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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Zero percent? That's absurd. Of course Trump would be the easiest to beat.
  2. It takes all kinds. I wonder when we'll see Russia in ESC again. If ever.
  3. People seem confused. Most democrats would be happy to nominate another candidate. But Biden is running and he won't face real opposition for the nomination. So those same democrats will be happy to back Biden against any Republican in the general. Except Larry Hogan. He would get a lot of more conservative democrats. But the trumpist party is too stupid to pick someone who can win.
  4. You'd be wrong. You're clearly extremely biased. Simply objectively he is highly likely to win just for being the incumbent! Yes Trump lost but really only because of covid and his shambolic response to it. https://www.npr.org/sections/itsallpolitics/2012/06/11/154745966/why-its-good-to-be-the-incumbent Why It's Good To Be The Incumbent Two political tried-and-truisms: Sitting presidents are hard to unseat, and history repeats itself. To the first point: In the past 10 presidential elections with incumbent candidates, the incumbents have won seven times. The only incumbent losers were Gerald Ford in 1976, Jimmy Carter in 1980 and George H.W. Bush in 1992. Finish the Job
  5. Already answered. He doesn't need people like you. He just needs 270 electrical votes. It will be very hard for any republican to beat him.
  6. He's old. I don't think Biden would be running again if his doctor told him he had a terminal disease. Democrats should understand he's a reasonably successful incumbent which means statistically and historically there is no other person with a better chance to beat whoever the trumpist party puts up.
  7. How to lose friends and end up rotting in Romanian prison.
  8. Biden is running. He's fired up and ready. We don't know who the Republicans will nominate but I agree DeSantis is bad news. My political dream is if they can cook up a plan to have Harris resign from the ticket. She's very unpopular and people will care a lot about the VP pick because of Biden's age. He can't otherwise dump her. Perhaps promise her a Supreme Court nomination?
  9. Well, Russia does have one of the best national anthems. I love it. You don't have to be pro Putin or pro Putin's war to love Russia's anthem.
  10. Tune out the disingenuous chatter. It's a good thing Fetterman took the seat. The democratic side is holding the line against American fascism. We didn't know whether or not Fetterman could recover quickly enough to keep serving but the most important thing was to hold the seat Job done. Thanks to Fetterman for his service to help save American democracy.
  11. Enough with the dramatic BS. Fetterman held the seat against the American trumpist party. If he needs to resign seems probable now Gov. Shapiro appoints a democrat to replace him and there is a new senate race there in 24. Oz won't be running. Next ...
  12. Don't forget Mescaline, Angel Dust, Quaaludes, Opium, Hashish, and Boone's Farm "Wine"
  13. Another Indian? Bill Ackman predicts Vivek Ramaswamy will be president in 2024 (nypost.com)
  14. I wouldn't remember. I do remember eating too many lobsters for one time in my life. My go to place had a beach view. I also remember a traumatic Annie Hall type of experience on a side trip to New Hampshire cooking the biggest live lobster you can ever imagine after watching it crawl all over the kitchen floor. Super big means very old which means not tasty. Murder in boiling water she wrote
  15. Russia has crossed so many red lines that you may as well stop counting. It's falling for Putin's fear mongering threats to take his red lines seriously. Taking Crimea means Ukraine wins and Putin probably is literally dead. So yes, he cares a lot about it. More reason to take it ASAP.
  16. Interesting. Of course in the US that is a middlebrow corporate chain that would never even be reviewed by serious food writers. I guess I'll have to get by on memories of my trip to Ogunquit Maine when I pigged out on seriously good and shockingly cheap lobsters.
  17. He's always been a misogynist and no chance of changing now https://www.theodysseyonline.com/he-said-what-10-misogynistic-things-donald-trump-has-actually-said
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