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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Yeah I would have guessed that Telegram is not popular with non Russian expats.
  2. I do. I think it's associated mostly.with Russians and illicit stuff though I'm not Russian and I don't use Telegram for illicit stuff. Did you know that the founder of Telegram is kind of a resistance to Putin hero?
  3. You're really obsessed with the special treatment resentment trope. Pathetic. As far as how gay tourists are identifiable don't be so dense. Use your imagination.
  4. Agree to disagree with your B.S. Your real motive is clear.
  5. Now we're getting into sofa talk which before you claimed you thought was crazy to talk about. The reason I might want quality vinyl over leather is that I've experienced cheap vinyl and it's horrible, and also leather, which falls apart in a horrible way, so wondering if high quality vinyl might be better for my needs. Yes it's true I don't mind spending but I want to buy something that will work for me.
  6. Idiotic troll post but to answer your idiotic troll post the main question is if anyone knows a local place that for sure has HIGH QUALITY VINYL.
  7. Because I am specifically asking if anyone knows if there a local place that definitely has HIGH QUALITY VINYL! Was I not clear enough? I'm pretty sure any salesperson is going to say it's high quality vinyl even when it isn't. I'm assuming almost all of it is the cheap stuff and not even sure if there is any place here at all to buy high quality. So I don't want to go on a wild goose chase if someone happens to have a solid suggestion.
  8. Seeking LGBT tourists is not ridiculous at all! You obviously know nothing about the economics of tourism. Targeting demographic groups that on average spend more or even much more is the name of the game!
  9. OK I'll give you that one as it was actually funny! Instead of the usual stupid and mean. Naturally it's not an original idea though:
  10. About senior HUD housing. Not sure how many people know about this. It's not Section 8, it's not the projects. It generally has a religious affiliation but there is never a requirement to follow the religion. There are typically some support services. It is not for assisted living. The rent is 1/3 of your income even if you're a millionaire, it's only based on income. Some are in great locations. Some not. Some are more run down and depressing, some are not. There is a selective application process and usually long waiting lists. Here's an example of a great one. In downtown Decatur GA suburb of Atlanta with a cute walkable downtown with lots of services and restaurants, with a Metro station! Senior Living Communities | Philips Tower (phgainc.org) I've looked at others that don't look so great. There's a Jewish affiliated one in central St. Pete. Florida. Incredible location but depressing building.
  11. More of your predictable negative stereotyping and bigotry. Really pathetic.
  12. Start white male month if you want to. Who's stopping you?
  13. There is already that anti LGBT topic going. Why do you need to infect this one too? Can't you just leave it alone? You don't have to participate. It's obvious you already dislike and resent LGBT gay people. DIdn't your momma ever teach you to live and let live? Every topic touching on LGBT is ultimately dominated by bigoted posts.
  14. My leather sofa was good in its day but it's such a wreck now that I need to cover it up and the freaking thing keeps slippin off anyway (and the support structure is deteriorating as well). Yes it's time for a new sofa. A comfortable sofa is important with all the must see t.v. going on and I like to lie down on it too. But considering what happened to the old sofa, not sure if I should start over with a new leather one knowing what happens to leather in hot weather (yes I mostly am using fans). So what are the other alternatives? Cloth -- but that gets funky right if you can't really clean it? Wooden frame with pads -- practical because you can replace the pads but I'm assuming not nearly comfortable enough That leaves vinyl. I've had cheap vinyl before and it's pretty disgusting as far as sweat and stickiness. But I've heard there is such a thing a high quality vinyl that's much better. So does anyone know if there is a local store that has sofas with high quality vinyl? I guess another option is to buy leather or or even cheap vinyl and just cover it up from the start. But in that spending a lot for quality leather sounds silly. I don't really mind spending a lot of money, so budget isn't the issue -- usefulness and comfort is. General comments and experiences on different types of sofa welcome as well.
  15. As will be evident to anyone thinking about repatriating while older, there are so many personal factors to consider that it's impossible to conclude any universal conclusions for all. There is the list of your personal priorities, the details of your finances, buying or renting home, the return on your investments if you hopefully have them, your risk psychology, your age, and your best guest at life expectancy. Obviously, it is very tragic if you run out of money at an old age with no earning power. I've been talking about the choice of living in a car dependent area with a lower rent vs, paying higher rent to live in an a non car dependent area. Ultimately, I think the financial situation would be wash out to be similar for me, but maybe not for you. What I'm saying with that is with a lower social security income as my only income, I would need to spend down my nest egg to live. Now older people are generally comfortable with a 4 percent spend down with annual increases for inflation but that is designed for 30 years of retirement! If you repatriate and you realistically don't have close to 30 years, then logically you could take a much higher spend down and still not ever run out of money. Let's take an example. Say you have a million dollars saved and invested (I don't). Yeah you could take 4 percent to start and be confident you wouldn't run out for 30 years. In fact, your nest egg might grow. But wait a minutie. If you start this math with 10 years left forgetting the risk that your guess is way off and you really have 30 years, it would be insane to start at 4 percent (if you don't care about a legacy). Yes this is grim math, but not that much different than looking at when to start social security. I have no idea what level of spend down would be "safe" with 10 years left, but I suppose there are probably financial tools to make such estimates. But let's say it's 10 percent (which sounds like it may be too high). Imagine if you have a decent nest egg what a huge difference in your quality of life between 4 and 10 percent. With the million example, that's 40K per year vs. 100K. Because this is grim math, I don't think there is much literature on that life span variable other than warnings that there is a good chance you'll guess way off.
  16. Well I found Pittsburgh to not be that high but I haven't made an extensive study of it. Yes 1800 is too much even without needing a car. I found a lot of listings that seemed to be tailored towards lower income seniors but it would be a case by case and not sure if those places are technically HUD senior housing. Pittsburgh would probably be one the better places to settle to aim to get into HUD senior housing eventually. I agree Atlanta and suburbs is now expensive. I do like Atlanta though. Athens GA would be cheaper than Atlanta. I recently saw Athens GA on a top 10 list of trendy places to retire to, so that's not good if retirees flock there.
  17. If there is a God, the jury will find Trump guilty. So it'll probably be hung.
  18. Bangkok I'm sure is glad that you live in the boonies.
  19. Intentional distortion of actual news. The U.S. embassy has indeed warned that they have information that there may be terrorist attacks at some Pride Events globally. Nothing specific about Bangkok. People can decide for themselves about risk but many Pride Events are wisely paying more attention to security. If that isn't happening in Thailand, that's reckless.
  20. "Normal" tourist? Come on man. I agree 40 sounds like an error. Maybe 4 if that.
  21. Wasn't that a lone wolf and not related to organized Islamist terrorism?
  22. That's pretty much it. There may be Palestinian factions that sometimes talk more reasonably about a two state solution, Israelis can't trust them much more so after October 7.
  23. I stopped adding at LGBT. People know what you mean regardless.
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