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Everything posted by MalcolmB

  1. It might be that American who did the horse a couple of months back. It was a misunderstanding. His friends told him to go to Thailand to make love with the whores. But he thought they said go to Thailand to make love with the horse.
  2. You keep cleaning fish, I will stick to the science https://qz.com/358811/heres-why-your-farmed-salmon-has-color-added-to-it#:~:text=Since farm-raised salmon live,chicken fat%2C genetically engineered yeast.&text=An essential ingredient in these pellets is astaxanthin.
  3. The salmon you get in Thailand is the farmed salmon that is fed dye to give it that color. It would be white without the additive. There are other issues with it also. I used to eat a lot of it but wouldn’t touch it now.
  4. They are all stupid over there Fred. the cop was wrong, the thief was wrong. terrible place and they have appointed themselves “world police”. God help us all.
  5. Plenty of good wine available in Thailand. I think your problem is that you can not afford the good stuff. Your problem, not theirs.
  6. I agree she is less of dud. But she is still a dud. Trump only won because Hilary was more of a dud. Biden won because Trump was a dud. No wonder there is mass shootings daily over there. Trump wants to make USA great again. The only reason they were “great” in the first place was because of slave labor. That won’t be happening again with all the wokeness these days. So the USA will just continue the steady decline into being the biggest sh14hole on earth.
  7. It was obvious that Trump and Biden were both duds. Now after watching Kamala for a few weeks it is clear that she is also a dud. You can put lipstick on a pig.
  8. That you really feel the extra 1.5 degrees caused by climate change. I like the warmth but sometimes it is a bit too much. Back in Blighty I enjoyed the extra 1.5.
  9. The first four days he told me he had his period
  10. At least one of the stabbed girl saw also a migrant. Many people are forgetting that
  11. Probably a bit more to this story than what he is letting on.
  12. I think we all know that feeling of wanting to roll over and die upon discovering that the hot girl we have rented and have been intimate with turns out to have a penis. Just another part of living in Thailand.
  13. Biological father did a runner. Then when she was one, the stepfather did a runner.
  14. Over one hundred police have been injured in these race riots.
  15. They didn’t go around destroying peoples businesses. And they were tasered and given a good kicking. And didn’t throw bricks at people doing their jobs. I hope they lock up hundreds more of them. They have forfeited their right to live amongst us.
  16. I think it would be good for this Forum to have an end of year or Xmas party. i would love to meet a few of you in real life.
  17. I was planning to marry one late this year, but have pulled the pin. She was better than average for back in England but other better opportunities have come up since living here so I will go for something much younger. I have only been here for a few months but know more about Thailand that a lot of the long timers here.
  18. Yes good point. it is these types that do have problems with Thai people because they bring it upon themselves with their atrocious attitudes. this forum is very useful but you have to sift through the idiots. I usually just skip reading their posts anyway.
  19. The orange and black motorcycle, carrying four Thai women" Am I reading this correctly, four women on a motorbike? Women are such idiots when it comes to their very dangerous, stupid behavior on motorbikes. It’s like they do not value their lives and care less about anyone else on the road.
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