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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Normal is a loaded word. The truth is we're all freaks in our own ways.
  2. You're confused. Such marriages ard illegal for all.
  3. Hardly. They say they're going ahead with severe tightening. The parties in power now both campaigned on that. They can credibly say they have a strong legit mandate from the people to do this. It's the first draft of an eventual bill that will DEFINITELY be passed. It's not a time to be an ostrich about that. There is some good news here. It sounds like they probably won't classify cannabis as a narcotic.
  4. No. It says no selling of buds. Period. It says no selling of anything but very low THC. Period. Medical with scrip makes no difference.
  5. Well I did have a look at the Creaky Floor but wasn't inspired to post there at all. It was OK for gossip about what might be happening here. The aseannow FB page failed to update progress and it was hard to fully discount the rumors that this place was over. If this happens again, I would appreciate more transparency.
  6. You didn't read the OP, did you? It's clear -- NO BUDS. Period. No sale of recreational cannabis. PERIOD. No sale of buds for medical use either. So only CBD and THC at such low levels that won't get anyone high. Will they go through with this insanity? I don't know. Will they build in a Thai style "never mind" like for prostitution? I don't know.
  7. Yes and no. There is a cultural tradition with katoeys but cisgender gays and lesbians are not as well accepted in Thailand as many westerners imagine. They see only the superficial.
  8. People deserve the same CHOICES on an equal basis. To oppose that is simply bigotry.
  9. Why would you presume that either way at this point?
  10. Above is a troll post. Nobody wants mandatory marriage of any kind.
  11. A bit of a guilty pleasure that I'm definitely guilty of: https://youtu.be/2vO4AKM_KGg
  12. I don't plan on repatriating. I don't travel to the U.S. HOWEVER, I recognize there might come a time where I will change my plans and end up repatriating. If that happens, I will be on a horribly tight budget and would need to radically lower my quality of life just to have a roof over my head. So saving the penality than would be a big deal. Paying the Part B now based on my budget in Thailand is totally painless. So maybe not the most logical reason to pay for Part B but it works for me.
  13. It tells you that they're tripping if they think many shops can stay open without selling buds.
  14. Like a pizzeria that sells only digestive biscuits. Are they having a laugh? A theory I've considered. The power brokers here control booze and cash in on it massively. As they don't control the weed business they see it as direct competition to the booze gravy train. Not saying it's a logical reason.
  15. But alcohol is OK then. For medical use only of course.
  16. I reckon its too late for the government to listen to the good sense of this Thai citizen.
  17. So drive sales of what people really want the buds into the black market so they can't tax it. Freakin' brilliant!
  18. Not saying I like her but at least she's not an insane American Mussolini.
  19. Haley would be OK. She's the only one left with any chance at all to beat Trump.
  20. In that case the Arabs started it just as Hamas started this war on October 7.
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