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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. MIsuse of the word grooming by the anti LGBTQ right wing. https://www.adl.org/resources/blog/what-grooming-truth-behind-dangerous-bigoted-lie-targeting-lgbtq-community What is “Grooming?” The Truth Behind the Dangerous, Bigoted Lie Targeting the LGBTQ+ Community Far-right and extremist voices have launched a significant attack against the LGBTQ+ community in 2021-2022, demonizing people via repeated false claims that LGBTQ+ people are “pedophiles” who are “grooming” children in order to abuse them. This false and malicious narrative has been weaponized to label the LGBTQ+ community as “groomers” and has fueled a slew of hostile legislation and policies aimed at erasing the discussion of LGBTQ+ related issues in schools, removing LGBTQ+ books from schools and public libraries and, especially, to ostracize, defame and harass transgender people.
  2. As far as LGBTQ civil rights certainly they should extend to LGBTQ youth as well. Also consider that many children have LGBTQ parents and they need their families value affirmed too. Compare to racial civil rights. Are those only for adults?
  3. There's that woke thing again. So according to you LGBTQ civil rights are woke thus bad? Can you even define woke?
  4. This isn't about predation or grooming. That's just part of a right wing fear mongering agenda that has nothing to do with reality.
  5. I wouldn't have done that event if I was Central. Corporations are looking for good PR not to inflame controversy. But the core idea of messaging to LGBTQ youth who do certainly exist that their lives have value is excellent and fair minded people should support it.
  6. Depending on what age of the children really. Straight pride is always code for homophobia. Straight people aren't marginalized by societies. Straight youth don't commit suicide because they're straight.
  7. It's quite offensive to suggest people that obviously exist that they don’t. It's sort of a psychological genocide.
  8. Ask a typical gay man when they knew they were different. Most will give a quite young age. In retrospect I knew at age 5. In my day people didn't come out super early which is quite common now.
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