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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. You have no sense of humour KH - you need help mate
  2. When this BS started many decades ago in the west (I lived in Sydney in the 70s) we were told this is is Pandora's box and it is not a good move and that society will regret not encouraging them to stay in the cupboards. What I see now tells me that the advice given back then, that was immediately attacked as homophobia, was absolutely correct because it has gone too far. While the majority of 'gays' are OK people - it is the insane ones and the activists that always want more and more 'equality and rights'. That would all be OK, if only they did not see equality as meaning they can 'teach' children that being gay is 'normal'. The majority believe that it is OK to do that and to be that - but it is not 'mainstream' and should not be taught to the young, and it should not be paraded around everywhere as if it is normal. What started as giving rights to male gays and female lesbians in a relationship, has degenerated into men wearing a dress and with a full beard and full reproductive organs, demanding to be able to use the girls bathrooms, and to compete against the girls in sports. Any females speaking up about their problems with this happening are shouted down as homo haters and bigots. Be Aware Thailand - this is the thin edge of the wedge - be careful - be very very careful. Gay Males and Lesbian Female couples only - dont go any further, or you will regret it.
  3. My thoughts are that KH is seriously out of order.
  4. Well said mate - as good an example of what the modern 'left' are in US and all over the western world. Driven by self-serving anti-establishment BS that was impregnated in them through left wing teaching that attacks society's moral values. So many of the left wing are full of conflicting and confused emotional stupidity. I recently saw an avid TDS sufferer being interviewed - and when she was asked to detail one thing that Trump did that was bad, she had nothing - other than he said bad things (as reported by CNN). I was told a long time ago that the biggest threat to the western world was that we were over-educating our idiots. Time has clearly shown that doing that has not been a good thing to over-educate the idiots and make them think they are equal/better than those not so educated - and that equality of outcomes was a desirable or achievable aim for society.
  5. No - they are not on your statements - sorry, but no they are not. All I got was an official letter from Fund and ATO Statement that 15% tax is paid on Super earnings for ALL accounts in accumulation. The DTA is only a possible means to get tax relief here - it is not a certainty and it has to be claimed and accepted by TRD. But like you - I have absolutely no intention of ever lodging a tax return in Thailand. If any Expat is caught and gets fined/jailed for a minor breach (not tax fraud), then I and many others will immediately leave Thailand. Many potential problems - but the biggest one IMO is that Somchai the TRD Official has more autonomy and authority to make any decision he decides, than Pornchai the IO in the Immigration Office. Somchai can decide how much income tax you have to pay based on your lifestyle, house, car, assets etc. You can appeal - but you have 7 days to pay, and only after paying can you appeal - in Thai. Good luck with that.
  6. Hopefully the airfares will soon start to drop - way too high all across SEAsia.
  7. Yep - OAP is a right - and only an idiot would think more of their country than their own retirement.
  8. Getting more and more work every year. Now the VIC Govt has a Minister for 'Men's Behaviour'. Yep - check it out.
  9. Vietnam was number one - but I heard Myanmar is now number 1
  10. Yes it is - you cannot get a $1m payout from Super and still get the DSP.
  11. Now 60 days automatic entry no visa - as of 1 June.
  12. Getting better and better - 24.5 at the moment - back to 30 one day??
  13. Seems they are going to make it harder and harder - the limit is now 3 million - soon it will be 2 then 1
  14. I agree - USA is great - but not if you are not willing to work hard and look after yourself (unless in California).
  15. These days it is wise to make it look like you intend to stay. Portability can be denied if they have good reason to think that you never intended to stay in Aust and that the moment you serve the 2 years that you will leave the country.
  16. Nah - I am grumpy and the wife is trouble - but we never complain 🙂
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