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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. River to the Sea garbage. Do you think Israelis or readers here are stupid? One state means the end of Israel. You clearly don't support the right of Israel to exist. I won't engage with you any longer. Where you're coming from clearly comes from a place of total ignorance, hatred of Israel, or both. Waste of time.
  2. WRONG! Do you even know anything about the conflict? Israel includes 20 percent Arab citizens. Try living as a Jew in the west bank or Gaza.
  3. The vast majority of Israeli Jews are Zionists. You obviously don't know the definition of Zionist. I prefer at least HONEST Hamas rhetoric to people like you trying to disguise genocidal desires and intentions.
  4. Total B.S. Israel has been in the past and would be again open to a negotiated two state solution if the other party they are dealing with accepts the right of Israel to exist as a Jewish majority state and does not insist on massive Arab return to the borders of Israel. In fact, that's how Israel was established by the U.N. -- a Jewish side and an Arab side. The Jews accepted. The Arab world attacked en masse.
  5. Translation -- you support the extermination of almost all Israeli Jews. DISGUSTING!
  6. Hilarious. It wouldn't be a "news" story at all if it was Thais.
  7. Unfortunately, as things stand now he's the favorite to take power again. The good news is that there is still plenty of time for that to fall apart.
  8. The grand poobad (sic) of grifters keeps on grifting. Shocking that anyone believes one word out of his mouth. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me a hundred times, shame on me.
  9. I explored Thai culture when I first moved here. I don’t like it. I don't like American culture either.
  10. Bingo. In Pattaya no need to bother and no need to be embarrassed.
  11. There are pros and cons. Avoidance of and filtering out of unpleasantness is a skill you can acquire.
  12. I haven't needed to hire a translator even once living in Pattaya. That says a lot compared to most other options, particularly in Latin America.
  13. I came accross this article and noticed that they included specific cities as well as entire countries on their list of places to retire abroad where English is spoken. Such as Boquette Panama and Ajijic Mexico. Best Places to Retire Overseas Where English Is Spoken | Retirement | U.S. News (usnews.com) Obviously this list is not inclusive. Like where is the Philippines for example? But they clearly missed out on listing Pattaya, Thailand! You can live in Pattaya (and Jomtien etc.) and never speak a word of Thai! You can do all your important business such as banking and immigration all in English. Pattaya has its pros and cons but the the fact that you can easily live here just with English is definitely one of those pros. So there.
  14. Fellow Travellers. If you're interested in stories about the McCarthy era (witch hunts against reds and queers). Eight part series.
  15. You can join them on Line. They have a range of strains for 180 a gram, 1500 for 10 grams, etc. Free shipping. COD OK and free shipping on that too.
  16. I was under the impression that they don’t allow in person renewal service. Am I wrong?
  17. So is marrying dogs which is another of the many specious arguments from homophobes opposing marriage equality.
  18. More Putin talking points. Freezing the current lines is a huge win for Russia and you know it.
  19. What British competition? They really do US passports? I'm surprised.
  20. You're just trolling now. Find a more gullible target.
  21. Sounds like you're mistaken. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/other/no-americans-included-in-hamas-hostage-release-puts-biden-in-gop-crosshairs/ar-AA1kutw3 I'm not sure Israel can afford to trade even one soldier much less scads of them.
  22. Yes but Hamas hasn't released any Americans or Israeli soldiers yet. From their POV those released so far are low value.
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