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Everything posted by TroubleandGrumpy

  1. I read a book (ebook on IPad) for about 30mins to an hour and off I go. 4-6 hours usually - sometimes an additional 2-3. The Thai wife nods off immediately and sleeps forever - I swear she could sleep on a rock in a storm - jealous I am.
  2. Do you ever answer questions - or do you only ever see the opportunity to attack and criticise. Your posts on this thread and your ranting about people who (illegally) use agents on another, clearly show me you are not into talking about things, but are into just criticising and arguing. Have a great life - without me in it ever again - blocked.
  3. Can you transfer money in your bank account into your Wise account and leave it there for days/weeks - and how long does that take. In Australia I can and it is very quick - every time - rules of banking in Australia. What happens to you does not mean it always happens to others, or what others are saying is wrong.
  4. @bamnutsak Looks like you were right - clearly the OP has an issue with other people using an agent. I agree with that statement - 'why do some blokes have the need to attack and criticise what other people do'. Me thinks there are far too many Expats in Thailand that have far too many bees in their bonnet. That is why we mostly avoid Expat strangers in public, because you talk to them and only then do you find they are one the 'them' - and they are hard to get away from.
  5. Seems you are maybe talking about something that is different to the Wise bank/exchange service in Australia, and perhaps others are also talking about something different. In Australia Wise has a banking licence - they are a bank in Aust. I transfer money to my Wise account when the rates are good and I am ready to transfer it to Thailand - that is instantaneous in Australia. Then if/when I am happy with the THB rates I transfer whatever amount in the Wise account to the BKK bank account.
  6. That is exactly the point. Every single tranfer I have done for years using Wise to the Bangkok Bank has happened within an hour or two - often within a few minutes. What Thai bank matters.
  7. If you truly believe that you are being rational then you should fall in behind Kennedy and other Democrats that are trying hard to push back against the radical far left that has taken hold over the Party. Your reasonable points alude to being a rational leftie, and it is you guys that need to get your Party back to the middle. As Elon so clearly conveyed, your Party has gone far left. Another example - Invading the house of the ex President to recover documents allegedly stolen, only to have nothing happen as an outcome because nothing was 'stolen' or of a 'national security' level to warrant charges etc. And to then have nothing happen to the sitting President, when it was ascertained he had similar documents stored in his garage, speaks volumes about what the Democrat Party has become. If you want more, just look at the attempts being made by Democrat Judges to have Trump removed from the ballots for an allegation (insurrection) that has not been proven in a Court, but what is merely political rhetoric by the Democrats. The onyl reason Trump has not been charged with issurection is because that would give Trump the opportunity to prove that the claims fo an insurrection are compltete political fabrication. And meanwhile there are Americans still being held in jail for allegedly attempting an unarmned insurrection, when in fact all they did was tresspass and protest a political matter - something that radical Democrats have done themselves in the past. Yes Trump is an idiot and a political incompetent and is extremely brash and rude at times. But the reason so many Americans voted for him, and will again, is because he speaks out against the Democrat Party and how it is trearing down the American values and all the PC rubbish they hate. The biggest reason he won in 2016 was because Clinton was clearly guilty of breaking several laws and she got away with it right in front of the American people - they had enough of that going on and turned to Trump as a change. Now it is even worse, as shown by the evidence that is becomming evident that the 2020 election was less than 'pure and honest'. Yes Trump should have done what Al Gore did when he lost due to some clear 'anomolies' in the results in Florida, but as I said he is an idiot and he is very politically 'unaware'. But to only see Trump's faults (and there are many), and to see no faults in the Biden administration, and to only believe the Democrat and media mates driven fabrications like Russiagate and an Insurrection etc etc etc, has resulted in a complete breakdown in by-partisanship in American politics. Hopefully Trump wins, tears down the far left swamp and all the PC rubbish, and then after 4 years the American people become more 'moderate' and elect a more 'central' POTUS that hopefully both the Democrats and Republicans will nominate. Trump will then become a part of American history - and seen as a response to the far left woke progressive lunacy that had taken over US politics, but not something that they want to see continue after he had done the job he was elected to do.
  8. Then I would suggest it is probabley your Thai bank slowing things down. Which one?
  9. I agree. What I do is tranbsfer money into my Wise account and then wait until the exchange rate has reached my desired level (23.5 at the moment). When I transfer with Wise that is the guaranteed exchange rate used for the transfer. Sometimes it goes up the next day and sometimes it goes down - I take the view that my desired rate is available and I take it. Hopefully the Baht will soon drop a bit more (the PM certainly wants that, but BOT resisting). If that occurs I will adjust my desired exchange rate. Dont see it getting back to 30 again - but a more reasonable level would be 26-28 IMO.
  10. The only time that is not the case with Wise (it does arrive very quickly) is if you send it on a Friday afternoon. I found that out when they advised the transfer would complete on Monday. I decided rates might go down over the weekend (had been going up) so I held it as it was (could have cancelled the transfer). Money arrived Monday morning at the rate committed to on Friday, and the exchange rate had gone down over the weekend (a rare win).
  11. Thanks - I understand that but does that not mean the Bangkok bank immediately does the exchange to THB? Every time I have compared the Wise exchanbge rate to THB versus the BKK exchanbge rate, Wiuse is better (as below). Am I missing something?
  12. Ok OK - clearly paying for and using an agent is what some people like, and doing it themselves (like me) is what others like to do. I think the OP is being 'defensive' and did not realise that the title of his post and the words he used came across to some as an attack on those who use agents. Maybe a more appropriate title would have been ' Extension done quickly in Jomtien' and then details on how things progressed.
  13. But does that not require a multi-exchange bank account here in Thailand? Id there a bank you can recommend fo that? I enquired with Citibank years ago and they said minimum deposit of 100K at all times. Maybe it has changed now?
  14. What a load of khrapp. These media aholes deliberately inflame the situation because ....... it sells. Stating an impossible goal and virtue signalling about it - and then attacking those who disagree, is what the leftisit media have been doing for decades. There never will be a peaceful resolution in Gaza - at best it will be 'you leave us alone, we leave you alone'. The best hope for that to happen will be the destruction and annihilation of Hamas - and it will not all be done by Israel. More and more Palestinians are speaking out about Hamas and their reign of terror on the people of Gaza since 2006 when Israel left. In the end, the hope is that the Palestinian people rise up and help the IDF destroy Hamas - much like the French Resistence helped defeat the Nazis. Then they can start to commence negotiations with Israel - something that Iran and the fanatic Muslims in Gaza do not want to happen. Meanwhile Hezbolla is about to be either destroyed or severely damaged by Lebanon. Since the conflict started in Gaza they have launched over 2000 milles into Nth Israel and 10s of thousands of Israelis citizens save been relocated for their safety. In response Israel has not attacked and invaded, they have shut down the agreement that allowed Lebanon to develop the gas field off the disputed coast on the border with Israel. This will crush their already bad economy and they have only one real choice - rein in Hezbolla or face economic collapse and a civil war. Hopefully this will start and then after Israel has destroyed Hamas, they can focus on helping Lebanon destroy Hezbolla. After that Israel can help Jordan destroy the Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ). Then and only then can a limited peace happen in the Arab nations around Israel. I think Israel has finally had enough of trying to appease the terrorists surrounding them, who are financially supported by Iran, and will embark on a concerted military campiagn to do to them exactly what they have been trying to do for decades - wipe them out.
  15. Wise shows that and so does the 3 recommended banks in Thailand. Bangkok, Kasikorn and Siam. The others will do it too but not so well sometimes, and they will not send to them in very large amounts (forgot that amount - $20K USD?).
  16. Yes they do in my experience - and less fees. Do this - in the same hour - check with the local banks at home in your place what their 'exchange rate' is for sending money to Thailand in THB (and their fees if listed). Then check all the money exchangers like Wise and get their rates and fees. Wise is cheaper on any given day. What they say is what you get in the bank account in Thailand - at the time you press send - same with most opther money exschanbgers. Banks send it and the rate you get is what is the rate at the time of the transfer - the rate they quote is not the guaranteed amount - rates go up and down each day.
  17. Mate it is as if the left are so blind that they cannot see that their 'reality' is falling apart all over the world. Right win conservative governments are being elected everywhere - because law and order and economic strength is more important to people than the feeelings of fringe elements in society or the idiocy of environmentalists tryinh to 'save the planet' by killing people and economies. But reality will eventually win out - it was inevitable - all the things we righties have been saying would happen for decades are happenning. Look lefties this is an example of reality - the reality that us righties see a lot more clearly than yourselves. USA and Europe - they are illegal invaders that should all be arrested and deported - they are not refugees 'seeking safety from wars and death'. You want to see what those people look like - face west and look at what is coming our of Myanmar - that is what refugees look like - and what have you been doign about that - nothing - why - because you are 'followers of a narrative' and you have not been told to follow that issue. More and more people are seeing reality and listening to the righties - and as soon as they do that they realiseand say to themselves 'WTF". Pandering to minorities and throwing human rights (and money) at people with problems is not how to solve a problem. Start thinking critically - stop believing the BS - you have to want to see reality to see it - grow up and stop being a child - unicorns and utopia are not real - it is all a lie - we will all do what is best for ourselves and our families - we cannot save all the people and the planet does not need us to save it - grow up dammit.
  18. They all do and it does not matter to them because it is all about feelings - facts to the left are irrelevent, unless it supports their own cognitive bias. When a fact supports their view it is a FACT, but when it does not it is either misinformation or a conspiracy theory (or both). How anyone can say that Biden is even functional is beyond reality - that is a whole new level of unbreakaable cognitive bias.
  19. Most adults cant stand her. How can they - she is a 34 year old who is dressing, talking and signing like a teenager - and she is just as stupid as most teenage girls. Madonna and Gwen Stefani did it all before - Swift is nothing new and she is not as talented as either of them. But in the world of KPop music stars and formula music, talent does not matter - it is all about the looks and only the looks.
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