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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. There has be an actual election before that question makes any sense.
  2. Putin didn't win. It wasn't an election. Putin put on a show.
  3. Donald Trump. Adjudicated Rapist. Stochastic Terrorist. https://www.azcentral.com/story/opinion/op-ed/ej-montini/2024/01/10/donald-trump-kari-lake-invent-stochastic-terrorism/72173861007/
  4. They didn't. NOT voting in a sham "election" is a statement. Soon Putin will proclaim himself Czar and Vladimir the Great. The consensus in Russia is that a new mass mobilization will happen soon. Prepare to welcome many more non tourist Russians to Thailand.
  5. That's OK. Trump isn't a people either. He's an unhinged psychopath.
  6. Well Putin only got 10 percent of the Russians in Thailand vote! https://voteabroad.info/
  7. Which brings me to the topic of youtubers begging for money. I'm amazed how many people give them money in many cases large amounts. Good for them, but that's not me. I gave one youtuber 20 dollars once because he was giving me information of real value to me at the time and he seemed genuinely poor. I would have given more but the guy's conspiracy theory politics were so disgusting to me that I decided against that. Just entertaining me is not enough to even consider giving. From my POV, there is an infinite supply of FREE entertainment, so I don't value it so much. There is currently one guy that I'm actually considering becoming a paying member both because I admire him greatly and also that he offers perks to members that do interest me. Constantine of Inside Russia.
  8. Of course youtube is much more than made for youtube content. It's has regular tv shows, all kinds of movies, news shows, etc.
  9. I watch whatever I'm interested in at the moment and I'm interested in an incredibly wide range of stuff. Not sports thank God, except for certain bulgy wrestling videos. Wink wink nod nod. Plus of course what the algorithm feeds me when it gets me, and over time, it gets me to a creepy level (how I got started with the wrestling).
  10. So how do you describe being in a fascist cult of personality?
  11. This could just as well be about screen time addiction in general. Though I make a distinction between watching stuff and social media where you add your own stuff. Youtube is a mix if you are a commenter on top of watching, which of course I am. As said, I am NOT looking for advice on how to cure this addiction. So one might ask, what's the point of this topic? Watching in the background now:
  12. The UN can't force an apple out of a paper bag.
  13. Yeah he's fearless trying out all his new languages. That's one of the hardest things for language learners -- to be brave enough to not worry about sounding dumb. But for most of his videos what he actually learns is quite superficial so a lot of it is show biz. But on the other hand watch what he went through at the elite U.S. Naval language school in Monterey California and you will see for many things he really walks the walk not just talks the talk.
  14. Total sham. Fake election. Real opposition killed, jailed, or otherwise eliminated. Clown candidates approved by the Kremlin -- not even trying to win. Dictator Putin does this to try to claim legitimacy. The world should give him none.
  15. You're bragging about vile Jew hater Kanye West?
  16. NO! Who said this entire conflict started on October 7?!? You made that up. This current WAR started then. Hamas started this current WAR. The conflict of course is very long lasting. I really don't appreciate your lie here. You either have very poor comprehension or are toxically disingenuous. Try harder if you want to be taken seriously.
  17. Yes and no. For consumer purchases you have more protections and quicker refunds with credit rather than debit cards. For travel, buying air tickets, booking hotels, etc. you often need a credit card.
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