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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. Nail on the head hot - that is exactly why they are rated so low - Staff and Infrastructure. Meanwhile over in Singapore they have shown them way to go - make it easy for people (especially business people). But would AOT ever consider going and taking a look around Changi for ideas and advice?
  2. Yingluck is coming back - MFP know she is Phue Thais best bet to win the next election outright. Perhaps they are planning to cause an early election - after the upcoming Senate elections and before Yingluck gets back and takes over.
  3. Meanwhile, the Thai opposition parties are calling for a debate about the Govts lack of action in the implementation of it's election policies since being in office - nothing has actually been done and most things pledged have not even started. This time it is not a censure motion and vote, but clearly the Opposition Parties (mainly MDP) are saying exactly what we Expats are saying every day after another annoucement "It has been 6 months - stop flying all over the world talking about new hubs and projects, and actually get on with it and do something". Yingluck is coming back, when her big brother has paved the way. Leaders of the MFP (some) can actually think ahead and they realise she is the Phue Thai's best chance of winning the next election - whether it is in 3 years or if it is an early election called due to a split in Parliament.
  4. Will he also spend some time in jail before being deported? I dont think he should - just legally find him guilty and then deport - his time in remand should be enough. On the plus side - he is about to find out if his Thai wife is a good one. On the plus plus side - a few Expats are going to realise that avoiding conflict with Thais is even more wise than it was before. Going forward social media will be utilised against any Expat causing problems - keep low profile.
  5. Biden and Zelensky, Von der Leyen, Trudeau, Sunak - all of them.
  6. Absolutely all bestguesswork - and I do not want to know either.
  7. Or a new AI generated troll maybe? Regarding the article it would be fair to say that a lot of people in the world (a majority) do not immediately believe scientific reports or the media who make the most out of them. From the President of Harvard faking her published reports through to Scientists greatly exaggerating/distorting their reports - it has all been getting more and more 'iffy'. I recall a bloke that worked for me some 10 years ago who was highly intelligent (and naive) - he had 3 degrees and an MBA - and he was very much a 'greenie'. He ended up getting a job in the 'Environment Department' (Greenhouse Australia), and he quit after about 1 year. When we caught up over a coffee for a chat he 'confessed' that the reason he quit was because they were 'fake'. None of them really gave a rat's ear about the environment, and it was all just a sham for them to have an easy job and get funding for research. He actually challenged the veracity of one published report that claimed an imminent future disaster but based on extrmely biased parameters and statistical measuring methods. He was 'hauled over the coals' for daring to question anything that supported to IPC Mandate that the vast majority of global warming was being caused by manmade activity - specifically the burning of fossil fuels - and the world was heading for a massive disaster. When he challenenged this, and pointed out that there was zero research being funded or encouraged to look into additional causes, or the fact that plants were abosrn=bing more CO2 and crops were booming worldwide, he was 'dead in the water'. As he said, there is a lot or correlation going on in the global 'science' community, but they mostly have very tenuous links being made to causation - basically it is all opinion based on a few scientific facts. He claimed that the whole 'climate industry' from IPC down was all about a self-fulfilling argument - and that the actual researchers were totally focussed on getting funded to work on research that 'complied' with the mandate (and research that was against the narrative was not funded). He reckoned they were basically a religion and that anyone like him challenging the 'gospel' was actively pushed out of the 'Church'. He ended up going into business growing and selling organic produce with his second wife, on small farm that they bought - last I heard he was doing very well.
  8. While they get the tissues, I am getting the popcorn ready. However it ends up going, this one is going to be very entertaining. Biden will not be able to hide is his basement again.
  9. Remember when Bangkok joined all the greenie idiots all over the world and put in those bike lanes, and then had those rental bikes and scooters you could just grab and use (after scanning a card). They all 'disappeared' - a few people were charged - but most just said they left it xyz - they quickly learned how to remove/deactivate the GPS device/s.
  10. Yes indeed - announcements and clarifications are coming - but when is the key question. Malaysia ended up delaying this change for a few years - too many worms in the can. Hopefully Thailand will tell all before July - but given they gave 3 months notice of change - maybe in January 2025.
  11. Dont worry - you'll get over it - eventually. Have another beer mate - that will help.
  12. First John Cleese and now Riyan Ruparelia - where will it all end.
  13. No probability about it - they are in control as such and will be for a long time to come. IMO Thaksin is and will be 'influencing' things for a few more years, but Srettha will be replaced as PM by Yingluck Shinawatra (Thaksin's Sister) after she returns to Thailand.
  14. It is very clear to me that you are a woke progressive looking for ways to be offended by the comments of others, and when you are offended (so easily) you blame that person for offending you and call them offensive names - I am surprised you did not call me a Na** . By the way - do you have any pronouns I should use?? Just to clarify - the girl went to the Police and reported it - quite rightly !! But she then posted all about it on social media - there was absolutely no need to do that IMO - I reckon she did that for 'clicks/likes' and 'impact'. You can disagree - but that does not mean you are correct - nor me too. Your comment - "Yeah, she faked it, asked the motorbike driver to get drunk and expose himself." shows the problems when so easily offended - can you not see that you could be wrong - do you personally know her? Let me tell you something you may not realise - when we were kids we wanted to be doctors, lawyers, nurses, military etc etc. What is the number one 'profession' that Gen Zs want to be? Social Media Influencer. They do not behave or think they same that us older folks do, and until proven otherwise Iwill remain very sceptical over why she posted the video on social media after reporting the matter to the Police.
  15. Take them to the local school - those things you mentioned would be very useful to the kids.
  16. Pot calling the Kettle black 🤣 Recently (high season) our local golf club increased their prices for 'foreigners' and withdrew the bonus lunch vouncher. It costs me 450 Baht more than the wife, and she gets a 150 Baht voucher. The wife questioned them saying I was not a tourist and that I lived here (with her) - but TiT and we all just have to accept it (legal or not). Although I do accept it, this is just one of the many reasons why I will not pay income taxes in Thailand.
  17. Excellent advice and something all Expats should think about. There is IMO no need to become delusional and think you are Thai/Buddha (like some Expats do), but it is great advice to let the things of the past stay in the past, and to not think about them too much today. They never fully go away, not should they as they are a part of you, but it is a constant 'activity' needed to keep yourself positive and living today, and not trhinking about the past. The past if full of regrets and delights (you can learn from), and the future is full of hope and concerns (you can plan for). But today is all you can actually live in - and each and every one of them is a 'gift' - a gift that will one day be your last one - but not now, not yet. As the lady said "Tomorrow is Another Day."
  18. LOL - 20 year old out alone at 4.30am. Maybe you dont but I know what that means - clearly you live in Utopia. She posts on social media to warn other girls out at the same time - LOL. You believe anything - I am a sceptic when it comes to social media posts. Do you recall that Chinese girl who walked that 'walking street' type place in a short dress and posted social media stuff about being afriad and that there were 'bad people' everywhere? That was all about her getting social media exposure. Me thinks this one too. I just love this 'me too' generation - not.
  19. True - but her posts were all about his dress or lack of it. Clearly they never crashed or that would also be an issue. Either way he is in deep poo poo with Police - after admitting to being drunk. Were they both wearing helmets - not the issue.
  20. It will not be as bad as that or in the movies - if I recall that panel discussion I saw a while back, the smoke/haze will clear within a year or two (depending on how many bombs dropped). Growing plants under lights is very achievable - power and water would be problemmatic.
  21. Sorry to be going against the grain (not) but all this BS about nuclear fallout from atomic bombs is like the climate crisis - scares children and is greatly exaggerated. But dont tell anyone - Hollywood and all the other media BS will be annoyed. And in answer to the question, given Neil is correct and a nuclear WW3 is survivable by those not in/near the blasts, I would look for a location where you can grow/make all your own food and necessities, and where you can either barracade or hide yourself against all the roaming mobs/gangs that will take everything you have and/or kill you. Remote places away from all other modern people (who are toitally dependent on civilisation to give them everything), where the natives will leave you alone if you leave them alone and/or add some value to them - Papua New Guinea? - Remote Outback Australia? Or an underground bunker with decades of food and water and all the other necessities - but me thinks no one here will be allowed inside 🙂 Maybe all those preppers will finally be happy - until the starving mob arrives and takes everything.
  22. The guy immediately apologised for being drunk, did not in any way molest or accost her, and made an offer as compensation - me thinks she is just after social media likes.
  23. I can only laugh - this is not news AN - this is PR BS.
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