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Everything posted by WDSmart

  1. I'll take "wokeness" over a "warrior ethos" everywhere.
  2. The USA has never been a democracy. It is a republic and, in the best case, could be called a "democratic republic." However, even that does not fit exactly because not all citizens are allowed to vote. Each state has its own rules on that, but in all states, a citizen must pass certain criteria before they are allowed to vote. It's not time for a king—a monarchy. Unfortunately, our "king," is money. What we need to do is reduce our dependence on capitalism and increase our socialistic features.
  3. I abhor the way the Taliban men are described as treating their women, but before we go too far in encouraging hatred of them, remember that it was less than five hundred years ago that we (the West) treated our women in much the same way.
  4. No, Biden did not "get much wrong" during his presidency. But, if you're looking for a president who will "get much wrong," you'll be able to find one over the next four years.
  5. I had a beard in my younger days. For most of my life, I have been clean-shaven. Now, however, at age 79, I only shave and trim my beard once a week, so I have the now-prevalent, one-week-old beard that many celebrities and male presenters on most TV news programs (like CNN).
  6. I hope they find the one who set the snare and put them in jail!
  7. I don't understand this. If he were taken to a public hospital (as opposed to a private hospital), his treatment fees would be zero. He would only have to pay for any medications he was prescribed to take, and even then, the cost would be very low.
  8. I certainly hope this is not true. I will add anyone who has any positive thoughts about Trump to my 'WTF?' list.
  9. I haven't seen this yet, but that was her duty as the VP. Just like confirming Biden four years ago was Pence's job. The last figures I saw said Trump got 49.7% of the popular vote and Harris got 47.4%. I wouldn't refer to that as just "more than a few votes."
  10. Human existence has not BECOME too complex to comprehend. It has always been incomprehensible because it is not based on logic and reason, which are the basis for comprehension. The best we can do is to make up excuses for human activity after the fact.
  11. Ah, ha! The person in question "knows" whether they are a "he" or a "she," and we should respect their gender identity and not impose our gender assignment on them. That's our "woke" position.
  12. You are right. I am very far left, so I do consider the "center" to be too accepting of the right.
  13. The gender of the driver, the cat, or the person hit doesn't matter to me. I did read the article, but I missed the references to the driver as a woman. Thanks for your correction.
  14. I am a proponent of free speech, but I never take anything I read on Meta or any other social media platform as factual. In fact, it's becoming increasingly problematic to find factual information anywhere on the Internet. Just read and enjoy them as you would, listening to stories told by a group sitting around a table and drinking beer at a bar. Just don't depend on anything you hear or read. I know many will disagree with me on this, but I do trust CNN. They do make mistakes once in a while, but then they acknowledge and correct them. That's, of course, IMO.
  15. This post doesn't have to do with UK transfers but is about "How to get funds to my Thai bank account." I just transferred my US Social Security payment from my US bank account to my Thai bank account (Krungsri). I'm always asked what the transfer is for, and I have always just put down a generic "Family Support" for" a long-term stay in Thailand." I'm on an O-type visa, which is a non-resident visa, and I have done this for about 20 years now. This time, however, the bank asked me to be more specific about the transfer, which was obviously specific to Thailand since it referenced Thai baht and non-resident accounts. There were many choices, and I finally decided on Non-Resident Transfers for "Other" Puposes, and further defined that as just "Personal Expenses." Has anyone else seen this change in the information required to initiate a transfer of funds from a foreign bank account to Thailand?
  16. I'm sure he didn't swerve to avoid the cat, KNOWING he would hit someone. That's the definition of an ACCIDENT. I would also swerve or brake to avoid hitting an animal, including a human. But would I swerve to avoid hitting a human, KNOWING I would then hit some other animal? I hope I never have to make that decision.
  17. I'm sorry to see this. Facebook is my main social media site, and I'd hate to see it go too far to the right. However, I do support Free Speech and certainly don't take everything I read on Facebook or other social media sites as true facts. I treat it like conversations with people sitting around drinking beer in a bar. They can be interesting, but I wouldn't count on any of them to be the absolute truth.
  18. Looks cute! Are they for sale here in Thailand?
  19. Lock 'em up! (The people that poisoned the dogs.)
  20. As far as I know, all banks do. I bank at Krungsri (Ayudhaya) and Bangkok Bank, and they both pay me interest. It's not much, but they do pay it.
  21. I've been calling for this for over a year now. I hope a ceasefire (permanent)/hostage return can be done as soon as possible.
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