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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. You know how to try to derail a topic with petty arcane poppycock.
  2. Exactly. From my POV cannabis is a health enhancing herb. CBD and THC. Like any other substance it can be abused of course.
  3. I'm sure it won't be cheap. If you get more information on exactly what they do for passport renewal clients and of course the cost, please post it.
  4. It's not a genocidal war by Israel. The Israeli intention is not genocide. On the other hand, the intention of Hamas is genocide.
  5. That was her side of the story. Does it occur to you that the Israelis obviously thought she was aiming to run over people?
  6. One wonders? You obviously mean that YOU wonder. So own it dude.
  7. If the choice is Trump, then any random bozo off the street would be better, and Biden is much better than a random bozo. Electing Trump after what we know now about what he is would mean voting to end democracy in the U.S. I get that it might happen. Jim Jones happened. It's not too late to stop it.
  8. Winter will pause this regardless. We've known all along a protracted war favors Russia. It will be decided next year based on whether Washington finally gets its act together and helps Ukraine WIN instead of just hold on. Another key factor next year will be whether Ukraine is able to take out the bridge to Crimea.
  9. That's right. No group is a monolith. Saying all gays do this or that is ignorance and bigotry just as if you said something like that about other groups. You're just playing games. You know what I meant.
  10. Yeah I thought of that too. Push it underground and then the police can have a field day. Then people will need to decide if it's worth that risk. I find all this disgusting and stupid.
  11. It's much more popular than you think. Locals mostly buy it online from FB ads, etc. Most people of course as is the law don't smoke it in public.
  12. Major Update! Key Visa which used to offer U.S. passport renewal assistance no longer advertises this service since the passing of their long time well regarded Key owner Darren Mcgarry. RIP. They do still offer UK passport renewal assistance though. So as far as I know no local agency or lawyer has offered U.S. passport renewal service in Pattaya since then. Well, that's about to change. Integrity Legal of the famous youtube channel that some love and some hate is opening a Pattaya office. In this announcement, U.S. passport renewal at their Pattaya office is specifically promoted. This is NOT the place to argue that nobody wants or needs such a service! Because that simply isn't true. Some people do indeed want such a service. Whether anyone actually "needs" it or not doesn't really matter if some people want it and are willing to pay for it. Anyway, welcome to Integrity Legal to Pattaya: It should be noted that the U.S. embassy has started to do consular visits to Pattaya again. It used to be twice a year I think. Not sure what the regular schedule if any will be here going forward. Most of their previous business here was for income affadavits and as the embassy sadly doesn't do those any more, the demand is much less.
  13. You seem to be enjoying yourself spreading negative stereotypes about gay people. I will say it again. Gay people are not a monolith and that is a FACT.
  14. If they're pushing it underground, they can't get any TAX out of it. Sounds totally insane to me. I agree if they don't reclassify cannabis as a narcotic that the underground recreational market will be huge. Another thing I hate about it being pushed underground is losing the opportunity to set some kind of health and truth in advertising standards.
  15. I call B.S. You don't have to be a full blown Adolph to be legitimately pegged as extremist far right. The Dutchman in question has been for CLOSING all mosques in his country. He shelved positions like that to get elected but his shelved position tells you what he's all about and it's not pretty.
  16. Hi there, Do you already have a TM30 receipt in your passport showing your condo address and assuming you previously reported you were the owner. IF SO, I don't think you need to do anything. Recently I got my very first TM30 as a condo owner occupant. (In person.) They told me I will never need to do one again UNLESS I move.
  17. I guess the message to non far right wing extremist politicians is that they should take immigration policy more seriously if they don't want their country to be double Dutched.
  18. If I'm understanding your post, you didn't understand that the 90 day address report requirement RESETS when you reenter Thailand. So if you didn't know that and tried to report as if it didn't reset, that was simply WRONG. So if you did that your experience may not be relevant to those that know the correct information -- that the 90 day RESETS.
  19. So don't let single parents keep their children? Or better unadopted kids have no family than a gay family. The ignorant mean spirited bigotry is stunning.
  20. Gay people are not a monolith any more than other people.
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