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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. He's a despicable lying conspiracy theory spouting CON MAN. A trump rama ticket would be two notorious con men. I hope they do it as that's a guaranteed LOSER. Start at 10:10
  2. That's ridiculous! The definition of Thailand tax resident is very simple. At least 180 days or more of the year being in Thailand. Having a DTA is a thing but it's not magic. The Thai tax authorities would need to see your foreign details to see in which way you qualify or not. Each nation that has one has a different one. This is going to be a field day for expat tax consultants here.
  3. I'm a huge fan of Nathan Fielder but his new show The Curse is at another level of sophistication and reactions to it will be very divisive. If you don't know him, I would suggest going back and watching his previous stuff as well. If you hate The Curse (as I think many will) you may love his previous work. Anyway, the first episode of The Curse is out.
  4. My take is at the very least eventually most Thailand tax resident expats are going to at least be required to FILE a Thai tax return even if they will owe nothing. I find this very not thrilling.
  5. None of the remaining five Rs have a chance to be nominated EXCEPT if trump explodes in some way. Such as felony convictions BEFORE the election. Scott would want to run as a VP but also won't be picked. He's definitely going to pick a woman.
  6. If you're sincerely asking whether the scum boy would help a trump ticket, I actually think absolutely not. Also he's more of loudmouth A-hole than trump is if that was even possible. He would never be picked. trump wouldn't want to be upstaged.
  7. Using the queer word is mainstream among YOUNGER LGBTQ people. It doesn't indicate that a person is necessarily an extremist / activist. It does indicate a person being on the younger side.
  8. Nikki Haley got it right calling ramaswamy scum.
  9. The region! Not a people! Palestinian Arab as a distinct political identity separate from Jordanian Arab etc didn't come until much later.
  10. The gay ones in Gaza and the West Bank either need to be totally closeted or be jailed or murdered by their government or family, or flee to Israel to seek asylum elsewhere as sadly Israel doesn't easily offer asylum to them. So Israel isn't perfect but it's massively better for queer people than any other Arab or Muslim country is. Queers for Palestine have lost the plot if they even had a plot to start with.
  11. Equal rights? In the context of the conflict now, that is MEANINGLESS! What do you mean exactly? River to the sea? One state where Israel would be instantly crushed out of existance? Right of return for all that identify as Palestinian Arabs into Israel? Again, you've said nothing if you don't SPELL IT OUT.
  12. You've got to be kidding! It's almost as bad for queers on the west bank. Duh.
  13. There isn't apartheid IN Israel though I realize it's the dumb fashion of the day to push that lie.
  14. Oh behave. I never said gay people or any other people are a monolith. Stop the sleazy games.
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