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Korat Kiwi

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Everything posted by Korat Kiwi

  1. I found the same at Lotus'sss a few weeks back. They've changed the alc % from the standard 40 to 37.5. Possibly for a lower tax rate? But the new stock (37.5%) is the same price as the older 40% stock. Wine prices are still stupid for what is essentially red vinegar... Nasty stuff.
  2. I miss the old ramshackle ways when nighttime street vendors set up their wares on Sukhumvit road. Sure it was a pain if you were trying to go somewhere quick but the ambience was unique to the area. Haggling with vendors to get a few baht discount. Watching tourists that had no clue pay top dollar. But as they say, time stands still for no man.
  3. I use it too, once I've had enough clap trap from a person then they join that list. I've a fairly high tolerance so some survive but they are walking a thin line.
  4. I'm always surprised by how inexpensive bike parts are here. Even servicing is a hell of a lot less than NZ. I still do my own oil and filter changes tho.... Just a creature of habit! I finished reviving an older yamaha Mio a few weeks back. About 2000 baht and it's like new now. Keep on riding!
  5. Hey Lou, are you always this argumentative? ,Seems like no matter what anyone says you'll always take the opposite point of view. I suppose it generates a form of conversation for you.
  6. No but it seems a few upper echelon officials suck on a few
  7. He's just a kid with good work skills and obviously found a niche market that wasn't being filled. Pity he didn't do it via correct channels.
  8. Yes the government is after every little satang that it can get it's hands on. Guarantee this won't be the last of money making schemes. What's next? Hit tourists and foreigners with some other ridiculous form of tax?
  9. I'm sorry but on this one you are a clown. Transam is correct. Many years ago tattoos were associated with gangs and prison. But not so much now. Artists and sports people without any gang affiliations or jail time have tattoos. Your broad brush stroke of catergorising people with tattoos only magnifies your narrow mind.
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