that issue, but Biden has been given a 'free pass' - in fact a ruling/claim was made that he is too mentally frial to face charges - mentioned under impeachment proceedings I believe. I will say this - you confuse political outcomes with political personality. Trump might be an idiot, buit the truth is that most politicians are idiots - he just 'shows' it more than most. Plus he has a personality that is not really condusive to politics - where the highes form of the art is smiling in someone's face while you stab them in the back - as per the master Obama. The outcomes that Trump can and probably will achieve are the restoration of balance away from the left - that power is evident when you state something like this "the party is a diverse, socially progressive that support civil rights legislation, protection for women, people of color, LGNTQ, disable, climate change and nayive American tribes". You made that statement is the utter belief that those are not woke progressive issues - when the truth is that they are - very much so. Let me give you an example - University students were interviewed about how little taxes the wealthy pay in USA. Every signle one of them agreed it was wrong and wanted them to pay much more. They were then advised that the top 1% of earners in USA pay 40% of the total taxes. They were also told that the top 20% of earners pay almost 100% of the taxes. They did not know - that is the power of the far left - they have convinced people that the rich dont pay enough taxes. They are the same ones who say Trump is bad because he is rich - and the problem in USA (and world) nowadays is that their 'message' is far too easily believed. Their power of manipulation and persuasion has become far too great - and that (plus other related things) need to be torn down - and Trump will do that if.when the people of USA vote for him in 2024. The Democrats and their allies are extremely scared - they are throwing everything they can at him to stop him running - but all they are dopng is giving him more ammunition to show that they have too much power and need to be torn down.
  22. I agree about 2020 because it is ridiculous to expect that an election that has been certified can be over-turned - the only way to do that would be to have every single person state exactly who they voted for and then add them up. Trump should have accepted the result, but stated clearly he had serious doubts about its integrity, and then moved on to winning the next election with a promise of massive national voting process regulation changes (which he will implement IMO). What you are missing with that question about woke stuff, is that the reason people voted for Trump was because of the woke stuff - which has gotten even worse. It is not a matetr of whther the woke stuff is right or not, or whether it is a major problem or not. The issue is the US people voted against it - just like people have all over the world recently. I could name woke things that the Biden admin has done, like all the diversity hires, and shutting down oil production, and the teaching of gay sex in schools, and many others besides the border as you recognise, but the issue is broader than just the Biden admin. The issue is the spread of the woke progressive policies across the globe since the 80s, which the US people voted against because of what they see it has done to their values and morals and economy. People did not all vote for Trump - IMO the majority voted against what the Democrats supported happenning. This thinly disguised attempt by the Democrats to back down on the border now is being seen by the US people as merely political expediency trying to save their rear ends. Trump predicted they would do it if he lost (and many other things) and the Democrats did it (and many other things Trump predicted they would do). The same thing will happen in 2024 IMO - the US people have had enough of the woke progressive globalists and those taking advantage of it all (the swamp).
  23. FIXED YOUR MISTAKE - Trump is a Nazi is a political term created by the far left to fire up the masses. A dog whistle. But I cannot fix the cognitive bias.
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