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Everything posted by Jingthing

  1. Can't name and shame unfortunately but decided to try out a local shop that presents as more high end with 250 baht cuts. Talked to the girl about what I wanted and she proceeded to start giving me a trim clean up at best. I stopped her after 5 minutes to explain I wanted a cut not a trim. She failed to correct it and then when she saw I was visually upset with her bad service she started acting out in ways that didn't make things better. A week later barbers are waving me into their shops as I clearly still need a cut! OK it's not uncommon to have bad haircuts anywhere especially when there's a language barrier but the sad part here is that I noticed the other stylist in that shop appeared to be super competent. At this point it would be awkward to return at all.
  2. Carville is a national treasure. He's also a white southerner. As such he can call out white trash when he sees it. Actually calling MTG white trash is mild compared to what she really is.
  3. *Deleted post edited out* The borders are not open. That is a lie. There was no such invitation.
  4. Pablum. Progressive Jewish students in the US are subject to explicit antisemitism and exclusion just for being in favor of Israel's right to exist. The word apartheid while technically a useful word is almost always associated with South Africa. White South Africans weren't indigenous there. Jews are indigenous to Israel. It's their ancient homeland. Israel demonizers know what they're doing. They use that loaded word intentionally to inflame and persuade people that Israel is evil and illegitimate. https://www.tabletmag.com/sections/israel-middle-east/articles/bellerose-aboriginal-people ___ Are Jews Indigenous to the Land of Israel? Yes. ___ There is no perfect and pure democracy. Duh. Do you think Arab Israelis really want to be in the IDF? It will end at Golan. .
  5. The founders never intended for their militia provision to lead to the river of blood of Americans we have now.
  6. Mission Impossible. The gun nuts have the power and they always have an excuse.
  7. Nope. You're broadcasting long ago debunked assumptions about calories. https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/theres-no-sugar-coating-it-all-calories-are-not-created-equal-2016110410602 There’s no sugar-coating it: All calories are not created equal " Looking only at calories ignores the metabolic effects of each calorie; the source of the calorie changes how you digest it and how you retrieve energy from it. "
  8. This was one of the most interesting sotu speeches I've ever seen. The engagement with hecklers was remarkable.
  9. No. https://www.webmd.com/diet/health-benefits-drinking-urine
  10. But it isn't. Israel demonizers BDS pipedreams are just that. Israel isn't apartheid South Africa. Israel isn't Putin's Russia. Israel is Israel.
  11. Absolutely Israel needs better leaders too. Hopefully the protests will make them cancel or at least soften the proposed extreme changes to the government structure.
  12. I agree it should be about quality of life. Longevity with a <deleted> quality of life isn't so great. I think you can improve your quality of life by changing the foods you eat. Losing weight and keeping it off is again statistically very unlikely.
  13. I said he was accused. He was accused. https://www.insideedition.com/19213-peeping-don-ex-beauty-queen-says-trump-burst-in-while-contestants-were-changing
  14. Well now that I read that the author doesn't have a serious weight problem it's worth noting he would not be a candidate for bariatric surgery or the new revolutionary anti obesity meds if they were available in Thailand. My suggestion of a middle path stands. Forget about a traditional go on a diet plan. Diets just don't work. Why torture yourself for nothing? Do consider changing the foods you eat to more health promoting ones and limit the health threatening ones as much as you can. You might consider researching Intermittant fasting. Ignore the dogmatic extremists on both sides. Enjoy your retired life in Thailand. You're doing well already not having a serious weight problem. At least be vigilant to make sure it doesn't get worse. Dieting could easily make it worse.
  15. Trump has been accused of being a peeping Donald on naked underage girls in dressing rooms of pageants he ran. He's on thin ice accusing others.
  16. Overall I do think Thai food is somewhat overrated but that could be a familiarity breeds contempt kind of thing. Yeah I get why it's popular internationally but I don't see how it rates compared to the best such as French, Chinese, Indian, etc.
  17. I agree he can and should try to eat healthier but the concept of "dieting" is passe for very good reasons. But temper expectations. Having a good social network in old age is arguably more important than body weight to health.
  18. You believe it. Diets do not work: The thin evidence that losing weight makes you healthier. (slate.com)
  19. I'm not surprised about the reaction to Kaeng Som. It's sour (and not sweet) and lots of people don't like sour foods. I happen to like sour and bitter but Kaeng Som isn't really a favorite of mine. The Thai foodie netizens should really get over themselves!
  20. Poutine is easy to find in Montreal. Montréal's best poutine | Tourisme Montréal (mtl.org)
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